High-Ranking Obama Official Refuses to Acknowledge the Genocide

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By Harut Sassounian
Publisher, The California Courier
Pres. Obama continues to disappoint the Armenian-American community. After breaking two promises in a row on key Armenian issues — not acknowledging the Armenian Genocide and proposing reduced U.S. aid levels to Armenia — he appoints Philip Gordon Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs.
Dr. Gordon, a former Director of the Brookings Institution — a think thank partially funded by Turkish sources — has written several pro-Turkish books and articles. He has been an opponent of congressional acknowledgment of the Armenian Genocide and a critic of Greek Cypriot leaders rather than the occupying Turkish forces. Gordon served in the Clinton administration as Director for European Affairs at the National Security Council. During the last presidential campaign, he served as head of the Europe team in Obama’s group of foreign policy advisers.
During his confirmation hearing by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee at the end of March, Gordon was grilled by Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) on his views on Armenian and Cypriot issues. Several Senators pointed out that Gordon’s answers contradicted Pres. Obama’s campaign promises. Little did the Senators know that a few weeks later the President himself would not keep his word on these issues! Sen. Menendez submitted over two dozen questions which were to be answered by the nominee in writing after the hearing.
Sen. John Ensign (R-Nevada) wrote a scathing letter to Gordon on April 7, expressing his dismay that the nominee, during his confirmation hearing, had used the word “tragedy” to refer to the Armenian Genocide. Sen. Ensign demanded to know if Gordon’s position on the Armenian Genocide was consistent with those of Pres. Obama, Vice President Biden, and Secretary of State Clinton all of whom, as Senators and presidential candidates, had strongly acknowledged the Armenian Genocide. Furthermore, referring to the early termination of the career of U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Evans for saying Armenian Genocide, Sen. Ensign asked if Gordon would “discourage Ambassadors or other Foreign Service personnel from using the term ‘Armenian Genocide.’”
Sen. Ensign, not satisfied with Gordon’s answers, surprised everyone by placing a hold on his nomination, temporarily blocking his approval by the full Senate. However, just as surprisingly, Sen. Ensign lifted his hold, paving the way for Gordon’s Senate confirmation.
In the meantime, Gordon answered in writing all 28 questions sent to him by Sen. Menendez, even though his responses were evasive and non-responsive. Regardless of the nature of the question, he mindlessly repeated the same answer over and over again, using just about every word in the dictionary, except “Armenian Genocide,” to describe the mass killings of Armenians.
Only one of Gordon’s answers was particularly revealing, as he put the blame for the Armenian Genocide on the “officials and soldiers of the Ottoman Empire,” thus inadvertently acknowledging that it was a state sponsored genocide. Here is the verbatim text of that particular exchange:
Sen. Menendez: “Who was responsible for the death of over 1.5 million Armenians during WWI?”
Philip Gordon: “This administration, like those before it, does not deny the facts — 1.5 million Armenians were murdered, starved, or deported by civilian officials and soldiers of the Ottoman Empire, some of whom were sentenced to death for committing these crimes. The United States mourns this terrible chapter of history and recognizes that it remains a source of pain for the people of Armenia and of Armenian descent, and all those who believe in the dignity and value of every human life.”
Gordon also disclosed to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the Brookings had received a total of $700,000 from the following Turkish sources 2006-2008:
— $200,000 from the Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen’s Association;
— $190,000 from Sabanci University;
— $150,000 from the Eksiogullari Group (construction company);
— $100,000 from the Dogan Yayin Holding Company (media-entertainment conglomerate);
— $30,000 from Nurol Construction and Trading Company;
— $30,000 from Hedef-Alliance Holding (Pharmaceutical Company).
A large number of pro-Turkish officials, such as Philip Gordon, can be found throughout the American government. Some of these Turkophiles are leftovers from the cold war era. Others, motivated by personal gain, serve in the government for a while, and then go to work at Washington Think Tanks, some partially funded from Turkish sources, or end up as lobbyists for Turkey.
Armenian-Americans will continue to face great resistance in their lobbying efforts from pro-Turkish elements in Washington — regardless of which party is in power and who is president — unless they can expand their political influence beyond Congress into the Executive Branch, Think Tanks and the media.

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12 responses to “High-Ranking Obama Official Refuses to Acknowledge the Genocide”

  1. Dear Mr. SASSOUNIAN,

    you wrote: “Only one of Gordon’s answers was particularly revealing, as he put the blame for the Armenian Genocide on the “officials and soldiers of the Ottoman Empire,” thus inadvertently acknowledging that it was a state sponsored genocide..

    Sen. Menendez: “Who was responsible for the death of over 1.5 million Armenians during WWI?”
    Philip Gordon:

    “This administration, like those before it, does not deny the facts — 1.5 million Armenians were murdered, starved, or deported by civilian officials and soldiers of the Ottoman Empire, some of whom were sentenced to death for committing these crimes. The United States mourns this terrible chapter of history and recognizes that it remains a source of pain for the people of Armenia and of Armenian descent, and all those who believe in the dignity and value of every human life.”

    I don’t think Mr.Gordon so naive.

