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July 7 inquests to probe alleged ‘failings’ of Police and Security Services

world dunya harita politika
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The inquests into the deaths of 52 people in the July 7 bombings will scrutinise alleged failings by police and the security services.

Coroner Lady Justice Hallett said it is “not too remote” to investigate what was known in the years before the atrocities took place.

She told the Royal Courts of Justice that inquests into the deaths of the four suicide bombers will be held separately and she will sit without a jury.

Announcing that she will resume the inquests later this year, Lady Hallett said: “The scope of the inquest into the 52 deaths will include the alleged intelligence failings and the immediate aftermath of the bombings.

“I am sure however that the survivors, despite not being granted interested persons status, will play an important part in the process. I will do all I can to make sure their interests are properly taken into account.”


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