horrors of the Armenian genocide

armenian revolt
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An uncompromising look at the horrors of the Armenian genocide

01:00 AM EDT on Sunday, August 2, 2009

By Michael Janusonis <[email protected]>

Journal Arts Writer

Paolo and Vittorio Taviani of The Lark Farm.


The 13th Rhode Island International Film Festival officially begins its six-day run Tuesday night with a gala at the Providence Performing Arts Center, followed by a series of short films on the giant screen. But it will actually kick off Monday with a couple of special screenings: a 10 a.m. showing of Monsters Vs. Aliens 3-D at Providence Place Cinemas and a 6:30 p.m. screening at the Columbus Theater of Paolo and Vittorio Taviani’s 2007 historical epic The Lark Farm.

Despite its bucolic name, The Lark Farm is an uncompromising look at the horrors of the Armenian genocide launched by the Turks in 1915, when World War I was going badly for them. The massacre was carried out amidst fears that the substantial Christian Armenian population, who had always been second-class citizens in the Muslim Ottoman Empire, was going to join the Russians who were fighting the Turks in the war.

During the genocide, which began in 1915, many Armenian men were arrested and killed. The women and children were deported to a desert region near the Syrian border, though many of them perished during the forced marches. In the end, it is estimated that between 1 million and 1.5 million Armenians died in this holocaust. Unnervingly, their story parallels events that began two decades later in Germany when the Nazis attempted to exterminate the Jews of Europe.

Trying to tell such a broad-based story is a daunting undertaking, except perhaps as a documentary. But the writing-directing Tavianis, who are in their late 70s and whose output over the decades includes the groundbreaking Padre Padrone and Night of the Shooting Stars, made this history very personal by focusing on one family as it struggled to survive in an increasingly bleak and trying situation.

The Lark Farm revolves around the lives of the prosperous Avankian family, who live in a fine house in the city and have recently restored the big house at their homestead in the countryside, Lark Farm, to its former ornate grandeur. But the war has broken out, threatening the already wobbly Ottoman Empire, and the Avankians are hearing inklings that things will not go well for the Armenians.

When the family patriarch dies at the start of the film, he warns with his dying breath to flee, but no one pays heed. His son, Aram (Tcheky Karyo), a wealthy businessman, believes things will pretty much continue as they always have with just a few rough spots. His beatific wife, Armineh (Arsinee Khanjian), puts up a brave front, but is not so convinced. His sister, the headstrong Nunik (Paz Vega), has fallen in love with a Turkish officer (Alessandro Preziosi), who plots to leave the army and flee with her across the border because he has heard rumors that bad things might come. “There’s no hope for us here. I’m a Turk and you’re Armenian,” he tells Nunik.

It seems like a set-up for what will be a Romeo-Juliet romance, but The Lark Farm soon grows much darker even than that classic tale. Soon the resentment toward the Armenians, who are seen by some Turks as a sort of fifth column of traitors and spies, spirals out of control. Plans are afoot to arrest the Armenian leaders quietly, including Aram. But things quickly get out of hand when a hot-headed officer gets involved and events slip away from the control of the colonel who is in charge of this region. A decent man who has befriended the Armenians, he tries to prevent the killing, but is too late.

The attack on the Avankians and their neighbors, who have arrived at Lark Farm in hopes of finding refuge from the Turks, is horrific and bloody. It sets the tone for the terrors that will follow, which will see most of the men murdered and the women sent off on a long march toward the desert with little food to sustain them. In desperation, some of them turn to selling sexual favors for a loaf of bread. Others are killed outright or left to die at the side of the road. The Lark Farm becomes a study in human cruelty.

Cinematically, it’s powerful and yet that power is muted somewhat by the melodramatic way events unfold on screen. The Armenians are pictured as innocents and saints; most Turks as soulless monsters. Some scenes and characters are overplayed. At one point, a Turkish soldier who has arrived at the Avankian manse during their dinner, covetously looks at a tureen that’s filled with soup, spilling its contents on the table and making a grab for the tureen with greed in his eyes. There are many such scenes that lack subtlety.

Nevertheless, the plight of the Avankians, whose brother in Italy desperately attempts to raise money to get them out of Turkey, is emotionally riveting. It expands to include the tale of a Muslim beggar who tries to help the family, which has always been good to him, hatching an elaborate rescue plan. It goes back to focus on Nunik who finds herself in a camp where she falls in love with another Turkish soldier and is involved in a selfless act to save what’s left of her family. Vega gives a poignant performance as Nunik, who has nowhere left to turn. She puts a face on the struggles of the Armenian people during this dark period.

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10 responses to “horrors of the Armenian genocide”

  1. ALLA Avatar

    Thanks to famous Italian ARTISTS Paolo and Vittorio Taviani for their film about truth on the ARMENIAN

    GENOCIDE. We have seen it in the Armenian Festival “GOLDEN AIPRICOT”

    THANK YOU!!!!