    He didn’t inadvertently acknowledge the Armenian Genocide!


    He made imitation of naivete!


    As stated Mr. OBAMA, on January 19, 2008 “the Armenian Genocide
    is not an allegation, a personal opinion, or a point of view, but rather a widely
    documented fact supported by an overwhelming body of historical evidence.”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Even in Turkey he insisted: “Well, my views are on the record and I have not changed views” !!!

    Thank you!!!

  2. Robert Avatar

    Mr. Sassounian:

    You dashnak Armenians are the biggest whinners in all of mankind!! You don’t get your way (despite the millions of dollars which your diaspora has spent on political bribes, payoffs, intimidations, manipulations, blackmails, etc.), then all of a sudden, in your desperation, you resort to the typical dashnak Armenian tactic, which is best described as being the main advice given to every first year law student…”If the facts are against you, argue the law; if the law is against you, argue the facts; and if the facts and the law are against you, defame your opponent.”! Defaming someone’s character is nothing new to any of you dashnaks, is it? Anyone who has an opposing point of view is immediately branded a paid agent of Turkey. Face it Harut, Obama, Gordon and so many others are seeing the reality of the differences between Armenia and Turkey! No one in their right state of mind would ever compromise the many decades of being proven allies and friends for one of the world’s most corrupt, oppressive, backwater nations, who’s chief export is terrorism while their main import is foreign aid! Armenia has aboslutely nothing to offer anyone! It’s a welfare state! Look how upset you dashnaks got when the US said that it was cutting back forign aid to Armenia by 38%! Really, could Armenians be any more pathetic?!! Because we all realize that the words dignity, integrity, honor, shame, character, respect, etc. are non-existant in the Armenian lexicon, we can try to understand why you dashnaks all act the way you do!! After all, who else but the dashnak Armenians can claim to be pure Arryans on the one hand (and even officially annointed as such by Hitler himself!), and then shamelessly try to con the Jews by saying the Armenians fabricated “genocide” was the equivilent of the Jews Holocaust (especially when, between 1935-1944, numerous Armenian newspapers and magazines based in Berlin, wrote continuous anti-semetic hate as they repeatedly praised Hitler for his plans for the extermination of the Jews; of the thousands of Jews that the Nazi 812th Battalion (comprised of 20,000+ Armenian VOLUNTEERS and commanded by the homicidal maniac General Dro of WWI fame (where he participated in the massacres of thousands of Turks and others)), operating in the Crimea and the Northern Caucusus, captured and personaly murdered and/or toutured prior to sending the remaing survivors off to the concentration camps!! Harut, you dashnaks have duped this country far too long. Your time is coming as the truth is finally starting to shine upon the blackness of a century of Armenian deception and propoganda and your walls are beginning to collapse! We shall soon have our revenge because we will NEVER forget!!!

  3. Dear Mr. SASSOUNIAN,



    09.06.2009 17:20 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ “For over 2 weeks, I have been holding the post of Assistant Secretary for Europe and Eurasian Affairs. The fact that I am paying my first regional visit to Armenia testifies to important historic developments taking place in the country and the region,” Philip Gordon, US Assistant Secretary for Europe and Eurasian Affairs, told a press conference. During his visit to Armenia, the high ranking American diplomat met with President, Foreign Minister, pro-opposition figures and civil society representatives. He also visited Genocide Memorial Complex and Genocide Museum.


    There is no doubt for the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE. Every educated person knows it! But… for political reasons they don’t say about this aloud, as Mr. Obama “… my views are on the record and I have not changed views”.

    Everybody know his VIEWS: “…the Armenian Genocide is not an allegation, a personal opinion, or a point of view, but rather a widely documented fact supported by an overwhelming body of historical evidence”. And if somebody is happy for his missing the word GENOCIDE, I think they are so stupid!

    You know, POLITICS are without MORA, there is unfortunately so called “realpolitik”!!!


  4. Robert Avatar

    Hey RAT,

    You really are desperate, aren’t you?!! But, since you aren’t anyone worth responding to, I’ll just leave you and your other identities here to wallow in your own fantasies!

  5. Robert,

    Don.t write your name every time.

    I know for a long time, that you are the biggest RAT.

    It is obvious!!!

  6. Fahrettin Altay Pasha Avatar
    Fahrettin Altay Pasha

    If you cant make them see your point of view, argue the facts, argue the law, argue anything, defane them, if this doesnt work, threaten them, threaten their family, bomb their homes, bomb their cars, do anything possible to ensure the Armenian sick, pathetic version gets out! You armenians dashnaks are real sick “people” if you can call yourselves that. You teach your young kids in primary school to “Never foget and to get revenge” you teach them hatred and to burn the Turkish flag each year on the 24th April.
    Learn history from true historians, not from the people that you have paid off. Your so pathetic, you have all started beleiving your own lies…. Lets take this to an international court of law, open all the archives from Russia, Armenia, Turkey, Englan, France and lets all see what independant historians dig out. You know the truth, this is why you refuse to open your archives. Even after Turkey offered you $20 000 000 to open your archives and allow access to independant historians. You are all lyers, terrorists and cowards! God will damn each and every one of you.
    Turkey has over 125 sites which were mass graves, all of the inhabitants were Muslim woman and children. Where are the mass graves of your so called 1.5 million? Did they just dissapear into mid air? You are nothing but a pathetic bunch of liars… The truth will come out and the entire world will see you for what you really are…. lying, pathetic, cowardly inhumane animals!!!

