Journey of Mankind

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In all our cells we have genes. Genes are made up of DNA, the string-like code of life that determines what we are, from our fingernails to our innate potential for playing the piano. By analysing genes, we can trace the geographic route taken by our ancestors back to an ultimate birthplace in Africa, at the dawn of our species. Further, if we take any two individuals and compare their genes, we will find that they share a more recent ancestor – living, in all probability, outside Africa. What is more, I believe that we can now prove where those ancestors lived and when they left their homelands. This remarkable proof has become fully possible only within the last decade, as a result of pioneering work by a number of people.

Click here to play the Journey of Mankind

* The interactive genetic map is currently being upgraded and will be available online shortly.


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One response to “Journey of Mankind”

  1. how can you get in!!!!!!!!Also can you tell me you phone?

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