ergun kirlikovali
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[Note by Ergun KIRLIKOVALI, 29 May 2009: This article appeared in the October 16, 2007 issue of the Washington Times. Since then, nothing seems to have changed on the Armenian lobby’s front: same old resolutions infested with same old lies and deceptions. It is almost like time stands still in the Armenian psyche. ergun_s

How one lives one’s life is one’s own business, true. But it seems to me, being consumed with hatred (for all things Turkish) is a terrible way for anyone (Armenian or others) to waste one’s own life.

Solution? Simple.

Armenians can apologize to Turks right now for destroying a millennium of Turkish-Armenian harmonious cohabitation in Anatolia with territorial demands, rebellions, terrorism, and treason hundred years ago and duping the unsuspecting international community with tall tales of a bogus genocide since then and Turks, in return, will forgive Armenians.

Armenia can end the brutal military occupation of Karabakh and Western Azerbaijan and allow 1+ million Azeri refugees to return to their homes and Turkey, in return, will open her borders with Armenia.

Fail to do these and expect to be confined to a life of hatred and vengeance in America and poverty, corruption and violence in Armenia.]


Armenian crimes against humanity and war crimes against the Ottoman Turkish and Kurdish populations of eastern and southern Anatolia during World War I and its aftermath have been forgotten amidst congressional preoccupation with placating the vocal and richly financed Armenian lobby.

Last Wednesday, the Armenians hectored members of the House International Relations Committee by a 27-21 vote into passing a counterfactual resolution convicting the Ottoman Empire and its successor state, the Republic of Turkey, of genocide. A historically supportable resolution would have condemned massacres against Armenians with the same vigor, as it should have condemned massacres by Armenians against the innocent Muslim populations of the crumbling Ottoman Empire.

Capt. Emory Niles and Arthur Sutherland, on an official 1919 U.S. mission to eastern Anatolia, reported:

“In the entire region from Bitlis through Van to Bayezit, we were informed that the damage and destruction had been done by the Armenians, who, after the Russians retired, remained in occupation of the country and who, when the Turkish army advanced, destroyed everything belonging to the Musulmans. Moreover, the Armenians are accused of having committed murder, rape, arson and horrible atrocities of every description upon the Musulman population. At first, we were most incredulous of these stories, but we finally came to believe them, since the testimony was absolutely unanimous and was corroborated by material evidence. For instance, the only quarters left at all intact in the cities of Bitlis and Van are Armenian quarters … while the Musulman quarters were completely destroyed.”

Niles and Sutherland were fortified by American and German missionaries on the spot in Van. American Clarence Ussher reported that Armenians put the Turkish men “to death,” and, for days, “They burned and murdered.” A German missionary recalled that, “The memory of these entirely helpless Turkish women, defeated and at the mercy of the [Armenians] belongs to the saddest recollections from that time.”

A March 23, 1920, letter of Col. Charles Furlong, an Army intelligence officer and U.S. Delegate to the Paris Peace Conference, to President Woodrow Wilson elaborated:

“We hear much, both truth and gross exaggeration of Turkish massacres of Armenians, but little or nothing of the Armenian massacres of Turks. … The recent so-called Marash massacres [of Armenians] have not been substantiated. In fact, in the minds of many who are familiar with the situation, there is a grave question whether it was not the Turk who suffered at the hands of the Armenian and French armed contingents which were known to be occupying that city and vicinity. … Our opportunity to gain the esteem and respect of the Muslim world … will depend much on whether America hears Turkey’s untrammeled voice and evidence which she has never succeeded in placing before the Court of Nations.” The United States neglected Col. Furlong’s admonition in 1920, and again last Wednesday. Nothing seems to have changed from those days, when Christian lives were more precious than the lives of the “infidels.” Justin McCarthy of the University of Louisville concluded that a staggering 2.5 million Anatolian Muslims died in World War I and the Turkish War of Independence. More than 1 million died in the Six Provinces in Eastern Anatolia, as Armenians with the help of Russia’s invading armies sought to reclaim their historical homeland.

In contrast, best contemporaneous estimates place the number of Armenians who died in the war and its aftermath at between 150,000 and 600,000. The Armenian death count climbed to 1.5 million over the years on the back of political clout and propaganda.

