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To: Los Angeles Times, Editorial Board

Re: “ Making sense of genocide “
, Los Angeles Times, 8 March 2010; a rebuttal.


I will not get into the argument of whether it is good or bad for American interests today to pass judgment on others’ history of 100 years ago and a half world away when we have not faced our own history about slavery, extermination (genocide?) of native Americans, extermination (genocide?) of civilians of Nagasaki and Hiroshima or Dresden, racist treatment of Asians, Latinos, and many other groups, and more.

After all, if the 23 U.S. Congressmen and women in the House Foreign Affairs Committee did not care about the US interests when they irresponsibly voted yes to pass a bogus genocide resolution on March 4, 2010, despite last minute discouragements and warnings from Secretary Clinton, why should I, a humble individual American citizen?

“ Turkey needs to come to grips with its bloody past so it can move forward in its relations with Armenia and the U.S.” pontificates the high and mighty editorial board of Los Angeles times but makes no attempt to produce or mention any court verdict to support its judgment of genocide. It does not, because it cannot. It cannot because there is not any.

All this genocide talk, therefore, is little more than a racist and dishonest version of history rammed down the throats of unsuspecting public, perhaps with the best of intentions, but then again, perhaps not. It is like a crusade of sorts by some holier-than-thou opinion thugs, some big media bullies, and their fellow Turk-haters in media, academia, and politics. They may rule the waves in shaping public opinion but are powerless to change the truth about the past.

The plain truth is the Ottoman-Armenians took up arms against their own government and staged not just one, but many bloody revolts between 1877 and 1915. The last one, The Van Revolt on April 1915, broke the camel’s back. That was the 9/11 for the Ottoman Empire. The Armenian thugs, paramilitaries, and other irregulars, armed to the teeth, first killed up to 40,000 Muslims in Van then turned over the city to the invading Russian armies. How big is that?

Consider this: The United States went to war across the oceans, in a place halfway across the world called Afghanistan, against a group of nameless, faceless terrorists for much, much less than that… in the 21st Century. Why is it wrong for the Ottoman Empire to do the same to its own terrorists with well known names and faces… in the 20th Century?

Besides, the latter did not bomb to smithereens all cities in the regions involved (Van, Mush, Bitlis, and others) killing many civilians and chalked it off casually to “collateral damage” like the U.S. did in Iraq and Afghanistan. Instead, the Ottoman Empire moved the treasonous elements to deny them their logistic support in their community, which unfortunately, openly and widely supported such violence against their own neighbors, government, and state, at a time of war of survival and brutal foreign invasions, no less.

This wartime measure, taken as a homeland security action in the face of a series of horrific rebellions by Armenians, was TERESET— short for temporary resettlement of 1915—which is now deliberately misrepresented as genocide by Armenian falsifiers and their fellow Turk haters. Genocide is a political claim, unproven by any competent tribunal, unsubstantiated by untainted historical evidence, and unjustified by moral values .

Some 70 American historians and researchers, world renown experts like Bernard Lewis of Princeton, Stanford Shaw of UCLA, Mango of London, and many others among them, signed a public statement published in the New York Times and Washington Post on May 19, 1985, trying to knock some sense into the myopic and selfish politicians promoting a bogus genocide then, reminding that politicians make history and historians write it. For this process to work, they said, archives must be opened, unmolested research allowed, peer review and debate encouraged, and a civilized atmosphere to explore the controversy established. Current research, they argued, pointed to the fact that it was a “…inter communal warfare fought by Christian and Muslim irregulars…” , not genocide. “We do not wish to minimize the Armenian suffering,” they added, “but we are also cognizant that it cannot be viewed as separate from the Muslims suffering” in the same era and area and due to same wartime conditions.

Editorials boards, first starting at the Boston Globe in 2003, then spreading into the New York Times and finally to the Los Angeles Times, under intense Armenian pressure and intimidation, and armed with no court verdict and in total disregard for the “six T’s of the Turkish Armenian conflict”, rule that the controversy shall be labeled genocide. Thus, Armenian propaganda, agitation, terror, raids, feuds, attacks, revolts, treason, territorial demands, and Turkish deaths at the hands of Armenia insurgents, and more, in pretty much in that order from 1877 to 1915 and beyond, all swept under the rug to sanitize their genocide claim so that it would stick. I call this ethocide, extermination of ethics via malicious mass deception by individuals or groups for political, economical, social, and other gain.

