Killer at Holocaust museum linked to BNP

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Man who killed guard at Holocaust museum has links to BNP

• White supremacist injured in Washington gunfight
• Records show 88-year-old was at fundraising events

Matthew Taylor and Daniel Nasaw

F.B.I. investigators examining a bullet-riddled door at the entrance of the Holocaust Memorial Museum, where a gunman entered the building and shot and killed a security guard. NYT
F.B.I. investigators examining a bullet-riddled door at the entrance of the Holocaust Memorial Museum, where a gunman entered the building and shot and killed a security guard. New York Times

A white supremacist who killed a security guard at a Holocaust memorial museum in the US has links to the British National party, which gained two MEPs in last week’s European elections.

Thousands of visitors fled the museum in Washington on Wednesday after James von Brunn opened fire, killing a security guard. In the gunfight that followed, the 88-year-old was shot, and is now in a critical condition in hospital.

Yesterday it emerged that Von Brunn, a longtime antisemite, had attended meetings of the American Friends of the British National party (AFBNP), which was set up to raise funds from far-right activists in America.

Mark Cotterill, who ran the US-based organisation before it folded in 2001, said: “He did attend meetings. I have just checked my database and he is down as ‘meetings only’, so he was not a major donor, although he may have put some money on the plate when it was passed round.”

The AFBNP treasurer, Todd Blodgett, also told the Washington Post that he and Von Brunn had attended fundraising meetings in Arlington County. The BNP leader, Nick Griffin, spoke to at least two AFBNP meetings and said the money raised by the organisation made a “significant contribution to the BNP’s [2001] general election campaign”.

Yesterday a spokesman for the party said: “You get a lot of people coming to meetings but I don’t think you can blame us for that. Even if he did go to meetings, it was nothing to do with us.”

However, anti-racism campaigners said Von Brunn’s links to the BNP underlined its extremist agenda. “It is clear that Nick Griffin is at the centre of an international network of white supremacists,” said Dan Hodges, of Searchlight. “The BNP must explain the full extent of his organisation’s links with this antisemitic gunman.”

The far-right party gained its first two MEPs in last week’s European elections – Griffin in the north-west and former National Front leader Andrew Brons in Yorkshire and the Humber.

During the campaign, photographs emerged of Griffin alongside the former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard Stephen “Don” Black, who was banned from the UK by the then home secretary, Jacqui Smith. He was also criticised for defending a BNP leaflet that said black and Asian Britons should be referred to as “racial foreigners”.

Yesterday Von Brunn was charged with murder and killing in the course of possessing a firearm at a federal facility, both capital offences under US federal law; police said hate crime charges were also possible.

At a press conference in Washington, Cathy Lanier, the Washington police chief, said security guard Stephen Johns was shot when he opened the door of the museum for Von Brunn. Other guards opened fire, and Von Brunn slumped to the ground.

In his car, officers found a notebook with a handwritten note saying, “You want my weapons, this is how you’ll get them. The Holocaust is a lie. Obama was created by Jews,” according to a court affidavit.

Von Brunn’s .22-calibre rifle held 10 more bullets and investigators found more in his car and at an apartment in nearby Annapolis, Maryland, that he shared with his son and his son’s fiancee.

Joseph Persichini, assistant director of the Washington FBI field office, said Von Brunn was known to the police as an antisemite and a white supremacist, who had a website that espoused hatred against African-Americans, Jews and others.

“We know what Mr Von Brunn did at the Holocaust museum. Now it’s our responsibility to determine why he did it,” said Joseph Persichini, assistant director of the Washington FBI field office. “We have to ask ourselves did all these years of public display of hatred impact his actions.”

A self-described artist, advertising man and author, Von Brunn wrote an anti-semitic treatise, Kill the Best Gentiles, decried “the browning of America” and claimed to expose a Jewish conspiracy “to destroy the White gene-pool”.

In 1983 Von Brunn was convicted of attempting to kidnap members of the US federal reserve board. At the time, police said he had wanted to take the members hostage because of high interest rates and the nation’s economic difficulties. On the website, Von Brunn blames his six-year imprisonment on “a Jew judge” and “Negro jury”.

Last night civil rights groups said they had been monitoring Von Brunn for decades.

Heidi Beirich, director of research for the Southern Poverty Law Centre’s intelligence project, said: “He thinks the Jews control the Federal Reserve, the banking system, that basically all Jews are evil. He’s an extreme antisemite.”

