Uighurs need media attention

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Dear friends,

According to a resident, internet has been disconnected through out Xinjiang, a sign that the Chinese gov. has and will murder many more innocent Uighurs.  They have confiscated phones, cell phones, computers and any other form of communication devices for they do not want the world to hear the protesters’s cries for help.  It is now our job to communicate the message that these brave Uighurs are sacrificing their lives to communicate to the rest of the World.  We need as much media attention as we can get, please contact your local media and give them information about he protest and let them know that this was a peaceful protest that is violently suppressed by the Chinese gov.  Email them, call them, mail them, send them photos, links, youtube videos, please be presistant remind them that the people are dying by the second and we can not afford to waste any time.  It may be hard to divert media attention from the ever so important Michael Jackson’s death, but please be persuasive, try to evoke their compassion if they have any, with videos and photos of this horrific event!!!!!!

Thank you and God bless!

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