Sassounian’s column of June 10, 2010

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Erdogan Deserves Medal

As Fake Friend of Palestinians


In the past week the world witnessed an amazing performance by a government leader that even the most accomplished Hollywood actor could not match!

Turkey’s Prime Minister deserves an Oscar for presenting himself as a great humanitarian and protector of Palestinians. The people of Gaza are certainly oppressed and deprived, but Erdogan is not their knight in shining armor! One cannot champion human rights with unclean hands! This is the height of hypocrisy!

— How could Turkey blockade Armenia for 17 years and credibly call on Israel to lift its blockade of Gaza?

— How could Erdogan condemn Israeli attacks on Palestinians, when Turkish jets regularly bomb Northern Iraq (Kurdistan), killing and maiming innocent men, women and children?

— How could the Prime Minister of Turkey condemn Israel’s mistreatment of Palestinians, when his own country deprives Alevis, Armenians, Assyrians, Greeks, Jews and Kurds of their most basic rights?

— How could Turkey oppose the occupation of Palestine and Karabagh (Artsakh), while occupying Northern Cyprus and Western Armenia?

— How could Turkish leaders accuse Israel and China of committing “genocide,” when they deny the reality of Turkey’s own genocide of 1.5 million Armenians?

— How could Turkey claim to be champion of the Palestinian cause and leader of the Islamic world, while being Israel’s closest military ally in the Middle East for over a half century, and allowing Israeli jets to carry out practice bombing runs in Turkish airspace against Arab countries and Iran?

— How could Syria, Iraq and Iran trust Turkey, when it jeopardizes their national security by permitting Israeli listening posts along the border to collect intelligence on their countries.

— How could Erdogan be a guardian of human rights while journalists, attorneys, clergymen and human rights activists are persecuted and even assassinated in his own country?

— How could Turkish leaders claim that Israel is a “terrorist state,” while continuing to maintain a military alliance and multi-billion dollar trade with the Jewish state? Turkey pretended to side with Arab states, all the while conspiring with Israel to damage their national security!

Israel and the United States share responsibility for Turkey’s hypocritical behavior — they joined in supporting, defending and covering up numerous Turkish violations of human rights, denial of the Armenian Genocide, and suppression and ethnic cleansing of the Kurdish minority. In the past 60 years, the United States and other NATO members gave billions of dollars in foreign aid and military assistance to Turkey, vainly expecting to win its loyalty. This was a massive waste of U.S. resources, as Turkey did not even allow American troops to go across its border at the start of the Iraq war!

Turkey cleverly exploited Israel’s ill-advised attack on the Gaza aid flotilla, and sought to fill the vacuum created by the irresponsible inaction of Arab states. Erdogan is just as guilty as Israel’s leaders for causing the killing and wounding of the aid activists. He tacitly encouraged them to set sail to Gaza, knowing full well that there would be a bloody confrontation which would boost his own standing at home and abroad. Turkey’s junior brother, Azerbaijan, also gets a medal for hypocrisy as it issued a timid condemnation of Israel, so it could continue to buy arms and sell oil to that country. So much for Turkish-Azeri solidarity!

Of course, over the years, the Israeli government has acted just as hypocritically as Turkey’s leaders. While countering any and all manifestations of Holocaust revisionism, Israeli officials have shown no reluctance in supporting Turkey’s denials of the Armenian Genocide. But now that Erdogan has raised his voice against Israel to a fever pitch, Israelis have jumped at the opportunity of using the possibility of recognizing the Armenian Genocide as a weapon against Turkey. Armenians must reject such dishonesty. The Israeli government was not sincere when it denied the Armenian Genocide, and it is not sincere now in supporting its recognition! It is shameful to play cheap political games with an issue as horrendous and devastating as genocide. Israel and others should recognize the Armenian Genocide for only one reason: It is the absolute truth!

So far, Turkey has been all talk and no action on the Palestinian issue. Erdogan has not gone beyond giving fiery speeches against Israel. If he is honest about defending the Palestinians, he might consider:

1. Canceling all military contacts and contracts with Israel;

2.  Abrogating all public and secret military and strategic agreements with Israel, including intelligence-sharing; and

3.  Closing down the Turkish Embassy in Tel Aviv and Israel’s Embassy in Ankara.

In the aftermath of last week’s bloody confrontation, a major domestic controversy erupted in Turkey, when Erdogan accused Israel of breaking one of the Ten Commandments. After saying “You Shall not Kill” in Turkish, he repeated it in English and Hebrew, to make sure that Jews “could understand” his words! In response, Kemal Kılıcdaroglu, leader of CHP opposition Party, told the Turkish public that Erdogan himself had broken two other Commandments: “You Shall not Steal” and “You Shall not Lie!”

