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Orhan Kemal Cengiz appears to be on the way to nobel price as Orhan Pamuk.


Top Turkish Newspaper Openly Writes of Armenian Genocide

Turkish Forum


I am not a religious person. I am not Kurdish. I am not gay. I am not Christian. I am not Armenian. I am not Roma. But I have spent all my life defending these people’s rights

I am a human rights defender. When I describe myself, I say I am a human rights defender, a lawyer and a writer. It was during my first time in London in 1998 that I realized, no matter what I do, I was a “bloody Turk” for some people. Ironically, I was working for the Kurdish Human Right Project there, and we were taking cases to the European Court of Human Rights, as a result of which I felt deeply threatened by the deep state elements in my country. When I met with the Armenian community in London, I turned into a representative of Turkey. It was the first time my “Turkishness” took precedence over all my qualifications.Massacres of Armenians were orchestrated and organized by the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) — which came to power through a military coup — while the Ottoman Empire was falling apart. After these massacres and as a result of the lack of confrontation with our past, the CUP and its gangs changed their format and turned into the “deep state” in Turkey. These deep state elements continued their massacres and manipulations and drenched Turkey with blood during the Republican era. We have these deep state elements, but we also have many people fighting against them with or without knowing the history. The Ergenekon trial, in this sense, is a turning point in this endeavor in Turkey. You can think of the Ergenekon gang as the armed wing of the CUP in today’s Turkey.

The massacres of Armenians were carried out by a certain mindset, by a political movement. Unfortunately, this political movement also created the official Turkish history, one in which there is no place for Armenians. And the state is in complete denial of what happened in Turkey in the past. This denial unfortunately gives strong support to a racist approach toward Turkey and its people.

I was in Toronto last year attending an extremely interesting course on genocide. For two weeks we went into all the details of different genocides that took place in various parts of the world. All lecturers gave exemplary presentations, and I felt I had really learned something. However, I also realized that there was a fundamental difference in the way in which the Armenian genocide is being handled. When we spoke about the Holocaust, we spoke of the Nazi regime; when we discussed the genocide in Cambodia, we talked about the Khmer regime; when it came to the Armenian genocide, though, we only heard the word “Turks.”

Complete and blanket denial feeds complete and absolute labeling. This is a vicious circle. It is very unfortunate that some Armenians, while believing they are seeking justice, have turned into hopeless racists. They do not want to believe that there are many good people in this country. They do not want to remember that there were also Turks who lost their lives while trying to protect Armenians. They hold tightly on to this image of the “bloody Turk.” Every Turk, every individual living in Turkey, is just a murderer for them.

The pathology of amnesia and the pathology of blind hatred are two sides of one coin. They both serve the same purpose: Both leave Turks and Armenians as deeply neurotic people.

In the midst of all this madness, Hrant Dink was a safe haven of reason, wisdom and compassion. He had a deep understanding of Turkey and the trauma we have been suffering for so long. He was killed because he was the hope in the face of this madness. He could have been killed by an Armenian racist. But instead, he was killed by Turkish racists, of course, under the guidance of the deep state. Dink was a bloody Turk for Armenian racists and an Armenian traitor for racist Turks. He was a dangerous figure for all who wanted to continue this vicious circle of hatred. During his funeral, we chanted, “We all are Hrant Dink.” We all need to be Dink if we wish to contribute to reconciliation. I bow respectfully before his memory.

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15 responses to “Bloody Turk! by ORHAN KEMAL CENGİZ”

  1. Mr Cengiz has no credibility in front of the Turkish nation. He is a well-paid lawyer. His boss happens to be “Alliance of Protestant Churches”, Izmir. Poor chap is just doing his job (!). Very much like those busily “converting” the Kurds into Christianity in Northern Iraq. His “journalism” is an extension of his business interests and his ardent desire for fame. The more he makes noise the more money he makes, and hopefully the more famous he gets he thinks… Imagine, in England, a lawyer creating public opinion in several media organs close to the case he is defending at court?

    This guy is a charlatan. He has even managed to dupe the Amnesty International in the past.

    You will never hear one single word from Mr Cengiz about religious freedom of Turks in Bulgaria or Greece, never mind Romania… None about linguistic rights and freedoms of Azerbaijan Turks in Iran or massacres of Uighur Turks in China. (Or what is indeed happening to Christians in China…) They will still sell him to us all as a “Turk” who can write about “the Bloody Turk”… Same as the Dashnak indoctrinated Armenian lobby attempted to package Taner Akcam criminal as a “Turk” talking about “Armenian Genocide”…

    You will never hear one single word from Mr. Cengiz about what is happening to the Aramean Christians in Northern Iraq… His job description is around the art of subverting Turkey. What a hard job he has…

    We Turks have lived side by side with and ruled over all sorts of minorities and religions for thousands of years. This guy’s operational task is to plant seeds of hatred among ethnic and/or religious minorities in Turkey. He will not be able to succeed…

    “Turkey’s greatness lies in your ability to be at the center of things. This is not where East and West divide. This is where they come together.”
    –Barack Obama, U.S. President

