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A former British ambassador to Armenia, David Miller:

“I am delighted that for once the House of Representatives has refused to be bullied either by Turkey or by the U.S. administration,” he told a panel discussion at the London School of Economics (LSE) late last week. “I think it is absolutely splendid news.”

Miller, who served as Britain’s first resident ambassador in Yerevan in the mid-1990s, dismissed retaliatory measures threatened by the Turkish government. “The Turks, of course, will make a terrific fuss, as they always do when this sort of thing happens, but that’s the reaction of a bully,” he said. “We went through this with the French recognition.

“There was a tremendous hoo-ha: withdrawal of ambassador and cancelled defense contracts … This lasted for about three or four weeks before they got back to normal.

“I should be very interested to see whether Turkey is serious about its threats to eject U.S. troops from Turkey, not to play the game in Afghanistan and so on and so forth,” added the retired diplomat. “Personally I think they will bluster, they will threaten and in the end nothing will happen.”‘should-not-be-taken-seriously-says-ex-british-envoy/


Former UK Ambassador to Armenia: “I don’t think Turks will dare to rupture relations with U.S.”


Great Britain not to approve Armenian Genocide resolution, PACE President, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu,


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