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Dear fair-minded, honest, truth-seeker,

As you may be aware, members of the Armenia Caucus are circulating a “Dear Colleague” letter, signed by Berman, to counter the letter by the Turkey Caucus to Speaker Pelosi, the latter urging that the alleged Armenian Genocide Resolution (H. Res. 252), recently passed by the Foreign Affairs Committee, not be brought to the full House for a vote.

The authors, i.e. Berman’s Armenian writers, would have you believe that passage of the bill by the House would do no “irrevocable harm” to U.S. national security, not “derail ongoing efforts” by Armenia and Turkey to normalize relations, or harm in any way the U.S. economy by putting American exports to and investment in Turkey at risk.

I disagree with many points in the Armenian letter signed by Berman, but I take particularly strong exception to the use of the phrase ‘Armenian Genocide’ without the qualifier “alleged” before it. There is no court verdict supporting the Armenian claims which strive to pass a bogus genocide as settled history. We all know, beyond a shadow of doubt, that it is neither a genocide nor settled.

In doing so, it flies in the face of the overwhelming weight of unimpeachable historical evidence and the virtually unanimous opinion of non-Armenian, non-partisan, and un-biased scholars, researchers, and historians, as well as many Turkish ones. In fact, the man who coined the term “genocide,” Rafael Lemkin, was duped by the Armenian propaganda, just like many in the unsuspecting public, to consider the World War I-era revolts, treason, and terrorism by Armenians and the mutual massacres and TERESET (temporary resettlement) that ensued the Armenian disloyalty and fifth column to constitute genocide.

In 2003, I have coined a much needed companion term, ETHOCIDE, a short definition of which is “systematic extermination of ethics by malicious and repetitive mass deception for political and other gain”, simply to fill the vacuum where racist and dishonest Armenian falsifiers and Turk haters would abuse to pass their revolt as genocide. A simple search on the net for ETHOCIDE will reveal more extensive coverage of the term, its uses, and sources.

I also reject the downplaying by the Armenian falsifiers and Turk haters the various national-security arguments cited by the Turkey Caucus letter. I believe that US-Turkish security relations should not to be distorted and downplayed into fodder for the greedy and tricky Armenian propagandists. The US-Turkish mutual interests should not be allowed to be destroyed by self-serving Armenian lobby and their irresponsible politician benefactors like Berman, Schiff, Pallone, or others.

The US is not about to discard the immense benefits it derives from bilateral security relations for the sake of “rewarding” Armenia with a defamatory resolution. For example, would the US risk losing logistic support and real-time intelligence in America’s war on terrorism, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan and elsewhere? Highly doubtful. How about the delicate role of Turkey on the issues like Iran and its nuclear projects, Israel-Palestinian conflict, Pakistan, and the Balkans and Central Asia?

Moreover, the acknowledgement of a racist and dishonest resolution promoting a bogus genocide by other governments and parliaments suggests that Armenian euphoria would be limited and short-lived, at most. It would start poisoning Turkey-US relations all over again the next year, and then the next, and the next, repeating an endless, meaningless cycle. Why? Because some dishonest and racist people actually derive their livelihood from the “genocide industry”, in terms of votes, dollars, book sales, speaker’s honorarium, film financing, panels, exhibitions, travel, etc. Think of Nazi propaganda machine only run by equally atrocious but much trickier Armenian lobby and their thinly-veiled Turk-hating partners.

In addition, I dispute the argument that passing H. Res. 252 would not derail the Turkish-Armenian protocols. The protocols have been gathering dust in the Armenian parliament since they were signed in October, and particularly in light of the preconditions fabricated by the Armenian constitutional court and Armenian leadership. There is little likelihood that they will be ratified any time soon because Armenians still resist the world pressure to end their brutal military occupation of Karabagh and seven surrounding provinces, constituting 20% of Azerbaijan’s soil, and allow a million Azeris, mostly women and children, to return to their homes from which they were evicted 18 years ago by Armenian bombs and bayonets. (It is remarkable how Berman letter is shamefully silent about the 18-year-old-and-counting Azerbaijani suffering at the hands of Armenians.)

Finally, I take issue with the assertion that passing the resolution would not harm the U.S. economy. It strains credulity to believe that the US, at a time when its economy is reeling from the effects of a deep seated crisis, would reject Turkish economic cooperation and investment and stop trading all Turkish products just to appease a few loud and selfish Armenian falsifiers and their self-serving, Turk-hating, irresponsible partners by letting the House adopt a racist and dishonest resolution appearing before us for the millionth time.

In a more general sense, I am deeply disturbed by this morally-blind line of argument, as it could be used to justify inaction by Armenia in Karabakg and the seven provinces of Azerbaijan.

I do not accept the arguments of those who expect no potential harm to U.S. national security should the House pass the alleged Armenian Genocide Resolution, totally disrespecting Turkish sensitivities and real politik of the region.

What I can neither accept nor respect is any claim, direct or implied, that one of the greatest lies of modern history did actually happen.

I say to those: PROVE IT!

And if you cannot, then simply shut up!


Ergun Kirlikovali

PS: There are always two sides to any story. Don’t anyone ever forget that!

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