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Kemal Dervis to Address

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TASSA-TOBB-WITSA Joint Symposium on “Science for Industry… Industry for Peace” Friday, June 12, 2009 5:00-9:00pm, World Bank, Washington DC

This is to invite you to join us at the first TASSA-TOBB-WITSA Joint Symposium on Friday June 12, 2009 at 5:00-9:00pm at the Eugene R. Black Auditorium (H), The World Bank, 600, 19th St. NW, Washington, DC. The theme of the symposium is “Science for Industry… Industry for Peace”

Kemal Derviş, Vice President and Director of Global Economy and Development and Edward M. Bernstein Scholar at Brookings Institution will give the Keynote Lecture. For further information, please see the attached flyer or visit

For catering purposes, please RSVP at or 215 895 0572.

It will be our pleasure to welcome you at the first TASSA-TOBB-WITSA Joint Symposium. Kindly forward this notice to others who may be interested to attend.

Sibel Kulaksız, WITSA Chair
World Bank – IMF Turkish Staff Association

Banu Onaral, TASSA President
Turkish American Scientists and Scholars Association []

Düden Yeğenoğlu, TOBB US Representative
Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchange []

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