    “[Turks] have open channels of dialogue with everybody. A lot of people underestimate how much Turkey can do behind the scenes.”
    –Hugh Pope, 2008, co-author of “Turkey Unveiled” and author of “Sons of the Conquerors – The Rise of the Turkic World”

    “Turkey gives rise to hope, Iran gives rise to fear. This is why Turkey is vital to the Middle East and to the European Union. I believe that Europe needs Turkey even more than Turkey needs Europe.”
    –Shimon Perez, President of Israel, speaking to the Turkish Parliament in Ankara, Turkey, 2007

    “In bridging the gap between Europe and Asia, between East and West, there is no more pivotal country than Turkey.”
    –David Milliband, Foreign Secretary of the UK

  2. Haluk bey,

    Well said kardesim!! I doubt if I could have done a better job. Keep up the good work. Always know my brother that I have your back! Cengiz, like Pamuk, is nothing more than a traitor!

    I wish you and your family a very happy Ramazan Bayrum! Take care.

  3. 1. Why is someone who merely disagrees withyou not merely wong,but a “trator?”

    2. Robert, if you are an American, how can someone be a “trator” by saying something that is not contary to America’s interests?

    3. Do you understand that we have a First amendment?

  4. Haluk, thanks a lot for your info. 1st I was thinking about Mr Cengiz just as a Turk who had changed his mind about this matter, although I had some doubt about his intentions. But when I read your revelation of his missionary-connection, I got the whole picture.

    “Alliance of Protestant Churches” is a missionary organization. The Turks must never forget the dark hand of these organizations in the past and the damage they caused to the Turkish nation with their lies and slander.
    They were the ones who spread the anti-Turkish propaganda that Turks killed thousands of Armenians in horrible ways and such slander from the 1890s to 1920s.
    About their piece of villainy in the Armenian nongenocide people should read this article of prof. McCarthy:

    “British Propaganda and the Turks” in
    (article can also be read in other languages like Turkish or French)

    And such missionary organizations still succeed in spreading the Armenian slanderpropaganda by their Turkish servant.

  5. JDA=The RAT,

    Okay, once more, by your own actions and words (1st admendmend not withstanding), you are a supporter of terrorism, and therefore, the murdering of innocent people! That makes you a traitor (just like your dashnak buddies) and UNPATRIOTIC!! ‘Nuff said!

  6. Please explain with facts. “Nuff” is lacking,nanobob.

  7. JDA= The RAT,

    Re-read all of your own posts, then read history! That should answer your questions even to your denialist satisfaction!

    Because I won’t communicate with an unpatriotic supporter of terrorism such as yourself, I’m requesting the FBI to have you checked out (you’d be amazed at the “cyber-toys” they have to track down individuals from any site, at any time!).

    One last thing RAT, please notice the cordiallity that you, as a dashnak Armo lover and mindless supporter of, receive on this and any Turkish site, as compared to your brethren’s sites (on a Turkish site, your lying and vile propagandist posts always remain intact…we have nothing to hide or to fear, especially from dashnak Armos! On any dashnak Armo site, if a Turk writes a post, not only is his post erased, but there is the usual inundation of vulgar dashank posts against the Turkish writer. This is the reaction of a defeated, jealous, evnvious, hate-filled, low-life group of ex and new terrorists, murders, con job artists, theives, criminals, liars, cheats, known as the dashnaks…and these are just their “good points”! This ought to sound familiar to you laddy, after all, they are you and your kind!).

    L8er cockroachian!!

  8. Mr Cengiz reveals proudly that he worked for the Kurdish Human Rights Project in London. I have visited the website to see who they are:

    Under “About KHRP » Who We Are » Funders

    It states:

    “Our funders in 2009 include:

    Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Netherlands)
    Bishop’s Subcommission for Misereor (Germany)

    This guy’s cause is and has been funded by pretty disturbing sources:

    1. The Alliance of Protestant Churches in Izmir
    2. Bishop’s Subcommission for Misereor (Germany)
    3. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Netherlands/Holland)

    Now then, his current and past business relationship with various Churches is crystal clear. But one can take the liberty and ask:

    What is Mr Cengiz’s relationship with the Dutch Secret Service?

    “Last year a group of CHURCH CONGREGATIONS in GERMANY gave 3.6m pounds to Marxist guerrillas [read PKK terrorists officially in UK] fighting in Turkey.”
    –Hugh Pope, THE INDEPENDENT, 26 September 1992

  9. Haluk,

    There is a famous paranoia in the American political tradition by which Communists lurk and ply their plots everywhere, Obama is a Kenyan space alien, and flouride in our water is intended to turn us oyster soft. Most of us who are not hiding in the woods cleaning our rifles laugh at them, at least for now.

    With your post, I see that there is also a turkish nationalist type. Like our variety, the Turkish variety avidly makes up facts not in evidence and takes offense at everything. Looking at your writing, you jump from one fact [Cengiz worked for a Kurdish Human Rights Project] to assume that he takes direct orders from the funders of the project for which he worked. As to the funders themselves, we’re not talking about Al Qaeda here, we’re talking instead about religious groups from open societies. I doubt that the German Bishops have been very unfair to anyone since maybe 1945.

