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Sarkisian Faces More than 12,000 Angry Protesters in Los Angeles

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Community Stands United Against Protocols

.LOS ANGELES, CA – More than 12,000 Armenian Americans from throughout California converged on the Beverly Hilton Hotel to protest the Turkey-Armenia protocols as Armenia President Serzh Sarkisian met with representatives of Armenian American organizations to defend his decision to sign the flawed documents.  The protest was organized by the Stop The Protocols Campaign.

Blockades and guardrails contained protesters who held signs proclaiming, “Serzh Don’t Betray the Armenian People,” “Turkey Accept the Genocide!” and “No to the Protocols!” Meanwhile, planes overhead were carrying banners which stated “Stop Turkish-Armenian Protocols,” as large moving vans drove around the hotel with billboards picturing presidents Sarkisian and Gul with the slogan “Don’t Betray us.”More…

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