  2. William Avatar

    Another propaganda film, it seems, that takes all Armenian claims and narratives at full face value. In no part of history or human life, all the people belonging to one ethnicity are all bad and another all good. Such malicious stereotyping defy logic, truth, and fairness and only helps fan the flames of raw hatred, expanding the divide and polarization. If one cherishes values like fairness, objectivity, and honesty, then one should really use the term “Turkish-Armenian conflict”. Not the alleged Armenian genocide. Asking one “Do you accept or deny Armenian Genocide” shows anti-Turkish bias. The question should be re-phrased “What is your stand on the Turkish-Armenian conflict?” Turks believe it was an inter communal warfare mostly fought by Turkish and Armenian irregulars, a civil war which is engineered, provoked, and waged by the Armenian revolutionaries, with active support from Russia, England, France, and others, all eyeing the vast territories of the collapsing Ottoman Empire, against a backdrop of a raging world war. Armenians, on the other hand, totally ignoring Armenian agitation, raids, rebellions, treason, territorial demands, and Turkish victims killed by Armenians, unfairly claim that it was a one way genocide.

  3. Robert Avatar

    ALLA=The RAT,

    YAWN!!! Is this seriously the best BS propaganda you’ve got? How much bribe money was spent on these Italians? Just from reading the reviews, your bribe were wasted! It seems that a child director and producer put this one together! If you’re going to do propaganda, at the very least, make is plausible! Great fiction though!! When can we see a real film about the genocide committed by the dashnak Armenians against 518,000 Turks and 2 million Moslems and non-Moslems? How about a film depicting their land grab attempts post WWI (twice against Azerbaijan and once against Georgia, all three times getting their asses kicked out), and then the latest one in 1992 (don’t forget the massacres that they committed there as well!)? Don’t forget to do one about the dashnak Armenian terrorists who killed a hundred innocent people and injured hundreds more! Sorry Rat, but you lose yet another round!

  4. ALLA Avatar



    Thank you for your not calling the famous Italian brothers “rats”!II Thanks!

    By the way, thank you for your opinion on ARMENIANS RICHES, unfortunately we cannot bribe all people all over the WORLD, who know the truth on the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE!!! THEY ARE HUGE!!! 🙂

    TAVIANI BROTHERS needn’t our money! As compared with politicians they are very honest men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. hally Avatar

    This video (it’s not worthy of being called a film) plays like S&M snuff–it’s wildly over the top to the point of becoming a bizarre black comedy. It seems the Italians may have pulled a fast one (i.e., played a joke) on Armenians.

  6. Hakan Avatar

    It is shameful for us Turks to wipe out an entire nation from its homeland and then can it a “Turkish Armenian Conflict.” We are better than that. I am a History Major and have studied this period of our history in detail. It is well documented that the Armenian massacres and deportations were planned and executed by the State. The truth may not be pleasant, but we should accept it and move forward.

  7. Roza Avatar

    Robert, don’t worry about other films.

    WE have had a film about SOGHOMON TEHLERYAN, who had killed the Talat, the organizer and murderer of ARMENIAN people.

    The Court Martial declares, unanimously, the culpability as principal factors of these crimes the fugitives Talat Pasha, former Grand Vizir, Enver Efendi, former War Minister, struck off the register of the Imperial Army, Cemal Efendi, former Navy Minister, struck off too from the Imperial Army, and Dr. Nazim Efendi, former Minister of Education, members of the General Council of the Union & Progress, representing the moral person of that party;… the Court Martial pronounces, in accordance with said stipulations of the Law the death penalty against Talat, Enver, Cemal, and Dr. Nazim.

    On March 15, 1921, former Grand Vizier Talat Pasha was assassinated in the Charlottenburg District of Berlin, Germany, in broad daylight and in the presence of many witnesses. Talat was a planner of the Armenian Genocide.
    The subsequent trial of the assassin, Soghomon Tehlirian, had an important influence on Raphael Lemkin, a lawyer of Polish-Jewish descent who campaigned in the League of Nations to ban what he called “barbarity” and “vandalism”, and, in 1943, coined the word genocide.

    Robert be so honest as the grandson of Jemal pasha, who came to Armenia and visited the GENOCIDE MEMORIAL- Tsitsernakaberd! By the way his grandfather, as the planner of the Armenian Genocide was assassinated as well…

    Thanks to GOD!!! All three murderers, inhuman beeings and planners of the GENOCIDE were – Enver, Talat and Jemal were assassinated by ARMENIAN HEROES!!!

  8. Robert Avatar

    ROZA=The RAT,

    I see that you’ve added a new persona now! You’re using the name Hakan! Use as many as you wish, but we all know that it’s you!

    Armenian heroes? Sorry, but there’s just no such animal! You dashnaks also include Topalian and all of the other Armenian terrorists who killed and maimed hundreds around the world as “Heroes”! The proper term RAT is “MURDERERS”!!!! REMEMBER…THE MAJOR IMPORT OF ARMENIA IS FOREIGN AID; ITS MAJOR EXPORT IS TERRORISM!!!!

