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PM David Cameron: Blockade actually strengthens Hamas’s grip on the economy and on Gaza

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(Reuters) – Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron took part in his first question and answer session in parliament on Wednesday.


Cameron formed a coalition government with the Liberal Democrats after an election last month failed to produce an outright winner.

Below are highlights from the session:


“I regret to report that a number of people have been shot and that at least five people have died. I can confirm that the body of a gunman has been found now by the police.

“A full statement will be made to parliament tomorrow.”


“What has happened is completely unacceptable, we should be clear about that. And we should also deplore the loss of life.

“We should do everything we can through the United Nations, where resolution 1860 is absolutely clear about the need to end the blockade and to open up Gaza.

“Friends of Israel, and I count myself a friend of Israel, should be saying to the Israelies that the blockade actually strengthens Hamas’s grip on the economy and on Gaza and it’s in their own interests to lift it and to allow these vital supplies to get through.”

(Reporting by Adrian Croft and Matt Falloon)


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