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Police terror in Holland, Turkish worker hospitalized

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Dutch police attacked a Turkish worker who called the police to complain a bus driver who refused to pay a parking fee.

Dutch police attacked a Turkish worker who called the police to complain a bus driver who refused to pay a parking fee.

Ayhan Erbudak who has lived in Holland for 30 years, was hospitalized as a result of the “police terror” and faces the risk of becoming paralyzed.

The recent violence comes after two Turkish businessmen were slaughtered in the broad daylight in Holland and one died in prison as a result of police torture in Belgium in last few weeks.

Europe nowadays becomes a focus for the racist and violent crimes.

Terrifying incident started when Erbudak called the police to complain a bus driver who did not pay the parking lot.

Erbudak said police reacted horribly to him, saying “is it worth to call the police for such a small issue?”

Police then badly beat Erbudak who opposed that police want to send the bus driver without paying the money. Erbudak’s backbone was broken during the attack.

He said the police told him, “you deserved this” although he said he could not breath. “The police took me to the station under such conditions,” he said.

After his testimony at the police station, he was released. Erbudak had to stay in hospital for two days. His wife, Saniye Erbudak who witnessed the violence, said that she’s mentally depressed.

Erbudak said he would sue the police and defend for his rights.

An Afgan migrant also died of a heart attack after police harshly treated him in the same place where Erbudak was exposed to the police terror.

Source:, 19 August 2009

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