    Hello, I’m Eric Baggossian, a God-awful dashnak Armenian actor with a real bad hair style!! I want to apologize to the world about my people, the Armenians, who have lied to the world for over a century, their crimes against humanity and war crimes during WWI and WWII!!! Unfortunately, Armenia is governed by a ruthless and oppressive party know as the Dashnaks. We have tried to steal other people’s lands and riches for the past century! I am ashamed to even talk about the horrible injustice and crimes that my people did to the Azerbaijani’s in 1992! I am ashamed of the massacres my people did at Khojahly, Azerbaijan in 1992!! As you all know by this time, we Armenians are well known for our lies, forgeries,corruption and intimidation/manipulation!

  9. Roza Avatar

    You have lively imagination!


    I have no idea who is Hakan, HONESTLY!



    Thanks to GOD!!! All three murderers, inhuman beeings and planners of the GENOCIDE – Enver, Talat and Jemal were assassinated by ARMENIAN HEROES!!!

    P.S. You have read the column of HARUT SASSOUNIAN “Revealing Genocide Documents Found in Ottoman Archives” and you know what kind man was your Talat pasha! He was so thankless to his life-savor-Agnouni?! It is shameful behavour, isn’t it Mr.Robert? He was not honest man! Many Armenians believed Turks, the Young Turks Party, support them, but they were more terrible than Sultan Abdul Hamid!


    When Turkish police officers came to his house to arrest him, Agnouni asked in a state of shock: “Does Talat know about this?” Agnouni was completely dumb-founded when the officers showed him Talat’s signature on his arrest warrant. He asked: “I just had lunch with Talat — how come he did not say anything to me?”

    Agnouni was stunned by his arrest because he could not believe that Talat would betray him after he had saved his life during the Young Turk revolution of 1908, by hiding him in his own home at the risk of his own life.

    when Agnouni finally realized that he was being led to his death, he told his fellow prisoners: “I don’t regret dying, since I knew that death was inevitable. My only regret is that we were deceived by these Turkish villains.” Balakian expressed his deep regret that Armenians who put their trust in Turks realized their mistake too late – only when they were on their way to their deaths!
    ! ! !


    Some Armenians still believe that Turkey cannot change. Suspicion of Turkey’s motives and
    fear of its true intentions are widespread, both on the street and in the media. In a 2004
    opinion poll, 68.7 percent of Armenian respondents, when asked to characterize Turks in a
    single word, came up with negative descriptions – among them, “bloodthirsty” (6.4 percent),
    “enemy” (10.1 percent), “barbarian” (9.1 percent) and “murderers” (6.4 percent). Only 6
    percent of respondents cited positive characteristics.
    “Noah’s Dove Returns. Armenia, Turkey and the Debate on Genocide”
    Berlin – Istanbul – Yerevan
    21 April 2009

  10. Robert Avatar


    Why do you insist on constantly cahnging your name? Roza, Hakan, JDA, Alla, Sona, etc….all of you are the same RAT and you know it! However, if you still want to keep playing this game, that’s okay by me.

    As was said before, what you term as “Armenian Heroes” are nothing more than Armenian dashnak TERRORISTS!!! Paint it any way you wish, but the original underlying coat of blood from innocent people can never be coated over, for it will ultimately bleed through all the coats of paint that you want to apply to cover it up! Roza (a.k.a. The RAT), If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it is a duck!! An Armenian Terrorist is just that…a cold-blooded killer that you dashnaks turn into heroes because you have nothing else! And that’s why you’re so pathetic and pitiful! You have the gall to even mention the name Balakian (one of the biggest Turkophobes and falsifiers among you dashnaks)?!! Yeah, there’s some REAL credibility, Hahahaha!!!

    Finally, you talked about a poll. Where was this poll taken? There are between 60K and 100K Armenians living in Turkey right now (with an average of 1,000-2,000/month escaping Armenia and immigrating to Turkey!). So tell me Roza, if this poll were to be reversed and asked to Turkish respondents in Armenia, what would be the result? Oh yes, you must first tell us just how many Turks are living in Armenia! It’s hard to take a poll when Armenia has a 98% purity rate, acheived from yeras of ethnic oppression and even cleansing, causing not only non-Armenians to exodus, but native Armenians as well! And many of them come to Turkey!! So, if there are barely any Turks (if any) living in Armenia, how would you acheive this poll? Of course, the same way you dashnaks have done things for the past century…through fabrications, falsifications and forgeries!! That way, you can skew the values in any direction that you want the world to believe! Hey, just another day at the infamous dashnak Armenian con job factory! You’ll con any nation…WHILE YOU WAIT! You even serve refreshments too!

    This is the reallity RAT! What you keep posting is simply fluff, so as to divert everyone’s attention from the truth (which is slowly coming to light), hence your desperation!

    RAT, Roza, whatever, why are you even on this site? You’re starting to flare up my ‘roids!

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