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Rabbi Menachem Froman Present A Peace Plan To Turkish PM

Photo by: Elad Brin

Photo by: Elad Brin

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Erdogan received Rabbi Menachem Froman and Sheikh Ghassan Manasra from Jerusalem Peacemakers initiative.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan received on Thursday Rabbi Menachem Froman and Sheikh Ghassan Manasra from Jerusalem Peacemakers initiative.

The 45-minute meeting was held at Erdogan’s residence in the Turkish capital of Ankara.

Rabbi Menachem Froman from Jerusalem Peacemakers initiative said that they presented a peace plan to Erdogan on Thursday.

Replying to questions of AA correspondent, Froman said they believed that Turkish Premier Erdogan could bring peace to the region.

Froman said they would also present the peace plan to Israeli government, Palestinian government, governments of Arab countries, European countries, Russia and the U.S. government.

Replying to a question, Froman said Erdogan was a great leader for settlement of peace.

Froman said he came to Turkey after Israel’s raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla and several ministers in Israel were waiting for the result of his visit to Turkey.

Sheikh Manasra quoted Prime Minister Erdogan as telling them that he would support efforts for peace in Middle East in Thursday’s meeting.

Only Turkey could bring peace to the region, Manasra said.



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