Source:, 12 June 2009

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7 responses to “Killer at Holocaust museum linked to BNP”

  1. Unite to keep BNP out of Scotland

    I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with Shirley-Anne Somerville’s call for united action to ensure the BNP does not gain a foothold in Scotland (MSP in call for political unity, News, June 10).

    However, it is deeply disappointing that Lothian and Borders Police were unwilling to take action against the BNP for their European election leaflets, which breach race relations legislation. I contacted the police last month on this issue and am still awaiting even the courtesy of a response.

    The provocative attacks on Muslim Turks in this literature, who, it is claimed, would “swamp Britain” and join the “invasion of foreign job snatchers” should Turkey join the European Union, are racist. This is a breach of both the Race Relations Act and the Racial and Religious Hatred Act, which make it an offence to distribute written material with the intent to stir up religious or racial hatred.

    It is therefore clearly disappointing that the police are unwilling to take action on this point, or even explain why they are unwilling to do so.

    Alex Orr, Bryson Road, Edinburgh


  2. BNP leaflet delivered with police newsletter

    Published Date: 20 May 2009

    Furious Northamptonshire Police officials have lodged a formal complaint with Royal Mail after leaflets for the right-wing British National Party were posted to homes stuffed inside the force newsletter.

    The blue and yellow BNP European election leaflets were pushed through doors inside the May 2009 edition of Home Beat, an eight-page tabloid paper with news updates about the county force.

    A leaflet advertising an insurance company was also included in the bundle, which was received in homes in Little Billing, Flore, Towcester and Wellingborough.

    A spokesman for Northamptonshire Police said the force was “very disappointed” the leaflets for the controversial far-right party had been included with Home Beat.

    He said: “We are an apolitical organisation and we wouldn’t want any political leaflets delivered with Home Beat.

    “These leaflets have been inserted and distributed by Royal Mail without our knowledge or consent and we are very disappointed that this has happened.

    “We have taken this matter up with the Royal Mail to whom we have made a formal complaint.”

    Royal Mail said it had a legal obligation to deliver election material under the Representation of the People Act.

    A spokesman said: “It appears that in a small number of cases some leaflets may have been folded together with other mail simply for ease of posting through letterboxes. This is not our policy. Our guidelines make it clear that no materials should be combined with another customer’s mailing, and if this has happened we apologise.”

    John Walker, assistant press officer for the British National Party, said the content of the leaflets was not inflammatory as all election material was required to be checked before it was printed and bundling leaflets together made the job of postal workers easier.

    He said: “I think the police are showing their own political bias. Would they have complained if it was a Labour leaflet? I have got no sympathy for the police in this matter.

    “I would say don’t blame the poor old postmen. I think the police are being a bit harsh on Royal Mail.”

  3. White teenager in court on terror charges

    Nicky Davison, an 18-year-old suspected White supremacist from County Durham, has appeared in court charged under the Terrorism Act 2000. He is accused of possessing a weapons manual and of links to the racist group Aryan Strike Force.


  4. Lewington’s conviction comes after counter-terrorism chiefs boosted their resources to monitor a surge in the number of suspected far-right plotters.

    Teams of officers formed to tackle the threat of Islamic extremists found themselves examining neo-Nazi sympathisers.

    Lewington had an “unhealthy interest” in other racist attackers such as London nail bomber David Copeland, America’s Unabomber and Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh.

    He was arrested at Lowestoft station in Suffolk on October 30 last year after abusing a female train conductor who challenged him.

    Lewington had been on his way to see a woman but after drinking and smoking on the train, he had urinated in public. He was arrested for a public order offence when the train arrived at the station and his hold-all bag was searched.

    He was found to be carrying two firebombs which would have exploded when primed.

    In his wallet were hand-written notes entitled “device 1” and “device 2” with headings including “date”, “place”, “target”, “weather” and “detonated?”.

    Later searches of his home revealed a notebook entitled “Waffen SS UK members’ handbook” with a “device logbook” of drawings of electronics and chemical mixtures.

    In it, Lewington made a chilling mission statement in which he boasts of two-man hit squads bombing the UK at random.

    Also found in his bedroom were weedkiller, firelighters, three tennis balls with diagrams on how to convert them into shrapnel bombs, firework powder, electrical timers and detonators.


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