The committee voiced horror over the Armenian suffering, but said nothing about the suffering Armenians inflicted on the Muslim population. Nor did the committee deplore the 60 years of Armenian terrorism in the Ottoman capital Istanbul, including assassination of the Armenian patriarch and an attempted assassination of the sultan as he was leaving prayer. Armenian terror was exported to the U.S. mainland and Europe by fanatics who murdered over 70 Turkish diplomats, three of them in Los Angeles and one honorary consul general in Boston.

Mourad Topalian, erstwhile head of the Armenian National Committee of America, a lead lobbying group behind the resolution and major campaign contributor to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other members, was sentenced to 36 months in prison for complicity in a conspiracy to bomb the Turkish mission at the United Nations. Yet Topalian has escaped a terrorist label by either Armenian-Americans or their echo chambers in Congress.

The home of the late Professor Stanford Shaw of the University of California-Los Angeles was firebombed in retaliation for his academic courage in disputing the Armenian genocide claim. Like Benito Mussolini, Armenians believe truth is an assertion at the head of a figurative bayonet.

In parts of Europe, disbelief in the Armenian genocide allegation is a crime on par with Holocaust denial. But the Holocaust was proven before the Nuremburg Tribunal with the trappings of due process. Armenians, in contrast, have forgone bringing their genocide allegation before the International Court of Justice because it is unsupported by historical facts.

In contrast to open Ottoman archives, significant Armenian archives remain closed to conceal evidence of Armenian terrorism and massacres.

If the resolution’s proponents had done their homework and put aside religious bigotry, they would have reached the same conclusion as author and Professor Bernard Lewis of Princeton University:

“[T]he point that was being made was that the massacre of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire was the same as what happened to Jews in Nazi Germany and that is a downright falsehood. What happened to the Armenians was the result of a massive Armenian armed rebellion against the Turks, which began even before war broke out, and continued on a larger scale.” Brian Ardouny of the Armenian Assembly of America in a videotaped interview for a documentary on the Armenian Revolt clucked:

“We don’t need to prove the genocide historically, because it has already been accepted politically.”

Congress should reject that cynicism in defense of historical truth. ***

Bruce Fein is a constitutional lawyer and international consultant with Bruce Fein & Associates and The Lichfield Group.

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23 responses to “ARMENIAN CRIME AMNESIA?”

  1. Roza Avatar

    Мr. Ergun KIRLIKOVALI,

    Your cynicism is unlimited…

    Le Bone was right: “Nations are constant, they are not changed ever”!!!
    (“Psychology of People and Mass”). Turks are excellent example!!! What a pity!

    Your “fascist approach” remains the same as in the beginning of XX century.
    (Mr. Erdogan admits that Turkey practiced ethnic cleansing: “…This was done with a fascist approach,” he said on May 23, during the annual congress of the Justice and Development Party, held in the western province of Düzce.

  2. Avatar

    “Cynicism”, “Pity”, “fascist approach”…


    I take it, you didn’t like what I wrote?

    How about this then:

    Quoted from : Amnesty International report 2009 – Armenia

    June 2009, Amnesty International Report 2009 On Armenia Reveals The Racist Nature Of Caucasus Tyranny

    Caucasus´ tiny state is the realm of Obduracy, Odium, and Oppression; the racist Anti-Turkish, Anti-Azeri, Anti-Turkmen and Anti-Islamic tyranny of Armenia illegally occupies part of Azerbaijan´s territory, counting on the Anti-Islamic stratagems of Russia.

    Supported by donations of the villainous, rancorous, revengeful and hateful Armenian Diaspora, the tyranny of Yerevan is one of the world´s cruelest and most inhuman regimes and has actually a most preoccupying record of Human Rights´ violations perpetrated not only against the ethnic minorities but also against religious groups who reject the Fascist version of the Westernized Armenian Christianity. . .

    Turkey, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and the entire Islamic World must set up a long term policy to force Russia to either abandon its evil Caucasus ally or be lethally hit by all means in its heart, Moscow. The demolition of the Armenian tyranny is a prerequisite for the prevalence of peace in Caucasus region without any blackmailing, rogue attitude or reference to the ghosts of the past.