Ethocidal coverage of the Turkish Armenian conflict have reached gargantuan dimensions as Armenian propaganda obliterated critical thinking, replaced scholarship with friendship, and facts with myths. Even the records of the U.S. Congress are not immune to the falsification attempts of the Armenians lobby: General Hubbard report of 1920 mentions refined Armenian brutalities victimizing Muslims, not race extermination of Armenians as touted. Furthermore, House Resolution 192 dated 22 April 1922 certifies and celebrates that the there are 1,414,000 Armenian alive as of 31 December 1921, making a genocide technically impossible and refuting such claims until eternity. Do you think honest truth seekers should be given a chance to learn the other side of the story based on rock solid evidence such as these? The truth is not in millions of propaganda documents but in those “tidbits” of information hidden in a few documents that the genocide promoters overlook.

That said, can the Los Angeles Times editorial board answer one simple question, as a service to its unsuspecting readers of nothing else, since the former knows everything there is to know about the “alleged” genocide”:

How many Muslims, mostly Turks, were killed by the Armenians during WWI and how many of those even before 24 April 1915?

I wish I could see the faces in the editorial board now—deer in headlights— frantically calling each other for the answer. The know-it-all, high-and-mighty opinion-makers are blindsided by this simplest of the question which readily exposes how little the editors really know (or care) about the other side of the story … which they continue to censor as you read these lines.



To read more:

1) Ethocide (malicious mass deception for political gain):

2) Armenian falsifications:

3) Armenian distortions:

4) Armenian propaganda exposed:

5) Armenian treason and terrorism:

6) Armenian revolts and demands:

7) Middle East Policy, Book Reviews, Volume XVII, Spring 2010, Number 1, “ Ermeni Meselesi Hallolunmuştur: Osmanlı Belgelerine Göre Savaş Yıllarında Ermenilere Yönelik Politikalar “ [The Armenian Question Resolved: Policies Toward the Armenians in the War Years according to Ottoman Documents], Reviewed by Erman Şahin (The Armenian lobby’s poster boy of sorts and paid Armenian-agent Taner Akcam’s shoddy propaganda work is scholarly dissected)

The following data sources was compiled by Sukru Server Aya:

8) Armenian lies, Parts 1 & 2:

9) Armenian lies, Part 3:

10) General Harbord Report :

11) “Genocide Of Truth”, by Sukru Server Aya, ISBN 9789 756516249, , a new free e-book based on neutral or anti-Turkish sources:

12) “WHY ARMENIA SHOULD BE FREE” Boston 1918, book by G. Pastermadjian, formerly a terrorist involved in the raiding of the Ottoman Bank in Istanbul in 1896; returned to Turkey in 1908 after declaration of the second Constitution; got elected as Congressman from Erzurum; then revolted and became one of the top Revolution leaders; escaped to USA after Armenia was Sovietized; wrote this book as a proud record of braveries (and confessing to Armenian war crimes and hate crimes in the process); later became the USA ambassador for the Armenian Republic which was founded as a protectorate of The Ottoman Empire in early 1919. Many excerpts and original photos of Armenian crimes much censored in the West:

13) “THE ARMENIAN QUESTION Before the Peace Conference”, report submitted by the Armenian delegation on Feb. 26th, 1919. (Confession of Armenian war crimes, clarification and admission of Armenian hate crimes and acts of treason involved in Armenian revolts and territorial demands engulfing more than half of Anatolia, to be freed from non-Christian elements (!):

14) “ARMENIA and the Settlement” Booklet , for the minutes of a conference held in London on June 19, 1919 by prominent pro-Armenian Dignitaries, confessing to anti-Turkism and support of British politicians:

15) “NEAR EAST RELIEF REPORT” Joint resolution of the U.S. Senate & Congress, accepted unanimously on April 22, 1922. The contents of this official document belies the arguments and reasons enlisted in U.S. House Resolution 252 :

16) Adjustment of Payments due to United States by Turkey, Sept. 1937. Document of the settlement of all claims between the United states and the Ottoman Empire which makes further indemnity claims by American citizens today impossible, a fact not know, ignored, or dismissed by eternally daydreaming Armenian extremists :

17) Order of the Court Case, European Court of Justice Dec. 17.2003, court unanimously rejected an application demanding payment “of indemnities and refusal of Turkey’s acceptance into E.U. unless she accepts the ‘genocide allegation’, based on a decision of the European Parliament back in 1987”. Court resolved that 1987 resolution is a political declaration that can change in time, cannot therefore, have binding legal consequences for other institutions. For details see:

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