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Saturday, 13 June 2009
APA’s US bureau reports that the US-based law office of Geragos & Geragos owned by famous lawyer of Armenian descent Mark Geragosian addressed heirs of Ethnic Greek New York Life Policy Holders who “were murdered” in the Genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Turks between 1915 and 1921.

“Prior to 1915, New York Life sold life insurance policies to thousands of Greeks living in the Ottoman Empire. Countless Greek policyholders were among the hundreds of thousands of Greeks who perished in the first Genocide of the twentieth century. In the ensuing chaos, many of the rightful heirs were unable to produce the documentation required to claim the insurance proceeds while others were unaware that they were entitled to any insurance benefits. In 2004, a class action settlement of $20 million which involved 2,300 Armenian New York Life policyholders with unpaid claims was awarded to the descendents of the victims massacred in the Armenian Genocide of 1915,” Geragos & Geragos noted in the special webpage launched for this purpose.

This is not the first campaign launched by the US Armenian community to damage Turkey”s image. Earlier, California State Assembly member of Armenian descent Paul Krekorian presented a bill “Justice for Genocide Victims” and wanted prohibition of investments in Turkey and other states that committed “genocide.”

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  1. If you worry about Turkey’s image and if you really desire to stand with the civilized nations you should

    recognize the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE!!!

    And you call this campaign launched by the US Armenian community “to damage Turkey”s image” ???

    You damage your country’s image yourselves!!!

    Most of the ancestors had not insurance policies, because policy owners were slaughtered in 1915 in the

    Western Armenia and all documents were lost…but New York Life Insurance Co. paid to ancestors of

    policyholders, taking into account the fact there was a GENOCIDE.

    French AXA insurance companiy also paid claims to policy-holders who perished in the Genocide!

    Soon Turkey will pay for PROPERTY of its citizens – ARMENIANS!!!

  2. Robert Avatar

    SONA=The RAT,

    When are you dashnak Armenians going to recognize the GENOCIDES committed by the dashnak Armenians agaisnt the Turks, Georgians, Greeks, Arabs, Persians, Tartars, Azeris, Kurds, Jews, which included plans for mass etnic cleansing and extermination, before, during and after WWI?!! How about your most earliest attemps of genocide against the azerbaijani’s in Kohjaly, Azerbaijan in the early 1990’s? There are still one million displaced refuges wainting to go back to their homes! Why are you Armenians soooo terrified to even venture into a civilized discussion about these issues? The UN has recognized the Armenian atrocities against the Azerbaijanis in 1992! Every country has! It was covered by every media outlet in the world! yet, you Armenians pretend that these events never occurred and that, as usual, only the Armenians of 1915 were the only victims of that war! What crap!!! More and more of the world is starting to see the truth and are reversing themselves (e.g. Sweden)! It’s just a matter of time now before your self-establish edifice, built on a vast foundation of lies, deciet, bribes, murder,forgeries/fabrications/falsification, threats, arrogance, intimidations, assaults, terrorism, begging like gypsies through out the 20th century all over the world to get hand outs, manipulation, etc. begins to collapse under the sheer weight of the evil it spawned, the very evil that will ultimately consume it, and sooner than you may think! You’d do well to look at your own countries “image” of Armenia before bad-mouthing Turkey! Your country is in horrible shape! Being the most corrupt and oppressive country in the world, and one of the poorest, it still shamelessly receives as begged hand outs from the US taxpayer, the largest amount of foreign aid per capita of its population! What does the US get in return? NOTHING! Armenia is nothing moire than a welfare state!!

    So don’t dare come here RAT to waste other people’s time with inconsequential BS just to remove people’s attention from the REAL truth!! Now, do everyone a favor and GET LOST!!! Loser!!

  3. Fahrettin Altay Pasha Avatar
    Fahrettin Altay Pasha

    You are an absolute idiot! We have gone over this many, many times. You have no substantial proof. Your whole shenaningans are based on political pressure, a false commitee of genocide scholars who are on your payrol, lies, corruption, deception… shall I go on?
    Do you really think the entire population of Anatolia is going to get up and move, so you can have your dazed dream of a great armenia? What about all the blood Turks shed over Anatolia, not to mention they have been ruling the lands since 1071.
    To sum it up for you, We dont care who agrees with your BS lies… it doesnt matter if GOD himself appeard on the face of the earth and commanded the Turks to give Anatolia back… NO WAY IS THIS GOING TO HAPPEN!!! Have you got this through your thick head?
    TURKEY will never ever ever ever ever pay for property, policies, or anything you can conjure up! Doesnt matter who you buy, convince by way of deception etc. As long as Turkey has proof that the BS Genocide did not take place, has the mass graves of muslim woman and children slain by Dashnaks, has documented archival records and keeps denying the entire thing happenned and is just a fragment of your imagination.
    Theres a turkish proverb which fits nice here….. NAH ALIRSINIZ!


    Some years ago Turkey desired to recieve the payments for its ex-citizens-policyholders ARMENIANS!!!


    But, New York Life Insurance Co. didn’t pay enything to GENOCIDE COMMITTED country!!!

    But New York Life Insurance Co. paid to ancestors of the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE victims!!!

  5. Robert Avatar


    You’re like a mild case of jock itch! You flare up from time-to-time, but have no long-term effects because many different things can make you go away (e.g. the truth, decency, proof, etc.)!!

    Look at the dribble that you post. It’s meaningless! You plan of distracting other readers from the truth is pathetic and doomed to failure! Once and for all, get it through your thick skulls…THERE WILL NEVER BE ANY REPARATIONS OR LANDS RELINGQUISHED BY TURKEY TO ANYONE, LET ALONE YOU DASHNAK LOSERS!!

    RAT, this question must be asked to you…Are you mentally ill, or just plain stupid?

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