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CBS 60 Minutes to Air Segment on Armenian Genocide Sunday
On Sunday, Feb. 28, 2010 one of the worlds most respected and watched current affairs program, 60 Minutes (CBS TV Network), will air a segment on the Armenian Genocide. Bob Simon and Peter Balakian traveled all the way to Deir Elzor to visit the Armenian Auschwitz and shed light on the untold stories of the victims of the first Genocide of the 20th century.

CBS’ten ABD Kongresi’ne özel ‘sözde soykırım’ propagandası mı?

CBS televizyonun ’60 Dakika’ programında bu hafta ”sözde soykırım” ile ilgili bir bölüm yayınlanacak. Tanıtımında her ne kadar objektif bir program olacağı izlenimi verilmeye çalışılsa da tek taraflı bir propaganda olacağını gösteren tanıtım videosu, programın 4 Mart’ta ABD Kongresindeki oylamayı etkilemeye yönelik bir yayın olarak yorumlanmasına sebep oluyor.

26 Şubat 2010, Cuma
(Turkish Journal Haber Merkezi)

Amerikan CBS televizyonunda yayınlanan 60 Dakika programı, 28 Şubat Pazar günü yeni bir ”sözde soykırım” dosyası yayınlayacak. Programın, ABD Temsilciler Meclisi Dış İlişkiler Komitesinde 4 Mart günü sözde Ermeni soykırımı karar tasarısının oylanmasından sadece 4 gün önce yayınlacak olması dikkat çekiyor. ”Battle over History (Tarih hakkında mücadele)” başlıklı dosyanın ön tanıtım filminde toplu mezar olduğu iddia edilen bir tepedeki kemiklerin gösterilmesi, Amerikan Türk toplumunda ”yine tek yanlı bir propaganda ile tartışmanın saptırılacağı” endişesi doğurdu. Programın, 4 Mart’taki oylama için Ermenilere propaganda imkanı sağlamayı amaçlamış olabileceği yorumu yapılıyor.

CBS, programın tanıtım videosunu, ”Ermeniler, bir milyonu aşkın Ermeninin Türkler tarafından zorla göçettirildiği ve katledildiği bu olayı kendi holokostları olarak nitelendiriyor. Ancak Türkler ve bizim hükümetimiz bu olayı ”soykırım” olarak nitelendirmeyi reddediyor” alt başlığıyla yayınladı. Bob Simo’un sunduğu programın ”tarih hakkında mücadele” adlı bölümünü Michael Gavshon ve Drew Magratten’in hazırladığı öğrenildi.

60 günde ikinci ”60 Dakika” krizi mi?

1968 yılından beri yayında olan 60 Dakika programı, Türkiye’ye yönelik ‘özel’ ilgisiyle dikkatleri çekiyor. Programın 20 Aralık 2009 günü yayınlanan bölümünde konuk ettiği Fener Patriği Bartholomeos’un, Türkiye’ye yönelik eleştirileri yayınlanmıştı. Patriğin, ”Kendimi çarmıha gerilmiş gibi hissediyorum” sözleri Türkiye’de her kesimden tepkilerinin hedefinde yer almıştı.

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From: ALI CINAR [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, February 27, 2010 7:47 PM
Subject: High Officials – CBS Contacts

Les Moonves, President & CEO, CBS Corp.

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Nina Tessler, President, CBS Entertainment

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Kelly Kahl, Senior Executive Vice President, CBS Primetime

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Melissa Perez

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David Stapf, President, CBS Paramount Network TV

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Sumner Redstone, Executive Chairman and Founder

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CBS Audience Services:

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On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 12:26 PM, ALI CINAR <[email protected]> wrote:

Tulay Hanim

I also informed ATAA,TADF AND TCA and they are working on it. SINCE THERE IS A LIMITED TIME, WE NEED TO ACT NOW

Here are the contact information:

CBS’e Protesto Mektubunuzu posta :
CBS 60 Minutes

Jeff Fager,Executive Producer

Bob Simon, Correspondent
524 West 57th St.
New York, NY 10019

Email ile : [email protected]

Telefon ile : (212) 975-3247

Faks ile : 212-975-1893


I am a regular CBS  viewer and I have learned that CBS will be broadcasting “Battle over History” documentary  at  60 Minutes Program   on February 28th at 7 pm Eastern time.

I am very disappointed with CBS that becomes part of a controversial issue without equally giving a chance to Turkey. This Armenian propaganda film promoting a bogus genocide claim and whitewashing Armenian war crimes during WWI, ranging from agitation, terrorism, and raids to rebellions and treason.

It is most embarrassing to see that CBS, and its prestigious program 60 Minutes  has been sold out to the “repetition” and financial power of the  Armenian diaspora to put together a program on the so called Armenian genocide  story with no official recognition of the story. UN has rejected any such notion time after time, even the French High Court have refused to bend under the most significant political and propaganda pressures!!!

Shame on CBS  to promoting false stories with absolutely no historical  base!!! Where is your objectivity, where is your non- discriminating values  and principle.  Where is the information published on the history by experts on Ottoman history. Where is your information  about what the Armenians were doing to the Ottoman’s and to the Ottoman  Muslims at the same time?