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6 responses to “Sassounian’s column of June 10, 2010”

  1. Ataman Avatar

    How could Harut Sassounian be such an idiot ?

    How could Harut Sassounian be such a liar ?

    How could Harut Sassounian ever been born from a Human being ?

  2. Dr. Erkan Esmer Avatar
    Dr. Erkan Esmer

    Is Harut Sassounian a member of the advisory group in TF? Does he upload his articles to Turkish Forum? If not who puts his articles in TF? I am getting sick of reading the stupid remarks of this racist, sworn enemy of Turks every week. Can this be stopped? It is getting under my skin!!!!

  3. “Dr.” Esmer follows the odd custom of using the title, even though he is of the Ph.D variety, it seems, rather than the physician sort. And although his self-glorifying website tells us of his aid to the coal industry in this country for lo the many decades, it seems that he has yet to mine any American values. In this case the value of free speech and debate.

    Showing true Turkish Nationalist Syndrome, a widespread illness in these pages, Dottore Esmer ridicules Harout Sassounian without taking on his ideas, and makes unwarranted accusations that to disagree with Turkish nationalism is also, somehow, to hate Turks or to be a racist. Ein Volk, Ein Reich!

  4. Dr. Erkan Esmer, Advisory Board Member Avatar
    Dr. Erkan Esmer, Advisory Board Member

    Mr. JDA if this Harut dude had any ideas to discuss, rather than being a rabid anti-Turk racist who makes stupid deragotary comments, I certainly would discuss them. It seems that many of the armenian-Americans haven’t learned any American values, except how to gauge taxpayer’s money and send it to a communist country. They make use of their religion to get sympaty in the west and make Turks and other Moslems seem evil. They complain when other Moslem countries act pro-Turkish when the whole Christian world believe their lies and side with them. JDA I pretend to be a gynacologist on Wednesday afternoon, ha ha. Every website of every company is pro-company, self glorifying in armenian lingo. By the way did you graduate from a high school yet? Be man enough and tell every one your real name. The old Turkish Anatolian adage was coined for for folks like you and Harut. “Eceli gelen fare kedi taşşağıyla oynarmış! ” Why are Turkish folk so much smarter than armenians?????

  5. Esmer,

    Please point out the racist or derogatory remarks that Sassounian made. As I read his column, he is making political, not racial, observations of the kind which appear in Turkish papers daily, albeit that he expresses points of view which Kemalists and Islamists alike do not. In the column above, he points out, as some Arab columnists have, that Turkey’s recent affection for the Palestinian cause is suspect.

    You discredit the education you are eager to publicize by childish name calling in your post above and elsewhere. Does it really suit a 70 year old engineer to make homophobic, racist and anti Christian remarks?
    Your colleagues in West Virginia have been notified.

  6. Dr. Esmer,

    You must understand that when you read a statement/post from JDA, you’re reading from someone who has used numerous aliases due to his being humiliated so many times by so many people. His new handle which is quite appropeau is “Chuckles the Clown”. You and all others should address him by this title (God knows he’s earned it). You see, I’ve dealt with Chuckles for some time now. He’s quite harmless. He keeps believing that I am someone else (Ergun K.). This is simply part of his delusionary state. He thinks that he’s with the FBI, that he was in military service (but can’t answer a simple question anyone in boot would be able to get), is under the delusion that he is a forensic psychologist. He does indeed try to portray himself as being knowledgeable, but always gets caught without a response, then disappears for awhile. Actually, he relieves my boredom, that’s why I even bother to communicate with him. So you see, don’t take anything he says personally, and always with a grain of NaCl.

    As for Harut S., unlike what Chuckles claims about him, I have written to him on more than one occaision. I have caught him in lies a few years ago and called him on them. He could never respond to me after that. I openly challenged him (and still do here, on Armenian Weekly and Azberaz). Again, no response. Thus, he has no credibility when he prints false information and can’t/won’t back it up, especially when he’s too afraid to respond and runs away with his tail between his legs! Don’t let someone who wants to live in a dream world of being a professional journalist (sans credibility) get to you. He actually does believe that he’s a journalist!! Pity him instead, just as everyone pitys poor Chuckles the Clown!

    Finally, be proud in the fact that we Turks fear no one, unlike certain other groups who would never allow a Turk to post on their sites, let alone post an article. This shows their typical cowardice from the truth ultimately making its presence known. After studying the Armenian, you come to realize that many (but not all) have long ago been properly classified. As far back as Feb of 1895, Sir Ellis Bartlett stood on the floor of London’s parliament and said…”Armenians are of all the Oriental people, the most subtle, adroit and the most PRONE TO LYING!”. Do what I do…play with them as you would a child, for the majority aren’t much different.

    Take care kardesim.

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