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Turkish Forum Danisma kurulu Uyesi


Just kidding…

That could never happen, although perhaps it should, as that is the only way to expose the Armenian hearsay and forgeries.

That is the only way Turkey can clear its name in the face of Armenian lies, deceptions, fabrications, falsifications, and misrepresentations. The 1948 U.N. Convention also required that genocide verdict can only be rendered by a “competent tribunal” where it is proven beyond a showdown of doubt that there was an “intent” to commit genocide. Activists, columnists, academicians, clergy, politicians, and million other professions are free to be heard as witnesses if called upon, but the ultimate decision BELONGS TO THE COURTS.

Why do I stress that? Because none of the Armenian claims can stand the scrutiny of a court room…not even a single one!

Case in point: US federal judges recently threw out a California law passed by Glendale Armenians via racist and dishonest politicians which allowed the so called heirs of bogus survivors of a bogus genocide could sue the insurance companies for life insurance policies purchased by Ottoman Armenians. Whoosh! What was that? It was the sound of Armenian claims going out the window… Armenian genocide lies finally hit the wall of truth…
(Check the archives for details on when, where, who, why, etc.)

We know this. That is why we are saying, writing, demanding that Armenians, if they truly believe in the crap they spread around as genocide, they should sue Turkey at ICJ in the Hague. I dare them!

The rest is talk… cheap talk!

But they cannot!

Do you now know why Armenians can never take their claims of genocide to court to convict Turkey?

Because the Armenians know that the Armenian genocide claims do not have a snowball’s chance in hell to withstand the scrutiny of a courtroom.


If they did, this is how that lawsuit at ICJ would start:

Your honor, poor starving Armenians…


unarmed, Armenian civilians…


were killed by Turks….


In 1915…




And with intent to annihilate…


to the tune of 1.5 million…


Armenians had no weapons…


Armenians were loyal citizens…


Armenians did not revolt…


Armenians did not demand territory…


Armenians did not resort to terrorism…


Armenians did not join the country’s enemies…


Armenians did not join the invading enemy armies…


Armenians were innocent…


No one helped Armenians…

Armenian homeland…


And Armenian national identity…



( Objection!… Objection!… Objection!… )

See, the Armenians would not be able to finish even a SINGLE FULL SENTENCE without being interrupted after every word/phrase by extremely VIGOROUS TURKISH OBJECTIONS…

Racist and dishonest Armenian version of history at the hands of equally racist and dishonest politicians like Schiff, Pallone, Radanovich, do not face responsible opposing views in political platforms and can pass easily with a show of hands. In none of the 20 or so countries’ parliaments or 40 some US States’ assemblies did those racist and dishonest Armenian resolutions pass without considerable Armenian political pressure. Meaning, if Armenians did not push this hard, no one would give a damn!

Pay Schiff, Pallone, Radanovich, and they will sign any resolution created by Armenians. That is why Armenians go for political resolutions rather than courts, because they can manipulate the facts in the former, but not the latter.

Not all killings are genocide… Not all teresets (temporary resettlements) are genocide… not all my-granma-told-me stories are genocide…Not all human suffering is genocide… Not all man’s inhumanity to man is genocide… Not all war crimes are genocide…

You see, there has to a proven intent for any of the crimes to be a genocide (that’s what the 1948 UN Convention says)

And the verdict belongs to ICJ, the only competent tribunal that can effortlessly rip apart the unreliable collection of Armenian hearsay and forgeries.

That is the plain truth…

And that, my friend, you can take to the bank!

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