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Turkey, leader of the Muslim world?

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Neil Reynolds

Turkey, leader of the Muslim world? AP

Political scientist George Friedman thinks so. When the next global war breaks out, he reckons, Turkey will join Japan to drive the U.S. out of the Middle East and the Pacific


Neil Reynolds

Published on Monday, Apr. 12, 2010 5:00AM EDT Last updated on Monday, Apr. 12, 2010 11:25PM EDT

In mid-March, Turkish President Abdullah Gul travelled to Cameroon for his country’s first trade mission to a central African nation. He got a warm welcome, The Economist reported. “Turkey must reclaim its mantle,” one Islamic cleric told him, “as leader of the Islamic world.” In this context, you’re not talking restoration of the Ottoman Empire – you’re talking expansion. Although the Ottoman Empire embraced Egypt, Libya, Algeria and Sudan, it never reached central Africa. For its part, The Economist recognized the credibility of resurrected Turkish ambitions. African countries have bitter memories of Western colonialists and Arab slave traders, the magazine noted. In contrast, they regard Turks as enlightened and humane.

Read political scientist George Friedman’s The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century and you find yourself pondering – almost against your will – the apparent implications of otherwise insignificant news events. You’ll be skeptical, for instance, of Mr. Friedman’s assertion that Turkey will put together an Ottoman alliance before 2050 – with Ankara the capital of a Muslim brotherhood of nations that stretches from Bosnia-Herzegovina to Saudi Arabia, from Morocco to Afghanistan. Yet, Mr. Friedman presents his geopolitical analysis with a stern and, in many ways, compelling logic.

Why would Turkey emerge as the leader of the Muslim world? Mr. Friedman notes that Turkey is the richest Muslim country – the only Muslim country with “a modern economy.” Turkey is the 17th-largest economy in the world with GDP of $600-billion (U.S.). Iran is 29th (GDP: $300-billion). Egypt is 52nd (GDP: $125-billion). Think of Turkey as a European country and it ranks seventh. Further, Iran is too erratic and too radical to assume regional leadership, and Pakistan is too unstable.

When the next global war breaks out, Mr. Friedman guesstimates, Turkey will join Japan to drive the United States out of the Middle East and the Pacific. He says the war is most apt to begin at 5 p.m. on Nov. 24, 2050 – American Thanksgiving – when Japan, mimicking its Second World War success at Pearl Harbor, launches a sneak attack on U.S. space-based communications satellites.

As bizarre as this prediction sounds, Mr. Friedman is no crank. Author or co-author of six books on war and peace, he is an academic who founded Stratfor, a private intelligence consulting company based in Austin, Tex. He holds a doctorate in government from Cornell University. Born in Hungary, son of Holocaust survivors, his family was a classic example of refugees who “made it” in America.

Mr. Friedman’s Next 100 Years became a New York Times bestseller when it was published a year ago. However contrary to conventional expectations (in asserting, for example, that China and Russia will both falter economically in the next two decades), this book warrants the reading time. Even where and when it’s wrong (or most apt to be wrong), Mr. Friedman’s analysis is instructive.

As with the First World War, Mr. Friedman argues, the next global conflict will be a war that no one wanted. Driven by demographic decline, Japan will feel compelled to acquire a captive work force on the Chinese mainland. Driven by the collapse of Russia, Turkey will feel compelled to bring order to anarchic neighbouring states. The U.S. will feel obliged to restrain these countries – by force.

History doesn’t necessarily repeat itself, Mr. Friedman says. But it often mimics itself. Each war creates the conditions for the next – and the perceptive observer can rationally anticipate the rise and fall of empires. The conflict that begins midway through the 21st century, he says, will be primarily a space war between Japan and the U.S. and a land war between Turkey and U.S.-allied Poland, the two countries that will seek to fill the vacuum when Russia implodes. Because most of the war will take place in space, there’ll be few civilian casualties – and perhaps only 50,000 soldiers killed in four years of war.