CBS  ignores a peculiar fact that while all Turkish archives are open and have hundreds of Armenian researchers in them, the archives in Armenia are sealed off and the only Turk who somehow got permission to do research there a few years ago, was upon completion of his research arrested for two months and all his research and materials confiscated.

This is insult and a malicious lie unbecoming a friend like the United States to level on a reliable, long time ally like Turkey.

CBS should immediately correct this issue and not air the program tomorrow night.


On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 12:07 PM, tulay luciano <[email protected]> wrote:

Dear Ali: Thanks for alerting us as always. Below is the video clip of the program. Balakian,mentioned in the clip,  is one of the leaders who have been promoting this Armenian propaganda. In the clip, they mention that they do not know whose boes tey are.

I checked CBS website, I could find only a site that we could send our objections: Watch & Chat. Do you know any direct address that we can send our letters to CBS?

The other can be done is to buy a ad space in CBS and tell the viewers the truth.

Best wishes,

Tulay Luciano
— On Sat, 2/27/10, tulay luciano <[email protected]> wrote:
From: tulay luciano <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Saturday, February 27, 2010, 11:45 AM

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  1. p Avatar

    Either you people are brainwashed big time or you work for the Turkish gov. Unbelievable!

  2. A Avatar

    I believe it’s the Turkish people who are misinformed. How very unfortunate it must be to live with such ignorance.

  3. SEEKDEER Avatar

    CBS thank YOU Soo much for giving us a voice

  4. Hye Lokum Avatar
    Hye Lokum

    Thank you CBS for shedding the light and truth on the events during the final years of the Osmanli Empire. I hope intelligent citizens of Turkey will one day realize that they are living a lie and the entire country that is built around them has been deceiving them since birth.

  5.  Avatar

    I really wonder who the “brainwashed” ones really are. Do a little research on the terminology “genocide” and you will see that it’s always countries, tribes, etc…,that have had unresolved dirty little atrocities of their own, that are the first to jump on the accusation train. When will we stop blaming the “other” and look at ourselves? I mean, really, really look at ourselves and research and understand our own histories for ourselves rather than taking hand- me-down knowledge that’s worn out and ill-fitted to our current 2010 societies?

  6. jda Avatar

    Dear Summmer Redstone’s cat,

    Please tell your master that all 77 M of us are having a fit. If you do not apologize, we are withholding all catnip. Plus we will kill all the Armenian Van cats, because we know they are traitors.

    [By the way, your Ambassador looked like he had one too many talking points to remember and just forgot them all]

  7. turklegant Avatar

    I am not worried. america needs our airbase and our influence so they will never call it Genocide. It is not like they care about morality or the truth, they know what we did very well. Plus even if it happens so what, who cares if they recognize. I know we will never recognize anyway. Armenian dogs deserved what they got and they can’t get anything from us. They lucky they still live and we coudn’t finish the job. They are too weak, we are strong, we will finish them.

  8. James Avatar

    We must all praise 60 minutes for speaking the truth about the Armenian Genocide. The three R’s: Recognition, Reparations, Return of Land. Let us end this emnity between Armenians and Turks. Return the properties and lands stolen during the Armenian Genocide and let us all move on!

  9. Ergun KIRLIKOVALI Avatar

    JDA=rat in araRAT = master Armenian falsifier andarbid Turk-hater,

    Take a good look at this photo: .

    Does it look like “poor, starving Armenians” to you?

    This photo is one of the reasons why Armenian claims of genocide have less chance than a snow flake in hell of being recognized.

    (PS: How does it feel to write “Istanbul” each time you post here? )

  10. Ergun KIRLIKOVALI Avatar

    JDA= rat in araRAT = master Armenian falsifier and a rabid Turk-hater,

    Take a good look at this photo: .

    Does it look like “poor, starving Armenians” to you?

    This photo is one of the reasons why Armenian claims of genocide have less chance than a snow flake in hell of being recognized.

    By the way, how does it feel to write “Istanbul” each time you post here?

  11. Sefer Tan Avatar
    Sefer Tan

    Two questions to Armenian Diaspora members:
    1. Why does the Armenian government still insist on not opening the ‘Armenian archives’? – (The Turkish archives are open to anybody and everybody, including the Armenians!)
    2. Does anyone of you have the guts to go to a busy square or street in the middle of Erivan and cry out: “The so-called Armenian genocide is the biggest International lie of the 20th century”? – (We organize intellectual conferences at our universities to discuss the terrible episode of the mankind of the start of the 20th century, where we invite the Armenians as well)

    Note: Are you going to insult me because of my questions above? Or are you again going to ignore my specific questions and slander again?
    Remember; when you point your finger at me, see how many fingers remain pointing at yourself…..

  12. jda Avatar

    Poor Ergie,

    seems to think that anyone who disagrees with the official state line hates Turks.

    The claims by Armenians, Greeks, Pontians, Assyrians, Maronites, Saudis, Bulgarians, Serbs, Albanians, Australians, Kurds, Persians and the vast majority of scholars et al are recognized.

    The HR Res action was just another little slap administered to your cavernous hysterical rumps by AIPAC.

    Remember when Lantos voted for it in 2007?

    Remember when Obama let Sibel testify in August.

    Are you so stupid you don’t see it coming?

    Scream at AIPAC, not at the Armenians.

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