Official statement of Turkish embassy in Azerbaijan

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[ 12 Oct 2009 18:08 ]
Baku – APA. Turkish embassy in Azerbaijan issued an official statement, APA reports. The statement says:
“We are concerned over some incorrect reports in Azerbaijani media on reopening of Turkey-Armenia borders after the protocols on the normalization of Turkey-Armenia relations wee signed in Zurich on October 10. Therefore, we want to draw the attention of Azerbaijani public to the following points once more.

As the world community knows, Turkey closed the borders with Armenia after the occupation of Azerbaijani territories. As our Prime Minister reiterated, Turkey-Armenia border cannot be reopened unless the occupied Azerbaijani territories are released. As our Foreign Minister said no issue is more important than Turkey-Azerbaijan cooperation. The reopening of the borders is a long process. This process should be simultaneous with the Nagorno Karabakh problem and occupied Azerbaijani territories. Turkey regards the problems in the South Caucasus as a whole and makes efforts for opening of all closed borders to ensure peace, stability and cooperation in the region. Taking into account the close relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan, the world community knows that peace and stability can be ensured in the South Caucasus only when all the borders are opened simultaneously. We expect Azerbaijani people to rely on Turkey and not to believe incorrect news.”

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