    I herewith republish the Amnesty International Report that sheds light on the persecution of the Jehovah´s Witnesses in Armenia; quite unfortunately, they are not the only to be persecuted there.

    Amnesty International report 2009 – Armenia


    Look at the qualifiers used by Amnesty International to describe Armenia: “Obduracy, Odium, and Oppression, Racist, Anti-Turkish, Anti-Azeri, Anti-Turkmen and Anti-Islamic tyranny,…”

    And look at what AI says for people like you, ROZA: ” villainous, rancorous, revengeful and hateful Armenian Diaspora…”

    I have nothing to add to this…

  3. ROZA Avatar

    Prime Minister Rejeb Erdogan admitted for the first time, that the expulsion from Turkey of tens of thousands of ethnic Greeks in the last century was a “fascist” act, Reuters reported.

    “For years, those of different identities have been kicked out of our country.… This was not done with common sense. This was done with a fascist approach,” Erdogan said on May 23, during the annual congress of the Justice and Development Party, held in the western province of Düzce.

    “For many years,” Erdogan continued, “various facts took place in this country to the detriment of ethnic minorities who lived here. They were ethnically cleansed because they had a different ethnic cultural identity. The time has arrived for us to question ourselves about why this happened and what we have learned from all of this. There has been no analysis of this right up until now. In reality, this behavior is the result of a fascist conception. We have also fallen into this grave error.”

    Look: It is better to solve your problems. You have so much…. L Turkey has about 10 million illiterate people in the XXI century, while my country has 99.4% literacy!!! GENESIS!!!

    I have nothing to add to this… J

    Best regards,

  4. ROZA Avatar

    Mr. Ergun KIRLIKOVALI,

    you wrote: “Look at the qualifiers used by Amnesty International to describe Armenia: “Obduracy, Odium, and Oppression, Racist, Anti-Turkish, Anti-Azeri, Anti-Turkmen and Anti-Islamic tyranny,…”

    And look at what AI says for people like you, ROZA: ” villainous, rancorous, revengeful and hateful Armenian Diaspora…”

    THESE ARE LIVELY IMAGINATION OF the so called Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis!

    I see, you are among “10 million illiterate turks” because cannot differ AI’s and Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis’s words! 🙂 🙂

    Just one advise: While talking about Armenian occupation of our Armenian Artsakh, count till 10, may be you will remember about WESTERN ARMENIA or the North Cyprus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂


  5. frank Avatar

    I love it when the “liberal and democratic nation of Turkey” that is built on the persecution and massacres of its conquered people dares to quote Amnesty International,

    You should maybe also quote the over 100 Amnesty reports on Turkey, its shadowy secret services that support the Turkish military, suppresses freedom of speech and kills its citizens that dare to question the official lies ( lets not mention the Mountain Turks and thousands killed since 1980’s).

    I could go on for pages but it will not achieve anything, it amuses me how you cheapen the atrocities by quoting numbers of killed to 600,000 only. At least some good is coming out by recent admissions of you PM.

    You are a real delight and your hate towards the Armenians is so blatantly obvious that it is shameful, not that you would really care. You are another mouthpiece in the service of official Turkish Historical Perversion Society.

    To accept that your ancestors committed Genocidal acts against innocent people, granted must be very difficult.Once the Turkish nation and its conscience is cleansed from the horrific crimes than as a nation Turkey will heal. Until then its like an alcoholic that is always in denial, beats his wife and kids, abuses all friends and blames it all on the Kurdish neighbor next door.

    A good morning to you Dr. and please stay off the bottle of lies.

  6. frank Avatar

    Amnesty International report on Turkey

    A small sample about Turkeys treatment of ethnic minorities, Amnesty 2009 Turkey

    “…14-year-old Ahmet Yıldırım was shot by police officers at close range and paralysed from the waist down.”

    In the context of the conflict, Turkish citizens of Kurdish origin faced increased hostility, including harassment, assaults and attacks on their property perpetrated by unknown individuals or groups. In September, such attacks took place over several days in Altınova province, western Turkey.

