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Syria, Turkey Sign Strategic Deal, LIFT VISA

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Asad+ErdoganTurkey and Syria have signed a bilateral cooperation accord under which top ministers from the two countries will meet each year.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and his Syrian counterpart Walid Mualem who is currently visiting Turkey along with President Bashar al-Assad, signed the agreement on Wednesday.

They also said that the two countries would establish a high level strategic cooperation council.

“We hope to turn our relations into maximum cooperation based on a principle of “zero problem,” the Turkish minister stressed.

Touching on the meeting to be held among Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Arab League in Istanbul on Thursday to establish a dialogue between Syria and Iraq, Turkish official said that they all believed the meeting would be successful.

Syrian president Bashar al-Assad held talks with Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan in Istanbul on Wednesday and the two countries signed a wide-ranging agreement to improve political, economic and social ties.

They agreed to abolish visas between the two countries.

Source:, 17 Sept. 2009

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