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British software used to crash Iranian websites

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Union Jack behind green revolution

By Nick Farrell


A BLIGHTY web designer has noticed that an application he developed is being used by members if the Green revolution in Iran.

Ryan Kelly told Channel Four News he had developed to automatically refresh websites such as Ebay, but said Iranians had emailed him saying they were using it to mount distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks on that country’s official government websites.

He noticed that he was suddenly getting large numbers of download requests, then he started received emails from grateful Iranians saying they were using the application to attack government websites and bring them down.

There have been protests, as well as a web campaign, apparently, against Iran’s government after the results of Friday’s presidential election were announced, amid complaints of vote rigging.

Kelly took down the website because it could not handle the traffic, but after an online appeal for donations to cover the increased costs, he was able to make it available again. µ

Source:, 18 June 2009

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