Top Turkish Newspaper Openly Writes of Armenian Genocide

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Written by Armen Hareyan
Founder of

{6769EB17-9FBE-47D6-99F9-056F06D9EBA0}In a very rare news article published by one of the top newspapers in Turkey Today’s Zaman the author openly speaks about the Armenian Genocide and how they were orchestrated.

In the beginning it was total silence and denial. Then in the recent two years we started seeing phrases like “so called Armenian Genocide,” “Armenian claims of genocide,” and so on. In any case the word genocide was always written in quotation marks. Yet today, one of Turkey’s premier newspapers Today’s Zaman published a rare story about how the Armenian Genocide was organized and orchestrated by the ruling elite of the Turkish government in 1915.

Orhan Kemal Cengiz, a human rights advocate writes that the “Massacres of Armenians were orchestrated and organized by the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) — which came to power through a military coup — while the Ottoman Empire was falling apart. After these massacres and as a result of the lack of confrontation with our past, the CUP and its gangs changed their format and turned into the “deep state” in Turkey. These deep state elements continued their massacres and manipulations and drenched Turkey with blood during the Republican era. We have these deep state elements, but we also have many people fighting against them with or without knowing the history.”

True the word genocide is not used in that paragraph. Instead Cengiz is using the phrase Massacres of Armenians. However, in the 5th paragraph he openly talks about the Armenan genocide in the following way. “I was in Toronto last year attending an extremely interesting course on genocide. For two weeks we went into all the details of different genocides that took place in various parts of the world. All lecturers gave exemplary presentations, and I felt I had really learned something. However, I also realized that there was a fundamental difference in the way in which the Armenian genocide is being handled. When we spoke about the Holocaust, we spoke of the Nazi regime; when we discussed the genocide in Cambodia, we talked about the Khmer regime; when it came to the Armenian genocide, though, we only heard the word “Turks.”

While his sincerity is most appreciated he does have a point that when the world refers of the Jewish or Cambodia national tragedies we do refer to regimes. However, we speak of the Armenian Genocide Turks are indeed pointed. But why is this?

It is the 90 years of the denial of the truth and the fear to face its own history that has made things come to this place, where a Turk is pointed when speaking of the Armenian Genocide. Why is it taking Germany only 20 years to face the Jewish Holocaust, say thank you and compensate, but when it comes to the Armenian Genocide even the past 90 years are not enough?

It is believe that if Turkey had earlier recognized the genocide and condemned it the following generations would have blamed it to the ruling regime of the time not the nation. In fact, I have heard many stories that many Turkish families have risked their lives hiding the Armenian families, their neighbors from massacres and killings in and around 1915.

A historic moment is upon us. Today the president of Armenian, meeting with the leaders of various Armenian parties and discussing the pre-signing of the Turkey Armenia normalization protocols, despite much criticism, said that “we want to show that even the nation that has fallen a victim to a genocide can be the first to offer a hand of normalization of relationship.” Arming themselves with sincerity, honesty and the sense of fairness and justice the Armenian, Turkish and Azerbaijani nations should look to a new South Caucasus, building a better future for their children and themselves.

Written by Armen Hareyan
Founder of

Armen Hareyan is the Publisher of providing daily news on topics of personal health, finance and health insurance.

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3 responses to “Top Turkish Newspaper Openly Writes of Armenian Genocide”

  1. “It is the 90 years of the denial of the truth and the fear to face its own history that has made things come to this place, where a Turk is pointed when speaking of the Armenian Genocide. Why is it taking Germany only 20 years to face the Jewish Holocaust, say thank you and compensate, but when it comes to the Armenian Genocide even the past 90 years are not enough?”
    The Nazi Germans had been convicted (Nurnberg-trials).
    The Turks instead not, because the wild accusations didn’t hold water when it was investigated (Malta trials).

  2. Mr Cengiz has no credibility in front of the Turkish nation. He is a well-paid lawyer. His boss happens to be “Alliance of Protestant Churches”, Izmir. Poor chap is just doing his job (!). Very much like those busily “converting” the Kurds into Christianity in Northern Iraq. His “journalism” is an extension of his business interests and his ardent desire for fame. The more he makes noise the more money he makes, and hopefully the more famous he gets he thinks… Imagine, in England, a lawyer creating public opinion in several media organs close to the case he is defending at court?

    This guy is a charlatan. He has even managed to dupe the Amnesty International in the past.

    You will never hear one single word from Mr Cengiz about religious freedom of Turks in Bulgaria or Greece, never mind Romania… None about linguistic rights and freedoms of Azerbaijan Turks in Iran or massacres of Uighur Turks in China. (Or what is indeed happening to Christians in China…) They will still sell him to us all as a “Turk” who can write about “the Bloody Turk”… Same as the Dashnak indoctrinated Armenian lobby attempted to package Taner Akcam criminal as a “Turk” talking about “Armenian Genocide”…

    You will never hear one single word from Mr. Cengiz about what is happening to the Aramean Christians in Northern Iraq… His job description is around the art of subverting Turkey. What a hard job he has…

    We Turks have lived side by side with and ruled over all sorts of minorities and religions for thousands of years. This guy’s operational task is to plant seeds of hatred among ethnic and/or religious minorities in Turkey. He will not be able to succeed…

    “Turkey’s greatness lies in your ability to be at the center of things. This is not where East and West divide. This is where they come together.”
    –Barack Obama, U.S. President

    “[Turks] have open channels of dialogue with everybody. A lot of people underestimate how much Turkey can do behind the scenes.”
    –Hugh Pope, 2008, co-author of “Turkey Unveiled” and author of “Sons of the Conquerors – The Rise of the Turkic World”

    “Turkey gives rise to hope, Iran gives rise to fear. This is why Turkey is vital to the Middle East and to the European Union. I believe that Europe needs Turkey even more than Turkey needs Europe.”
    –Shimon Perez, President of Israel, speaking to the Turkish Parliament in Ankara, Turkey, 2007

    “In bridging the gap between Europe and Asia, between East and West, there is no more pivotal country than Turkey.”
    –David Milliband, Foreign Secretary of the UK

  3. Mr Cengiz reveals proudly that he worked for the Kurdish Human Rights Project in London. I have visited the website to see who they are:

    Under “About KHRP » Who We Are » Funders

    It states:

    “Our funders in 2009 include:

    Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Netherlands)
    Bishop’s Subcommission for Misereor (Germany)

    This guy’s cause is and has been funded by pretty disturbing sources:

    1. The Alliance of Protestant Churches in Izmir
    2. Bishop’s Subcommission for Misereor (Germany)
    3. the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Netherlands/Holland)

    Now then, his current and past business relationship with various Churches is crystal clear. But one can take the liberty and ask:

    What is Mr Cengiz’s relationship with the Dutch Secret Service?

    “Last year a group of CHURCH CONGREGATIONS in GERMANY gave 3.6m pounds to Marxist guerrillas [read PKK terrorists officially in UK] fighting in Turkey.”
    –Hugh Pope, THE INDEPENDENT, 26 September 1992

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