Gul Named Chatham House Prize Winner Because Of His Leader Qualities, Says Chairman

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LONDON (A.A) – 19.03.2010 – Turkish President Abdullah Gul has been voted the winner of this year’s Chatham House Prize because of his qualities as a national, regional and international leader, Chairman of Chatham House said on Friday.

“I warmly congratulate the President on this award which recognizes his accomplishments and acknowledges the growing influence he has achieved for Turkey,” DeAnne Julius said in a statement.

Gul will be invited to collect the award and a scroll signed by Queen Elizabeth II at a ceremony in London later this year. The other nominees for this year’s prize were French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde and Croatian President Stjepan Mesic.

Robin Niblett, Director of Chatham House, said “Chatham House members have a deep interest in international affairs and have voted for President Gul to acknowledge his efforts within Turkey as well as on the international stage. Our members represent a cross-section of the most influential globally orientated individuals in business, academia and public life.”

Suzan Sabancı Dincer, a member of Chatham House Panel of Senior Advisers, and Chairman and Executive Board Member of Akbank, said that she was proud and delighted that President Gul is to receive this prestigious award.

“His efforts to bring stability and prosperity to Turkey’s region and his encouragement of Turkey’s rapid progress towards reform and full European integration have been acknowledged by Chatham House members,” she said.

The Chatham House Prize is an annual award presented to the statesperson deemed by members of the Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House to have made the most significant contribution to the improvement of international relations in the previous year. (TÇ-CE)


President      Abdullah Gül Voted Winner of the Chatham House Prize 2010


Abdullah Gül, President of Turkey, has been voted the winner of
the Chatham House      Prize 2010. This annual award is presented to
the statesperson deemed      by members of the Royal Institute of
International Affairs at Chatham      House to have made the most
significant contribution to the improvement      of international
relations in the previous year.

President Gül is recognized for being a significant figure for
reconciliation and moderation within Turkey      and internationally,
and a driving force behind many of the positive      steps that Turkey
has taken in recent years.

Mr Gül has worked to deepen Turkey’s      traditional ties with
the Middle East, mediate between the fractious      groups in Iraq
and bring together the Afghan and Pakistani leaderships to try to
resolve      disputes during 2009. He has also made significant efforts
to reunify the      divided island of Cyprus and has played a leading
role, along      with his Armenian counterpart, in initiating a process
of reconciliation      between Turkey and Armenia.

President Gül is also recognized for being an unwavering
proponent of      anchoring Turkey      in the European Union. Under
his leadership, Turkey is consolidating      civilian democratic rule
and undergoing extensive political and legal      reforms to bring the
country closer to European standards of democracy      and human rights.

President Gül will be invited to collect the award and a scroll
signed by      our Patron, Her Majesty The Queen, at a ceremony in
London later this year.

Dr DeAnne      Julius, Chairman of Chatham House, said:
‘President Gül has been      voted the winner of this year’s Chatham
House Prize because of his      qualities as a national, regional and
international leader. I warmly      congratulate the President on this
award which recognizes his      accomplishments and acknowledges the
growing influence he has achieved      for Turkey.’

Dr Robin      Niblett, Director of Chatham House, said: ‘Chatham
House members have      a deep interest in international affairs and
have voted for President Gül      to acknowledge his efforts within
Turkey as well as on the      international stage. Our members
represent a cross-section of globally      orientated individuals in
business, academia and public life.’

Suzan Sabanci Dinçer, Panel of Senior Advisers, Chatham House,
and      Chairman and Executive Board Member, Akbank, said: ‘As a
Chatham House      Senior Adviser and a Turkish citizen I am proud and
delighted that      President Gül is to receive this prestigious award.
His efforts to bring      stability and prosperity to Turkey’s region
and his encouragement of      Turkey’s rapid progress towards reform
and full European integration have      been acknowledged by Chatham
House members.’

About      the Chatham House Prize
The process to select the nominees of the Prize draws      on the
recommendations of our research teams and the advice of our three
Presidents. Chatham House members then vote for the winner in a ballot.
The winner is presented with a crystal award and a scroll signed
by our      Patron, Her Majesty The Queen. The other nominees for the
2010 Prize were      Christine Lagarde, Finance Minister, France and
Stjepan Mesic, President      of Croatia (2000-10).

Previous      Winners of the Chatham House Prize
President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil won the Prize in
2009;      President John Kufuor of Ghana was the 2008 winner; HH
Sheikha Mozah,      Chairperson of the Qatar Foundation for Education,
Science and Community      Development, was the 2007 winner; Joaquim
Chissano, President of      Mozambique (1986-2005), was the 2006
winner; and President Victor      Yushchenko of Ukraine was awarded the
inaugural Prize in 2005.

About      the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham
Chatham House is both the name of the building in London in which
the institute is based      and the name by which the Royal Institute
of International Affairs is      widely known. Our mission is to be a
world-leading source of independent      analysis, informed debate and
influential ideas on how to build a      prosperous and secure world
for all.

Chatham      House Presidents
Chatham House is politically independent and has Presidents
and Council Members from each of the three major UK      political
parties. Our Presidents are: Lord Ashdown,      (High Representative of
the International Community and EU Special      Representative in
Bosnia        and Herzegovina between 2002-06); Sir John Major, (UK
Prime Minister 1990-97); and Lord Robertson (Secretary      General,
NATO, 1999-2003).


Dates for the award ceremony will be released in a separate
press announcement when the details are confirmed. The award ceremony
will take place in London      and will be open to the media.

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One response to “Gul Named Chatham House Prize Winner Because Of His Leader Qualities, Says Chairman”

  1. mok10501 Avatar

    I call this British high expectations. It appears that they are planning to fill the position that will soon be available following the relation between US and Turkey breaks down, completely.

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