  7. fahrettin altay pasha,

    You have a long way to become… a human being. You have listed your characteristic features. …. lying, pathetic, cowardly inhumane animals!!!

    You needn’t!!!

    We know very well, that you are the biggest ANIMAL!!!

    Shut up, shame on you.

    Don’t even dare to talk about innocent 1.5 million victims of the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE!

    Your cynic question about their grave… they have not grave, they were not even buried, CYNIC pasha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! desert Der Zor became their grave… Damned ANIMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL!!!

    Shame on you, animal………………

  8. Robert Avatar

    Hey SONA (or should I say the RAT),

    You’re freaking out because you can not respond in any fasion to address the presented issues! So, you simply revert to becoming a typical dashnak Armo…defaming the other person and insulting them! That is what you’ve been trained to do ever since childhood and your brainwashing AYF camps! I’ve already told you before….NO ONE TAKES ANY OF YOU ARMENIAN DASHNAKS SERIOUSLY ANYMORE!! Once one gets through your insessent whinning, they discover that you are all nothing more than smoke and mirrors, with no substance!

    BTW RAT…You state that 1.5 million Armenians were “kiiled” and not buried (no graves). Gee, that sure is a lot of people! You would think that there would be a whole lot of bones for the British, French, Americans, Arabs, Greeks, Russians, Italians, etc. to find and document religiously, wouldn’t you! Odd, no one can seem to find any reports by anyone of 1.5 million bones being scattered all about the region! Hmm, makes you wonder, doesn’t it! Do you still want to stick to that BS reasoning of yours? No one believes it and everyone just laughs at you for saying it…as they do right now! Ciao!

  9. ROBERT=the biggest RAT in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Fahrettin Altay Pasha Avatar
    Fahrettin Altay Pasha

    Hi Anna,
    A human corpse can take upto 90 to 100 years to completely deteriorate and decompose…. Why didnt your stupid ancestors keep some solid 100% evidence? Because there was none!
    What do you say about deocuments found in Ottoman Archives which discuss:
    * Food and water to be provided during the Armenian Deportees
    * Number of Armenians which actually made it to the new lands
    * A law passed wich governs that all Armenians were to be given similar land and livestock as what they held in Anatolia
    * Funds (in the time of WW1, Gallipolli etc…) which were allocated to Armenian families on arrival
    * The Ottomans sent secret ciphered telegrams to numerous districts telling the local authorities to prepare food such as bread, olives, and peksimet for Armenian deportees
    * Jesse B. Jackson the US consul in Aleppo reported to Henry Morgenthau (US Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire) that he was allowed to visit the relocation camps of Armenian deportees once or twice a week and had permission to distribute food and money. The Ottoman government also distributed food and money but it was irregular and caused the deaths of many because of the lack of food in the Ottoman Empire (even the Ottoman Turkish soldiers were starving when going to battle). German Consul Rossler confirmed that the Turks knew of the aid programs for the Armenians and allowed it.
    * US consul J. B. Jackson sent a report to Morgenthau on February 8th, 1916. In it Jackson states that 500,000 Armenian migrants had arrived in Syria’s Aleppo province and were being provided with food and 500 gold liras each week was being spent on their well being. He provided a list of 486,000 Armenians in different regions who were being given aid.
    * what do you say about the 150 odd Ottoman ranking officials who were sent to Malta, tried and set free by the British and Americans? They (US and Brits) surely would have had some proof of the “Genocide” Nobody did… that was back when the British had taken control of Istanbul! They had access to all the archival documents, teleframs, memoirs, etc.

    What have Dashank’s done for anybody who is not a beleiver in their own cause… they even killed Armenians, Greeks and Kurds who tried to talk sense into them. The Dashanks commited the bigest Fu%$ up in History, the idea was good, to have their own independant Greater Armenia. – It failed. Live with it! Most often we are the product of our own decisions and actions.

    Anna, I dont blame you! Honeslty, I dont hate you, but wish I could meet you to have a fair sensible debate. I blame your education and those who teach you hatred all your life, for you ahve been brainwashed since you were a child. You are honeslty only doing what you think is right. I would do the same, I would slander and discriminate against those I were led to beleive that destroyed many of my kin. Its not the Turks you should take out your anger, its those Dashnaks…. And to do that you need to do some unbias research.
    Try the Russian and British archives as the Armenian Archives are locked and need to be “Categorised” before they can open them…. (If this was so important an issue then what has your goverment been doing for the last 100 years????)
    Try the US archives, Try the Turkish archives, which has been highly spoken of as “the most richest and modernized archives in the world”
    Good luck!

  11. Robert Avatar

    Fahrettin Altay Pasha,

    Well said kardesim!!

  12. Robert Avatar


    Wow! What a scathing rebuttal!! Is that the best you got?

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