Who wins? Mr. Friedman says the U.S. never goes to war to achieve something, only to prevent something. For this reason, it doesn’t need to win to accomplish its objectives. This makes an American victory in war almost axiomatic. Further, the U.S. is so powerful that the rest of the world combined can’t defeat it. Mr. Friedman notes that no vessel sails anywhere in the world without the implicit protection – some would say the implicit permission – of the U.S. Navy. Like it or not, the 21st century belongs to the United States.

Incidentally, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan travelled to Sarajevo last week for the country’s first state visit to Bosnia-Herzegovina – a country that thrived as a client state of the Ottoman Empire for 400 years.

Latest Comments

Republic of Saturn
4/13/2010 3:41:22 PM
That Mr. Friedman even forgot his own history. America reached the status of no 1 economic power before 20th century already, but it took them another 50 years, and quite reluctantly, to reach the dominant status.

And let’s talk about German and Japan, how they jumped up and down for the “hegemony status”? It didn’t work out for them. Americans didn’t want that status at the first place, the danger for them now, is to overreact to maintain that status, like Bush Jr did. It’s counter-productive.

Republic of Saturn
4/13/2010 3:10:13 PM
“This will be the last attempt by a nation to achieve global hegemony – whether it will succeed or not, is the giant question. ”

That’s way of over blowing. Chinese have been the “global hegemony” in their sphere for many times, they know more than anyone else what you can do and what you can’t.

It didn’t take long for the biggest empire builder, Mongols to collapse into nowhere, even they defeated all their rivals. That doesn’t work. The strength of Chinese isn’t how they can gain hegemony, but how they cope with down turn – that’s the biggest trick.

Until now, no one could pass that test except Chinese. They came and gone, but Chinese are always there.

4/13/2010 12:54:57 PM
Wow ! Can I buy whatever he’s drinking ?!? No, no, Turkey in no way would be able to knock off the U.S! And Japan, of all countries, has no army of international repute. The next global war will pit the Communist Chinese against the world. China will call in the U.S. loans, starting an economic collapse in the West. The West has no manufacturing, and when the Chinese halt shipments to the West, the West won’t be able to produce enough goods to kickstart the economy. Note China will have broad trade with most of the 3rd World, so the stopped shipments, to the West, won’t hurt the Chinese economy significantly. To be sure, there will be included in this ‘push’ a huge cyber-attack, coupled with the destruction of America’s satellites, thereby crippling U.S. intelligence, as it relies too heavily on satellites and too little on the ground intelligence. China will push the Russians out of Siberia, to collect its oil/gas wealth. To create havoc in the enemy countries, China will have the largest 5th column ever seen in the history of man. China may well wait out the current Judeo-Christian – Muslim disharmony, letting the West spend billions and billions of more dollars, weakening them for the crucial push. This will be the last attempt by a nation to achieve global hegemony – whether it will succeed or not, is the giant question.
4/13/2010 9:54:27 AM

“Yields to maturity on Turkish eurobonds are certainly not 15-18%. Even Turkish bonds denominated in lire are circa 6.5% p.a. looking at government issues.

You are using data from 2002, which was a long-time ago, and not long after the emerging market default of Russia in 1998, but around the time of the Argentine debt default when EM rates spiked.”

Thank you for challenging only one of my Turkey’s economic metrics. You might be right, might be though!

How about the others?

By the why, my Turkish Lira investments in Is Bank returns me 12 % annual interest, and if I compound it with monthly returns I reach 14 % – 16 % annual compounded gain.

name already taken
4/13/2010 9:15:29 AM
Hi Mr. Mell,

China breaking up into several pieces is a real problem.

I think that the answer is to give Chinese Regions real power, and change China into a federation of Regions: e.g. Manchuria, Central China, Wu, Yue, Min, Tibet, Xinkiang, Zhuang, Taiwan ….

This was actually proposed after the fall of the Qing Empire: but Chiang Kai Zhek led his army north and conquered most of China.

(Once China is federated, then it will be open for other countries to join this federation: e.g. Thailand, Singapore ….)


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