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Clash near Karabakh kills 4 Armenian soldiers-

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reports 10 Sep 2009 08:45:32 GMT Source: Reuters BAKU, Sept 10 (Reuters) – Four Armenian soldiers were killed in an exchange of fire with Azeri armed forces near breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh on Thursday, Azerbaijan’s ANS Press news agency reported. ANS reported the exchange took place in the Agdam district adjacent to the rebel territory, which threw off Azeri rule in the early 1990s. The defence ministries of Azerbaijan and Armenia could not immediately be reached for comment. (Reporting by Matt Robinson; editing by Guy Faulconbridge)  

Yusif Babanly
Board of Directors
Azerbaijani American Council (AAC)


This skirmish may be an important message that Turkish-Armenian border opening without the liberation of Azeri territories will most likely result in a war. Azerbaijan will then have no other option to force Armenians to obey with UN resolutions.

Obviously, war cannot be conducted without Russian control and arms, hence Azerbaijan will most likely lean more towards Russia, hence ruining all the Western energy projects.


On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 7:17 AM, Fatma
in Turkey, the NTV radio announced the event as;
Armenian soldiers were trying to expand their territories as the cause of the skirmish.
Fatma S.

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