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EDL thugs plan to stoke up racism in Ulster

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The anti-Islam English Defence League, which caused violence in Stoke-on-Trent city centre last month, is planning to head to Northern Ireland for the traditional 12 July parades to “kick some Fenian ass”.

At the height of the EDL rally in Stoke on 23 January over 2,000 protesters, many the worse for drink, were on the streets, a mixture of football hooligans, oddballs and fascists, including several British National Party activists. Violent clashes, as the thugs tried to break through police lines to attack a mosque, resulted in nearly 20 arrests and injuries to six officers.

Similar trouble was caused at another EDL event in Harrow, northwest London, last year when supporters again tried to attack a mosque, and in Birmingham where 600 rioted.

Searchlight, working with the Sunday World in Northern Ireland, has now discovered plans by the EDL to head to Belfast for the biggest event on the Orange Order’s calendar, where it only takes a small spark to ignite violence. Our researchers who monitor the websites and forums that the EDL uses to communicate with supporters uncovered an invitation from someone claiming to be part of the Ulster Defence League to “all EDL, SDL [Scottish Defence League], WDL [Welsh Defence League] members and supporters to Belfast for the loyalist 12th of July celebrations”.

“Flights are cheap and there is plenty of time for booking. Thousands of men from Scotland and Liverpool and London come every year. Please show your colours and be with us on this glorious day.”

Their safety would be guaranteed. “Please take heed if you are coming over in your divisions that Belfast on the 12th of July is very dangerous and trouble is expected at flashpoints by Irish Republicans, though do not let them put you off coming over. You will be made most welcome and your protection is Garanteed [sic].”

A further message from the same person warned anyone coming over only to become violent if republicans start trouble.

“For all those def going there will be a list of all the areas to avoid. As much as it’s our city Belfast is completely separated from Republicans and loyalists, they fly Irish Tricolours and us Union Jacks/Ulster flags, so you will know where to stay, you will be safe!

“There is no trouble on the day so troublemakers be aware you could be severely dealt with by loyalists for causing trouble. The only trouble that may happen is by republicans. If that happens by all means join in and help us loyalists.

“Remember if a petrol bomb comes your way … through the F***er back and kick some Fenion [sic] ass.”

Matthew Collins from Searchlight said the EDL was the last thing Northern Ireland needed on 12 July. “The EDL are a bunch of racist football hooligans who somehow feel they have something to offer the loyalist and unionist community,” he said. “But all they have to offer is excessive drinking, excessive racism and excessive violence.

“They are considered a serious threat to public order. When 1,500 thugs who can’t hold their drink descend on a town you know what the outcome is going to be.

“They love fighting with the police and Muslims and have caused mayhem in Birmingham and London before they went mad in Stoke last week. They will cause trouble in

Belfast without a doubt.”

The EDL website states: “We have organised a series of peaceful protests across the country. Unfortunately, some of these have been disrupted by self-proclaimed yet clearly misguided anti-fascists and gangs of Muslim youth whipped up by the extremist preachers we oppose.

“These gangs have come armed and attacked our members, the police officers trying to protect us, and even random members of the public.”

Who is actually responsible for the violence is likely to be revealed in a number of court cases arising from arrests at the EDL’s various rallies around Britain. In the first last month, four EDL activists pleaded guilty to affray at a march against Muslim extremism in Luton on 24 May, at which groups of yobs, many draped in the flag of St George, went on the rampage, fighting battles with the 200 police who were drafted in from across three forces. They were jailed for up to 28 weeks.

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