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BNP debate ‘illegal’, Hain warns

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A4Cabinet minister Peter Hain has warned the BBC that it could face legal action unless it scraps the controversial appearance of far-right MEP Nick Griffin on Question Time.

Peter Hain has written to BBC director general Mark Thompson demanding he suspend the “abhorrent” inclusion of the British National Party leader on the flagship political debate show.

The Welsh Secretary argued that the BNP was at present “an unlawful body” after the party told a court last week it would amend its whites-only membership rules to meet discrimination legislation.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission had issued county court proceedings over concerns the membership criteria were restrictive to those within certain ethnic groups.

Mr Griffin is due to appear on Thursday’s edition of Question Time alongside Justice Secretary Jack Straw, representatives of the other main parties and black writer Bonnie Greer.

But in his letter, Mr Hain said: “If you do not review the decision you may run the very serious risk of legal challenge in addition to the moral objections that I make. In my view, your approach is unreasonable, irrational and unlawful.”


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