    Another example

    Nine children, all members of the Diyarbakır Yenişehir Municipality Children’s Choir, were prosecuted under Article 7/2 of the Anti-Terrorism Law for singing a Kurdish anthem among other songs at a cultural festival. They were acquitted at the first hearing, but an arrest warrant remained in force for the choir leader, Duygu Özge Bayar.

    Another for the record

    In October, Engin Çeber died in hospital after being detained in İstinye police station and Metris prison in Istanbul. An autopsy found that death was due to cerebral bleeding as a result of blunt trauma injuries consistent with those caused by blows to the head. Nineteen law enforcement officials were suspended from duty and an indictment was drawn up against 60 state officials, some facing torture charges. In the first such statement of its kind, the Justice Minister apologized to Engin Çeber’s family and acknowledged that the death may have been due to torture.

    OK one more

    Orhan Kemal Cengiz received threats because of his legal work on behalf of the families of three men murdered in an attack on a Christian publishing house in Malatya in 2007. The authorities provided him with a bodyguard and investigated the threats. The three were killed by having their throats cut because they were Christians.

    I think there is a saying about ” people living in glass houses” can you understand the sarcasm here?

  7. jda Avatar

    Posting answers to racist remarks here is about as useful as speaking Yiddish at a Nazi rally.

    The Turks who write hysterical anti Armenian stuff here make little sense, and cite propganda and myth, not history.

    What they do show is unintentional; they show that Genocidal rage and hatred, the type which allowed Turks gleefully to kill pregnant Armenian women with knives, ripping out the fetuses, to starve the children while feeding their own, to club old women to death, and to murder the men outright.

    Then, that rage belittled the few who survived, calling them “remnants of the sword”. Just as patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels, morons like Kirlikovali seek to prove they are true Turks by the one thing that all Turks either endorse or turn a blind eye towards [other than a few]: hating non Turks, especially the Armenians.

    If Turks were free of their hatred, their tone would be one of sorrow for the loss of the ancient Armenian, and other Chrisian communities, a sense of bewilderment at such staggerng losses to themselves andthe world.Instead it is hate all the time, a gift of Talaat Pasha and Nezim Sakir

    I used to carefully limit my remarks about the Genocide to accusations against the leaders who planned it. But we need to see that in many instances the common Turkish people went out and gleefuly killed with staves, sticks and knives the wrteched deportees. The tradition of hating the Arrmenians was in many instances communal, comon, endorsed by Imams. Sometimes brave Turks andKurds defended them too.

    Turkish Forum is such a genocidal place, where the rage against Armenians merely for living continues. it is a fine okd turkish tradition to exterminate th unarmed.

    I hope we will someday see a new fine Turkish tradition of democray and brotherly love.

  8. Avatar


    You need us… We don’t need you!

  9. Roza Avatar

    Mr. Ergun!


    “10 million illiterate turks in the XXI century…….” IT IS TERRIBLE 🙁

  10. Robert Avatar

    JDA, ROZA and Frank,

    We have yet, to this very day, to see any Armenian Dashnak discuss the genocides that they committed upon 2.5 million Moslems and non-Moslems before, during and after WWI, as well as the horrors of Kojahly, Azerbaijan in 1992!! There is an old magician’s trick to have their “magic” work. It’s known as “MISDIRECTION VIA DISTRACTION”! You get your audience to look at something else while you quickly do a slight of hand, and then…Voila…you complete your trick and they audience is duped into believing what you did was magic! You Dashnak Armenians are MASTERS at the art of deception, aren’t you?!! After all, you’ve duped and conned the world’s Christian nations for a century by this very same tactic! You are now doing it once more. Mr. Ergun brings up an excellent point regarding the recent 2009 AI report about Armenia. In addition to this piece by Mr. Fein, one instantly sees the classical pattern develop which is so very common to Dashnak Armenian strategy and tactics. This can best be explained by the adivice that is given to every first year law student: “If the facts are against you, argue the law; if the law is against you, argue the facts; and if the facts and the law are against you, defame your opponent”! I concede that you Dashnaks have this down to an art!