    But then you jump over onto and land on the third rail of fantasy by claiming that he may work for the Dutch Secret sevice.

    Aren’t you really trying just to brand the writer as a trator, perhaps in the hope he gets the Hrant Dink treatment? My supposition is on far firmer footing than your speculation about his beinng a spy, isn’t it?

    I have to go now. My Zionist-Armenian-Greek-Serbian-Kurdish overlords have commanded me to light the path for the arrival of their star cruisers.

  10. Yeah yeah…

    “Holland has been talking about the struggle against international terrorism, but opening its doors for terrorist organizations like the PKK-KADEK. The terrorist PKK-KADEK has killed innocent people for its political objectives. Regarding these murders as ones committed for free Kurdistan does not change the fact that these innocent people have been the victims of terror. Holland has been the weakest ring in the European Union’s struggle against terrorism,”
    –Paul Bremer, American counter-terrorism expert in a press conference held in Hague

    Let’s decipher the mindset of the petty character above for the benefit of our readers, shall we?

    “As an Armenian, I never condone terrorism, but there must be a reason behind this. Maybe terrorism will work. It worked for the Jews. They have Israel.”
    –Kevork Donabedian, the editor of the Armenian Weekly, an ethnic newspaper published in the United States, reported in an article in The Christian Science Monitor, November 18, 1980

    Down with PKK and ASALA terrorism, always and forever! ☾✫

  11. Haluk,

    Logicl thinking can never hurt you, really.

    Shall we exploreyour failure to think logically once more?

    1. A Kurdish human rights program is not the same thing as Bremer’s Kurdish terrorists just because they are all in Holland, allegedly. IF they were, then everyone in Anatolia is a grey dog because a few or many are.

    2. What does asala have to do with pkk, in Holland or elsewhere? There is evidence of Sinn Fein training in the Bekaa Valley in 1982 along with Turkmen nationalsts and Uighur separatists, along with ASALA. Does that mean they are all the same?

  12. Silly ignorant Armaniac JDA, your post belies your ignorance. ASALA and the PKK are the “brainchild” of Karen Brutents–both a relic of the Cold War between NATO and Communist Russia designed to destabilize Turkey and turn it away from the sphere of US influence. You and your people are nothing but a tool of old Russia, willing puppets of a regime that has used, abused and betrayed your people repeatedly. Too bad you’re not capable of learning from your mistakes or history or developing friendly relations with your neighbors. If you could, then your people might have a true shot at independence. Poor pitiful you.

  13. Fahrettin Altay Pasha Avatar
    Fahrettin Altay Pasha

    Orhan Pamuk Cengiz has no say on behalf of the Turkish Public. He is nothing but a low life pen for sale, currently owned by the “Alliance of Protestant Churches”, similar to Ahmet Turk of the DTP party in Turkey. These guys get no where in Turkey so decide to make waves anyway possible. His comments on the Ergenekon case are biass, as this is what he wants in his little mind.
    The Ergenekon case is nothing but a plan baught onto our puppet prime minister RTE, by no other than George Bush. If you remember, when the US invaded Iraq, the Bush administration published 52 playing cards numbered in most wanted… the Ergenekon case is not disimilar… All those who are held captive by the current RTE regime are seen as threats against the regime and the NWO. There is no Ergenekon group and the only thing the captives are guilty of is loving their country… In countries like the US, Greece, France this is considered nationalistic, however with all the pressure asserted to Puppet RTE, in Turkey, this is considered facism!
    You can see the two faced double standards across the US and Europe.

  14. What Fahrettin Pasha writes is correct.

    JDA, if you had any brain cells operating, you’d know from reading about Sibel Edmonds that the U.S. was wheeling and dealing with Erdogan’s government to get it to bend over backwards to promote and effectuat Bush’s ridiculously demented “Greater Middle East Initiative”. Everyone arrested in this fictitious Ergenokon sweep are those who opposed Bush’s Middle East initiative directly or indirectly.

    All U.S. citizens who value the the principles embodied in the U.S. Constitution soundly object to the colonialist goals of that ludicrously arrogant Middle East initiative, which effectively would forcibly inject into various countries of the Middle East regimes that were none other than U.S. puppets. That is old style British colonialism or imperialism defined.

    Yeah, and you call yourself an American, but you’re nothing more than left-over cold war relic vassal of the USSR–which, by the way, if you read the news, say anytime during the past 10 years or so, you would know no longer exists.

    Rather than worrying about some fictitious genocide claims, you should be worried about the brain-o-cide the Dashnaks have perpetrated against you.

  15. Haluk Demirbag Avatar
    Haluk Demirbag

    Turkish logic prevails…

    Hollanda Gizli Servisi (AIVD): PKK’yı finanse ediyoruz

    Turkish wisdom will seal it all. Watch this space!

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