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Good news! Apparently, an unassuming event in a place tucked away in picturesque Spain may elucidate the ugliness and shamelessness behind the persistent Armenian deception surrounding the alleged genocide.

It is not uncommon to wake up to news that the parliament of so and so place passed a resolution recognizing the alleged” Armenian genocide. Names like Wales, Catalonia, Patagonia, Uruguay, and others make you think: “What? Do these voters even know where Armenia is today, let alone the complexities of the Armenian revolts, treason, and terrorism of 1877-1921 period and the Ottoman Empire’s security measures taken in response to them some 100 years ago half a world away?”

Then you read the resolution and go : “Hmmm. Where did I read that before?”

Finally it downs on you: it is the same worthless and baseless propaganda piece you have seen in all the perennial resolutions in the US Congress and elsewhere, penned by the Armenian extremists, and shoved down the throats of unsuspecting public through equally devious and selfish politicians who could not give a damn about history and even less about human rights. Because if they did, they would not violate the human rights of Turks by ignoring article 11 which says every human being is entitled to defend him/herself in the face of accusations. Turks’ right to defend themselves against the accusation of a high crime are stripped with the ill-informed and malicious votes. American (and universal) value of assumption of innocence until the guilt is proven, at a court of law, after due process, is abandoned.

This happens all too often, no thanks to the deceitful Armenian lobby, victimizing Turks. In the meantime, no word of condemnation of Armenian terrorism since 1973 causing 70+ fatalities among Turkish diplomats or Armenian ethnic cleansing and aggression in Azerbaijan since 1992 causing one million Azeris to suffer in leaky tents while their homes are populated by Armenian soldiers conducting target practice on places of Azeri cultural heritage, schools, and mosques. I guess current human suffering of enormous dimensions is not as important to these righteous, virtuous, honorable politicians as the falsified history of a scheming Armenian radicals.

Back to the story. You then dig a bit deeper to find out about the Patagonia-Armenia connection and that’s when you notice the dishonest and corrupt Armenian lobby rearing its ugly head. You check it in Wales… Catalonia… You see them everywhere… And the mystery is resolved: the politicians are duped by the Armenian lobby.

Here is how the Armenian lobby does it: the contacts of the Armenian community are used to impress upon unsuspecting people that Armenian are persecuted by Turks, never showing them the photos of Armenian thugs armed-to-the-teeth ( murdering Turkish women and children. The Armenian lobby only talks about how bloody the Turkish retaliation were, but never about Armenian rebellions, treason, bombings, assassinations, hostage takings, bank raids, murders, and terrorism, at a time of war, when the motherland was under brutal foreign occupations, that finally drove the Turks to TERESET (temporarily resettle) the Armenians suspected of fifth column activities.

An intensely emotional atmosphere is created before the vote is taken. That’s when the tricky Armenian lobby, for good measure, wheels in a few 80-year-olds in wheel chairs and pass them as “genocide survivors”. The theatrical stage is set for a bogus Armenian genocide. Resolution passes.

Then you read in the media that so and so place has accepted the genocide resolution, never mentioning all the fanfare and drama staged by the fraudulent Armenian lobby. The impression is created that, somehow, these people in some part of the world, all of a sudden, came to their senses on a raging moment of righteousness attack, decide to call a spade a spade. Really? Where did that come from? You wonder.

These shenanigans, at least in one case, in the case of Catalonia, was exposed today when an irate president “apologized” to Turkey for the abuse of his parliamentarian system by the wily Armenian lobby.

First we read that “…the decision of Catalonian Parliament on recognition of Armenian genocide allegations does not reflect the opinion of Spain regarding to the issue…” Turkey’s Foreign Minister Davutoglu discusses the issue with his Spanish counterpart and expresses Turkey’s concerns . He stresses that “… Turkey condemns recognition of baseless (genocide) claims and that it is not the job of local or national parliaments to write history.” Davutoglu is pleased to hear from his Spanish counterpart that the “…Spanish government announced that recognition of so called Armenian genocide does not reflect the views of the Spanish government related to the issue”. Then comes the clincher. Catalonian Autonomous Government’s President Jose Montilla apologizes on behalf of his administration and stresses “…that the decision was baseless…” (source: .)

So, here you are, dear fair-minded truth-seeker, another Armenian falsification is exposed. If you go after each and every recognition masquerade in all forty states and the House Foreign Affairs Committee in the United States and some twenty countries, mostly in Europe, you will see the common thread of deception and distortion by Armenians running through all of them, repeat, all of them. No self-respecting parliament would reduce itself to the level of approving a fallacy and legislating a racist and dishonest version of history. It is only a matter of time before the entire Armenian hullabaloo bites the dirt as spotlights of scrutiny and critical thinking are shone on the Armenian propaganda.

So, what did just happen here?

First came the vote, then the apology for the vote.

Hmmm. I say chalk this one off to the start of enlightenment and awakening. Turkish perseverance in sticking with the truth, in a sea of bias and bigotry, may be paying some dividends after all.

One word of advice to the Armenians who shamelessly promote a bogus genocide: GET A LIFE!

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