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Roj TV Caught Red-handed

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Monday, 24 May 2010

By Gamze Coskun, JTW

Roj TV-PKK connection, ignored by Denmark, is revealed by the photos and statements of the resigned general manager of the channel, Maonuchehr Zonoozi.

Maonuchehr Zonoozi who resigned from the channel in 2008 made striking statements. Zonoozi stated that he got in contact with the Denmark police to bear testimony and gave photos proving the Roj TV-PKK connection; however the police did not do anything about the issue.

Maonuchehr Zonoozi indicated that he did not know about Roj TV’ laundering PKK’s money gained from drug smuggling and human trafficking.

Zonoozi who had been general manager of the channel for 10 years said that he realized the connection in 2004 when they had a meeting at a PKK camp in Erbil. He added that he struggled for preventing PKK’s intervention to the TV’s broadcast.

Furthermore, he emphasized that he resigned from his job because of Belgian PKK militants’ threats. Zoroozi said, “Go and see the personnel working at Roj TV, all of them are people injured at conflicts.” Maonuchehr Zonoozi also implied that Murat Karayilan was continuously in touch with Roj TV broadcast center through satellite phone and Director of the channel Henrik Caprani Winkel was aware of this fact.

Reactions to the News

Prime Minister Rasmussen’s Party Spokesman on Policy of the Law, Kim Andersen, indicated that he wanted to learn why this issue was not taken into consideration by the police. Socialist People’s Party spokesperson Karina Lorentzen said that such an action tarnishes the image of Denmark about war on terror.

However, Prosecutor Lise Lotte Nilas stated that it is not forbidden to contact with the organizations in the list of terrorist organizations. Furthermore, she implied that what is important is whether Roj TV supports terrorism, and causes the terrorist actions to accelerate.

Journal of Turkish Weekly

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