Anti-Americanism in a Poisoned Tank

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Soner Cagaptay
Hurriyet Daily News
September 15, 2009

Two recent cases in Turkey involving American think tanks serve as evidence that anti-Americanism often spreads because of what people hear from their governments, and that such rhetoric, if not countered immediately, can have a debilitating effect on America’s standing overseas.

The most recent Turkish case concerns a June 2009 Atlantic Council report, which outlines steps toward confidence building between Turkey and the Iraqi Kurds. The report has been vilified in Turkey in vicious attacks and decried as an evil American plan that inspired the Justice and Development Party, or AKP, government’s summer 2009 Kurdish opening, an initiative that promises steps to alleviate Turkey’s Kurdish problem. A think-tank in Washington driving the AKP’s politics?! Yet, as unbelievable as it might sound, the current consensus in Turkey is that the Atlantic Council report and the United States government are pushing the AKP’s summer initiative, and that because America and an American think tank are behind it, this initiative is against Turkey’s interests.

The United States and American think tanks have lately taken on a poisonous reputation in Turkey. Outside observers may find this shocking, but the roots of this recent negative perception go back to the June 2007 “Hudson Institute Incident.” At that time, the AKP used a roundtable discussion held at Hudson on the Kurdish issue, attended by the Turkish military, to suggest that the military was plotting in Washington against the AKP, and that it was using the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, to this end. The party leadership lambasted the Washington think tank, suggesting that “in dark rooms” and “behind closed doors,” “plans are made in Washington against Turkey’s interests” and that the roundtable conversations constituted a crime “beyond treason” for the Turks in attendance.

Such rhetoric vilified U.S. think tanks and Washington. Embodying U.S. foreign policy toward Turkey, U.S. think tanks and Washington became synonymous with a conspiratorial view of sinister plotting against Turkey. This spin engulfed Turkey in a nationalist and anti-American frenzy during the early summer of 2007, becoming the only issue the Turks debated in that period. Supported by the government, and promoted by pro-government media, this hard to believe perception that a Washington think-tank and America were conspiring against Turkey became common currency, while allowing the AKP to tarnish the military’s image and surf to a wave of popularity in the July 2007 elections.

Sad as it is, the AKP’s instrumentalization of the Hudson incident ended up maligning the intellectual exercise about Turkey. Writing about and discussing Turkey in Washington became a risky exercise attracting vitriolic attacks. Now, however, the tables have turned: the AKP is reaping what it sowed in 2007 and is at the receiving end of the poisoned anti-American and “Washington and its think tanks are evil” environment it helped create. The “Atlantic Council” incident is hurting the AKP’s image and the party is hard pressed to prove that “behind closed doors and in dark rooms in Washington, evil plans are not made against Turkey’s interests.”

All this has a cost to Turkey and the United States. The incidents involving the Hudson Institute and the Atlantic Council show that once the seeds of anti-Americanism are sown, it is almost impossible to uproot them from the political landscape of a country. The AKP has now learned that this phenomenon can even turn on the hand that once birthed it. So, foreign governments — stand warned.

More importantly, the two incidents also demonstrate that anti-American rhetoric spread by foreign governments should not be dismissed as simple domestic politicking, for more than what America does or say, such rhetoric defines what people overseas think of the United States. The international public opinion of the United States is in many countries like a tank of water; even one drop of political arsenic is enough to poison the whole tank, and such poison is not made in America.

Soner Cagaptay is a senior fellow and director of the Turkish Research Program at The Washington Institute.

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One response to “Anti-Americanism in a Poisoned Tank”

  1. Kufi Seydali Avatar
    Kufi Seydali


    Mr. Cagaptay has presented us with a one-sided version of the story – American, love-hate relationship.
    Yes, my generation of Turks have leraned to love America for what it stood; Fairness, equal rights and equal opportunities, good novels, good films, good coca-cola and so forth. We learned to love America
    for her fight against the Nazis and for acting against colonialism!

    However, what has changed for us Turks vis a vis America? Without a deeper analysis of what has
    changed will not lead to possible remedies and repair of the relationship and partnership which should
    be to mutual benefit.

    Yes, what has really changed since the 60s? First came the shocking Lyndon Johnson letter with regards
    to the Cyprus conflict where Turkish Cypriots were butchered by their co-inhabitors of the island.
    Johnson used very ordinary threats against Turkey, both a staunch ally and NATO member! The Turko-Greek relations became a ball game for the Greek Lobby in America.

    Later on, America’s Lobby weakness showed itself as the Armenian Genocide-joke! Turkish diplomats have been brutally murdered as the CIA looked on and did nothing. After that, each year in April, Turkey
    had to fear the joke of successive US presidents using the magic word “Genocide” or not – as if it was
    some seasonal development!

    More recently, Turkey got the taste of yet another unknown ugly face of the US- Administration, in the
    form of a silly reaction to the Turkish Parliament’s decision not to support the Iraq-war. Wolfowitz and Co
    showed themselves as unruly Rambos showing disrespect for national sensitivities, going as far as kidnapping and hooding of Turkish officers. This went on to develop into open support for PKK terrorists in northern Iraq, who killed hundreds of Turkish citizens in cross border raids from American protected North Iraq.

    The final episode was the address of President Barack Obama to the Turkish Parliament during his State visit. He presented the Turkish Parliament and hence State with demands which are only thinkable after
    a capitulation in a war. He clearly asked or demanded that the Turkish State give in to the Greeks over
    Cyprus and the Ageian, give in to the Kurdish Terorists in North Iraq, give in to the Armenian agressors
    over Karabagh. Yes, that was definitely the final episode and did not constitute a gram of Arsen, but
    tons of Napalm over the heads of the Turkish nation. I don’t think that the Turkish public opinion
    caused by rhetoric has so much to do with the poisoned relations.

    Yes, Mr. Cagaptay’s version is at best an over-simplification.

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