A Turkish View on What is Really Behind Persistent Anti-Americanism in Turkey

ergun s
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Ergün Kirlikovali September 7th 2009

Irvine CA

Responding to “What’s Behind Behind Persistent Anti-Americanism in Turkey?” by Soner Cagaptay and Yurter Ozcan in your August 31st 2009 edition (see August 31, 2009 Society), at least some of the reasons behind seemingly persistent Anti-Americanism in Turkey are:

1) Continuing reliance of the Congress and even the Presidency on anti-Turkish lobbies to define United States-Turkey relations;

2) Ceaseless defamation of Turks, Turkey, Turkish culture, heritage, and history in the media due to input received from anti-Turkish biased sources, as in the bogus Armenian genocide case;

3) Insistence on a ridiculous war in Iraq despite strenuous objections from and damage to Turkey;

4) Behind the scenes wheeling and dealing with Kurdish terrorists, PKK (though officially always denied);

5) Taking Greek and Greek Cypriots representations and claims at face value when developing approaches in southeastern Europe;

6) Trade quotas (even yesterday’s communist China enjoys more freedom in trade in USA than long time ally, reliable friend and staunch supporter Turkey;

7) Remarkable ignorance and/or even insults when faced with matters Turkish always ending up in awkward apologies.

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3 responses to “A Turkish View on What is Really Behind Persistent Anti-Americanism in Turkey”

  1.  Avatar

    Having substantial association with Turkiye, beginning in 1954, I have some views about American treatment of Turkiye and motivation for these attitudes and behaviors.

    1. I believe the US Congress is for the mindless and spineless mirror of the attitude of the American people — on most subjects, including Turkiye. And in particular, the Greek lobby and Armenian lobby have very heavy influence on many in the House of Representatives, forcing the hand of the Senate and President in many respects. Politics being what it is, statesmanship is in general a pathetic joke, and Turkiye is only one of numerous victims of it. I suspect as well that most of the other nations being whipsawed this way dislike and distrust America also.

    2. The so-called “Christians” in this country have a long-standing bias — and since 9/11, fear — of Islam and Muslim peoples. This bias contributes heavily to lobbying activity against not only Turkiye, but Palestine, Syria, Iraq, and even Iran. I fully believe that there are few people in these countries who discount that reality, and it’s natural that they should react in kind.

    3. The U.S. has without awareness of the law of unintended consequence,kowtowed to Kurds in Turkiye… I cannot disagree with the feelings of the Turks, especially because of the way America coddles Kurds in Iraq. Whether we actually have dealings with the PKK, we certainly give the appearance of that, and in foreign affairs (as in most other things), appearance is reality.

    4. Turkiye has been such a faithful friend and ally for so long that U.S. governments have taken for granted that we can command obeisance from her, regardless of Turkiye’s own interests, of which we know next to nothing and care even less. We dishonored our America in the aftermath of the 1991 Gulf War and defamed her in her refusal to allow U.S. troops to move through Turkiye for the Iraq War, ignored that Turkiye had historic, religious and economic reasons to oppose that war. Turkiye also has historic reasons to distrust the presence of foreign troops near her borders, and (in my opinion) considers U.S. presence in Iraq, albeit with an ally’s eye, to be a potential threat to her at some future point.

    5. The obvious and blatant U.S. bias toward Greek Cyprus and disrespect of the Turkish presence in Northern Cyprus is another reflection of the spineless statecraft of the House of Representatives. The American people are being brainwashed to ignore honest and diligent Turkish efforts to reach accord with Greece and with the U.N. over the Cyprus issue, and the adamant hostility toward Northern Cyprus that prevails in Greek Cyprus.

    6. Trade is another question, of course and that includes the arms trade. That is part of the blood-merchandising in which America exports more weaponry than Russia, China, Britain, France, Italy and Switzerland combined. Turkiye doesn’t seem exempt from this trade.

    Sadly, the U.S. policy makers have little understanding of the mores, religion, history and culture of Turkiye. I have made serious effort to inform American politicians…and have taken groups, small and large, for years to see Turkiye first hand. Sadly, again, there does not seem to be any reason to believe any of this is going to change soon. I think Americans are likely to stew in the mindless and hateful brew we have created, and attitudes in Turkiye toward America will continue to worsen. Maalesef.

    David Schierling
    [email protected]
    telephone: 307-532-4509

  2. David Schierling Avatar
    David Schierling

    As an American who has been privileged to spend substantial time in Turkiye, and to have had the opportunity to study the history and culture of this fine U.S. ally, I do have some views about American treatment of Turkiye and motivation for these attitudes and behaviors.

    1. I, as an American, believe fully that our Congress is for the mindless and spineless mirror of the attitude of the American people — on most subjects, including Turkiye. And in particular, the Greek lobby and Armenian lobby have very heavy influence on many in the House of Representatives, forcing the hand of the Senate and President in many respects. Politics being what it is, statesmanship is in general a pathetic joke, and Turkiye is only one of numerous victims of it. I suspect most of the other nations being whipsawed this way dislike and distrust America also.

    2. The so-called “Christians” in this country have a long-standing bias — and since 9/11, fear — of Islam and Muslim peoples. This bias contributes heavily to lobbying activity against not only Turkiye, but Palestine, Syria, Iraq, and even Iran. I think there are few people in these countries who discount that reality, and it’s natural that they should react in kind.

    3. The U.S. has blindly kowtowed to Kurds in Turkiye. I know that the Turks have no doubt about that it at all — especially because of the way America coddles Kurds in Iraq. Whether we actually have dealings with the PKK, we certainly give the appearance of that, and in foreign affairs (as in most other things), appearance is reality.

    4. Turkiye has been such a faithful friend and ally for so long that U.S. governments have taken for granted that we can command obeisance from her, regardless of Turkiye’s own interests, of which we know next to nothing and care even less. We treated Turkiye shabbily in the aftermath of the 1991 Gulf War and defamed her ibecause of her fully waranted refusal to allow U.S. troops to move through Turkiye for the Iraq War; We ignored the fact that Turkiye had historic, religious and economic reasons to oppose that war. Turkiye also has historic reasons to distrust the presence of foreign troops near her borders, and (in my opinion) considers U.S. presence in Iraq to be a potential threat to her at some future point.

    5. The U.S. has blatant and obvious bias toward Greek Cyprus and for no good reason, disrespect of the Turkish presence in Northern Cyprus is another reflection of the spineless statecraft of the House of Representatives. The American people are being brainwashed to ignore honest and diligent Turkish efforts to reach accord with Greece and with the U.N. over the Cyprus issue, and the adamant hostility toward Northern Cyprus that prevails in Greek Cyprus.

    While it saddens me greatly, I don’t see any reason to believe any of this is going to change soon. I think Americans are likely to stew in the mindless and hateful brew we have created, and attitudes in Turkiye toward America will continue to worsen.

  3. Robert Avatar


    Bravo! Well said my friend! If only a fraction of the US and other nations could see the true reality as you do, through your eyes and experiences, there would be fewer problems (ignorance leading to misunderstandings, violence and hate)! There would be a better chance for a lasting peace in that region, and a better educated CONGRESS! You are always welcome. Thank you.

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