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TurkmenAccording to some reports, Ayatollah Montazeri who had been prevented from replacing the leader of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Khomeini, wanted an educational opportunity in Turkish language and invited the leaders of the Islamic Republic to grant Turks their basic rights.

All nations, Turkmen, Azeri Turks, Kashghai Turks, Arabs, Baluchis or Kurds, living in Iran, have had to live under the oppression of a group of chauvinists for eighty years. The regime of the Islamic Republic is not at all more different than regimes of kingdom. The traitor Pahlavi regime tried to represent the multi-national country of Iran as a country of Persians, deceiving the world with historical lies.

The Islamic Republic has not given the rights of the nations, either. On the contrary, it established an oppressive and extreme religious Shiite regime and embedded hatred among the nations. This regime added religious and sectarian discrimination to the lingual and ethnic discrimination. Thus, the chauvinists have had a much more perfect record!

Turkmens were slaughtered because they screamed the slogan “We need to be literate; we need schools in Turkmen language”. Azeri Turks were imprisoned and tortured since they wanted “madrassas in Turkish language”. Baluchis were executed because they insisted on protecting their own traditions, language and sects and…

Now, according to some information, a Shiite leader wanted free education in Turkish in Iran and said that nobody could exploit a religion and race as a right to be superior to others!

Although it is a bit late, the fact that Ayatollah Montazeri defends the rights of Iranian Turks deserves appreciation. Iranian Turks constitutes nearly the half of the country’s population. Azerbaijani Turks, Turkmens, Kashghais and the others have been struggling for years to gain their rights. A Turkmen child and the children of an Azerbaijani Turk, Kashghai, Arabic, Kurdish and Baluchi should be able to call their mothers as not “madar” but “ene, ana, um, mat”. It is a natural right of all oppressed nations to wish to maintain their traditions, languages and cultures, and deprivation from this right is racial discrimination and genocide. The Iranian regime has now become the symbol of racial, lingual, sectarian, political, cultural, social and sexual discrimination.

The fact that Ayatollah Montazeri defends the rights of Iranian Turks is appreciated but is not enough. Ending the oppression can merely be possible through the complete annihilation of the factor that causes the oppression. The oppressed nations of Iran fight for to this end and they will reach their right by exterminating this regime that has deprived them of the rights of life, language, sect and gender.

As Turkmensahra Liberation Organization, we believe that rights cannot be gained only through words. Turkmen population will maintain their fight until they have gained all their rights.

سازمان آزادیبخش ترکمن صحرا – تورکمن صحرا آزادلیق قوراماسی



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