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Turkish PM to raise Uighur mass killing in G8 summit

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[ 09 Jul 2009 18:25 ]
Baku – APA. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan will raise the issue of bloody events in Xinjiang-Uighur autonomous region of China in the G8 summit in L’Aquila, Italy.

On his departure for the G8 summit, Erdogan told journalists that he will raise the issue of mass killing of Uighurs to the G8 leaders, including the US, APA reports quoting Haberturk. “Our foreign ministry invited the Chinese ambassador and gave a notice to him. We demanded to end this wildness soon. I will discuss this issue with the world leaders. It is impossible for Turkey to keep silence toward this wildness”.

Erdogan said Turkey was ready to give a visa to the leader of World Uighur Congress Rebia Kadeer, who lives in exile in the United States, if she asks them for it. Chinese communist regime accused Kadeer in the masterminding of unrests and said she instigated the Uighurs in China.

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