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Feb 8 2010

Religious organization established in Turkish city of Mardin under
the auspices of Democratic Society Party initiated “Mesopotamia: First
religious congress” event. Newly appointed chairman of Kurdish Peace
and Democracy party Selahattin Demirtas, party members, as well as
Yazidis, Syrians, Armenians, Muslims – Sunnis and Christians attended.

According to Turktime, Diyarbakir mayor Kurd Osman Beydemir delivered
a speech at the congress. “Once Assyrians, Armenians and Kurds lived
in Mesopotamia and this religious diversification symbolizes success,
tolerance, peace and development. However, others came and ruled
us for years; as a result people forcedly migrated from here. I
am saying this with a sore heart. There are only several Armenian
families in Diyarbakir, whereas 120 years ago they comprised 40%
of the population. No apology can soothe this pain. You were through
so many things, you forcedly left, but believe me you lost nothing,
that’s us-staying here who lost. You took with you peace and success,”
he outlined.

As NEWS.am reported previously, Osman Beydemir also sharply criticized
Turkish authorities for banning to bury Armenian singer Aram Tigran
died August 8, 2009 in Diyarbakir (which was last will of the
deceased). Mayor ordered to hold a service in the city’s Armenian
cemetery and took the soil from the grave to Brussels where the
singer was buried. Armenian cemetery of Diyarbakir was also cleaned
and repaired at mayor’s order. The restoration of St. Kirakos church
in Diyarbakir is being carried out as well.

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2 responses to “ENEMY WITHIN”

  1. So, let’s see this publication’s impartiality and good will towards its Kurdish fellow citizens…..

    [1]The Turkish government and its useful idiots claim that if any Armenians were killed in 1915, and it wasn’t Armenian mothers dying in guerilla combat…..it was the fault of brigand Kurds, and………

    [2] a Kurdish mayor in Dikranagerd [the city fortress was founded by Medz Dikran] politely points out that Armenians and Kurds lived side by side for centuries [actually, millenia, read the Anabasis by Xenophon], and this is a point both Turks of good will and the quarterwits who write here regularly bring up, and

    [3] the mayor may have apologized for what some Kurds did in 1915

    and so, when a Kurd makes the same points the Turkish nationalists make, but appends to his remarks an apology, he is, as the editor, says “AN ENEMY WITHIN.’

    So, is that not also the justification used in 1894, 1909, 1915-1923, 1938, and 1955 to kill Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians? Namely that by their mere existence they constituted an “enemy within” ?/

  2. Ergun KIRLIKOVALI Avatar

    Turks and Armenians lived in peaceful cohabitation for many centuries and Armenians, along with other minorities, propespered more than in any other country during Turkish rule. Armenians took up arms agaisn their own government from 1890 onwards with the dream of establishing an apartheid on Turkish soil (i.e. greater armenia) and got lots of help from Russia, England, France, US Protestant Missionaries, Western diplomats and soldiers, as well as Western media and especially the New York Times. Had Armenian not gotten greedy and violent towrds their own government an Muslim neighbors, they would still be in Eastern Anatolia today. Armenian claims of genocide distort and falsify hisotry because they do not take into account Armenian war crimes, hate crimes, Armenian terrorism, Armenian revolts, Armenian treason, Armenian territorial demands, and Muslim victims (Turks, Kurds, and others), as embodied in the “SIX T’s OF THE CONFLICT”. TERESET (temporary resettlement of 1915) was a homeland security measure taken during a wartime, when Turks were fighting for their families and homes in the face of brutal foreign invasions and shameful and dastardly domestic treason by you know who. These facts are recorded in the US Congress records:

    1- Fact: General Harbord report, issued in 1920 after his visit to Anatolia, mentions “…refinement of cruelties by Armenians on Muslim…” No mention of genocide (not invented yet) or race extermination or anything even close.

    2- Fact – H.Res. 192 passed in April 1922 states that 1.4 million Armenians were alive as of 31 december 1921. This alone refutes all Armenian lies and claims. (After all, how can you kill 1.5 million Armenians out of a population of 1.3 million and still end up with 1.4 million Armenians alive?)

    No amount of Armenian propaganda can change facts!

    Another fact: while you enjoy Turkish tolerance in this website, my comments are instantly deleted in Sassoonian’s Asbarez. That is Armenian respect for freedom of thought and speech for you. Do you people ever get red faced out of embarrassment? Or did you have your feeling of shame surgically removed?

    Just curious…

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