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Welcome to Chile

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by Cem Ryan

Welcome to Chile, my fellow ovine Türks.

Leftist roundups, newspaper purges, cleansing of university faculties, destruction of culture, destroying the cultural habit and constitutional right of street demonstrations… Pinochet called it “cleaning the streets of human garbage.” Here, his bully-boy buddies call it “ Turkey cleaning its intestines.”

The “disappearances” of the Chilean nightmare are mirrored here by illegal leftist jailings under absurd scams like Ergenekon and the beheading of women via head-squeezing, brain-squeezing political head scarves. And we Türks stand by, patiently observing. Afterall, we say, that’s Turkey. Well Kurban Bayram, the ever popular animal sacrifice day, is coming. So let us just line up behind the genuine sheep, meekly bow our craven heads, and capitulate completely, proclaiming, That’s Turkey. It would be a far, far better thing to do than continue this silent vigil over the nation’s demise.

Decades of human suffering and social outrage have been encapsulated by the work of political hoodlums, all aided and abetted by the hypocritical, excremental policies of the United States of America. For example, consider Iran, Iraq, Guatamala, Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, and, of course, Turkey… all beset, from without and within, by the political and economic mafia of America, all corrupted. So let our final words be, That’s America.

Whatever the choice for our last words, first consider these of Brutus via Shakespeare. One can appropriately substitute the words “Turks” and “Atatürk” if one dares.

Stoop, Romans, stoop,

And let us bathe our hands in Caesar’s blood

Up to the elbows, and besmear our swords;

Then walk we forth, even to the market-place,

And waving our red weapons o’er our heads,

Let’s all cry, “Peace, freedom, and liberty!”

And be of brave heart, the hoodlums will understand none of it.

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