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Dear All,

Congressman Howard Berman (D-CA, 28th District) is one of the lead actors in the unfortunate scheme that is H.Res.252. For what it is worth, below, please find the summary of my conversation with HB’s staffer.


I called Congressman Howard Berman’s Washington office at 9:00 am PST (Noon EST) and talked to Dan Harsha. After greetings, I started out with this introduction:

“… This phone call is about H.Res. 252. We, Americans of Turkish descent, think it is replete with factual errors, omissions, and distortions. Also, it is insulting and defamatory to Turkey. If passed, not only Turkish-US relations would be harmed, but also the US Congress’ own records dating back to 1920s would have been dismissed or ignored.

“ General Harbord’s report dated 1920 mentions “…refined Armenian atrocities victimizing Muslims…” not race killings of Armenians as alleged. H.Res.192 of 24 April 1922 states 1,414,000 Armenians being alive as of 31 December 1921, thus refuting Armenian claims of 1.5 million dead as the entire population was around that. How can one kill the entire population and still come up with 1.4 million Armenian alive?

“ If you step back from this controversy for a minute and take a look at the big picture, you will see this: Turks and Armenians lived in harmonious co-habitation for nearly a millennium. This was changed towards the end of 19th Century and beginning of 20th Century when Armenians took up arms against their own government. Russia, England and France, of course, helped and encouraged Armenians in their revolts.

“ Then there were Armenian agitation, raids, feuds, terrorism, and treason, all based on territorial demands towards establishing a greater Armenia. Armenians were never a majority in the lands where they lived and if greater did Armenia succeed, it would be the first apartheid of the 20th Century where a Christian minority would be ruling a Muslim majority.

“ When Turks defended their home in the face of brutal foreign invasions and equally vicious domestic fifth column activities and revolts, through TERESET (temporary resettlement) it was reported in the Western media frequently as Muslims or Turks annihilating Armenians. The New York Times reported on the conflict 145 times in 1915 not allowing Turkish side to be heard even once; that’s how deep the bias and bigotry run in those days.

“ Even the US Ambassador to Istanbul was merely conveying reports filed by Armenian revolutionaries and missionaries who could not care less about the Muslim suffering. Morgenthau was billed as a diplomat and a historian, whereas he was neither. He was a real estate agent and a developer from upstate New York who raised the most funds and was rewarded by Pres, Wilson with an ambassadorial post. At first, he didn’t want to go, because he wanted a more influential capital, like London, Paris, or Berlin. A Rabbi friend of his convinced him to go telling him how important the Ottoman Empire is and how the Ottomans helped Jews escape death in Iberia during the Spanish inquisitions of 1492. That’s how ignorant and biased Morgenthau was. Based on his reports, the British wartime propaganda book, the Blue Book, was published. Embellishments, feeding on falsifications, appearing in more and more exaggerated tertiary, quaternary sources and beyond… The cycle of hearsay and forgeries finally ended up in H.Res. 252…”

(At this time, Dan Harsha interrupted saying he could not listen to me ad nauseam. Would I please wrap it up.)

“…Let me conclude by saying that H.Res. 252 is erroneous, unfair, unwise, and unethical. What’s more, it would harm US-Turkey relations…”

Dan Harsha responded:

“… I appreciate hearing your views. Berman is a member of the Turkish Caucus and values Turkey’s friendship a lot. Berman doesn’t think what happened 100 years ago was Turkey’s fault or recognizing genocide would affect US-Turkey relations. He just thinks that Turkey should face its own history like Germany did about its Nazi past. Berman, himself being a survivor from the Holocaust, is sensitive about this issue…”

Then I responded again by saying that the Jewish Holocaust is a court-proven fact, whereas the Armenia genocide is a long-discredited political claim. I stated:

“… Holocaust is a uniquely true tragedy, while the alleged genocide is a wartime suffering that involves revolts and retaliations. Did Jews establish Jewish armies behind German lines, join invaders, terrorize the German countryside, demand German territories, in order to establish a Jewish state on German soil? Of course, not. Armenian, on the other hand, did all that and much more before, during, and after WWI. How can the two be uttered in the same breath? Isn’t that an insult to the silent memories of six million Jews exterminated for just being Jews?..”

By this time, Dan Harsha was anxious to leave this conversation. He said he really had to go and thanked me for my time. I thanked back for his time.


Howard Berman will vote yes. That’s too bad. Berman thinks he is doing the right thing, without realizing he is simply brainwashed by the Armenian lobby (if not also intimidated and threatened by the Armenian fanatics who gave us Armenian terrorism. Remember Hampig Sassoonian and Mourad Topalian?)

If Berman could click on and see the photos of Armenian gangs armed to the teeth, posing proudly by the Turks they killed, gun toting Armenian priests claiming to have waged epic battles against the Turks, and many other Armenian terrorists, would Berman still believe the “poor, starving, unarmed, helpless, noncombatant Armenian” myth? Genocide, huh? What a sham!


This entire crop of pro-genocide congress people needs to be replaced with a new crop which is more educated ( and financially and electorally supported by Turkish Americans) about

1) the other side of the story and

2) geo-strategic, military-industrial, socio-economic, and political values of Turkey.

3) the emerging socio-economic and political might of the Turkish Americans.


If you want to give our selfless and spirited efforts opposing H.Res.252 a helping hand, then send your message to all members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee in 30 seconds by clicking the link below right.

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