    Finally, regarding your continuous yabbering about the alleged “Armenia genocide”, and your denialist mentallity of anything that may shed light to the truth of reality, I am going to leave the three of you with this simple fact…No court has ever adjudicated the Armenian genocide accusation. Armenian- Americans have continuously opposed taking the question to the International Court of Justice, the sole neutral arbiter entrusted with jurisdiction to hear accusations of state-sponsored genocide according to Article IX of the United Nations Genocide Convention.

    As I said before in previous posts…Your desperation and hypocracy are showing!!!

  11. ROZA Avatar


    Turks need badly… EDUCATION!!!

    It is very shameful “Adult literacy 87.4 per cent” , it means 75.8 million x 0.126=9.55 million illiterate turks in XXI century!!!

    As compared with my ARMENIA, where “Adult literacy 99.4 per cent” it is significant importance!!!!!!!

    Amnesty International report on Turkey

  12. Alla Avatar

    We are few but we are called Armenians
    We do not put ourselves above anyone
    Simply we also admit that we, only we have Mount Ararat
    And that it is right here on the clear Sevan
    that the sky could make its exact duplicate
    Simply David has indeed fought right here
    Simply the Narek was written right here
    Simply we know how to build from the rock, a monastery
    How to make fish from stone, how to make man from clay
    To learn to become the student of the beautiful,
    the kind, the noble, and the good

    We are few, but we are called Armenians
    We do not put ourselves above anyone
    Simply our fortune has just been so different
    Simply we have just shed too much blood
    Simply in our lives of centuries long
    When we were many and when we were strong
    Even then we did not oppress any nation
    See, centuries have come and centuries have passed
    Yet over no one have we become tyrants
    If we have enslaved, only with our eyes
    And if we have ruled, only with our books
    If we have prevailed, only with our talents
    And if we have ever oppressed,
    it has only been with our wounds

    Simply with us death had fallen in love
    Yet we willingly did not give ourselves
    And when we were forced to leave our own land
    Where ever we reached, where ever we went
    Everywhere we left indelible trace
    We have joined efforts for everyone, always
    We plowed everywhere, we built bridges, we tied arches
    We plowed everywhere and we brought forth crops
    We gave everyone mind, proverbs, and songs
    Another words we defended them from spiritual coldness
    Every where we left our eyes reflection
    A peace of our soul and a sacrament from the heart itself

    We are few, truly, but we are Armenians
    And by being few we do not succumb
    Because it is better to be few in life, then to control life by being many
    Because it is better rather to be few, then to be masters by being many
    Because it is better to be few, then to be swindlers
    We are few, yes, but we are Armenians
    And we know how to sigh from yet unhealed wounds
    But with a new juice we rejoice and we cheer
    We know how to thrust into the foe’s side
    And how to lend a helping hand to our friend
    How to repay goodness which was done to us
    by compensating for each one by ten
    And the benefit of it just in the sun
    We vote with our lives, not only with our hands
    Yet if they desire to rule us with force
    We know how to smoke and how to quench their fire
    And if it is needed to disperse darkness
    we can turn into ashes like burning candles
    And we know as well how to make love with lust
    And we do this always by respecting others
    See we do not put ourselves above anyone,
    but we know ourselves We are called Armenians
    And why should we not feel pride about that
    We are, We shall be, and become many.

  13. Avatar


    Actually he has never left. Robert’s excellent remarks above will fall on this rat’s deaf ears, because ROZA, Frank, and JDA are one and the same pinocchian. Yes, such is the mastery of deception of Armenians.

    Roza, err, Frank…uh..Jda… whatever your name is, the garbage you are putting on many blogs in the cyber space have one problem: they are uttered by an Armenian. That makes any information a “suspect”. If it is uttered by jda (or juiff, norman israel, el mexicano, hasan, burcu, manukyan, j, jd, frank, roza, or one of hundreds of fake names this shameless liar uses despite being spat at in his face many many times) then it is outright falsehood.

    The problem with the Armenian narratives is that they are based on hearsay and forgeries. Otherwise, they sound nice and convincing… If they were aonly true, too.

    About education in Turkey, thanks for your concern. If you don’t like what you see, then we must have done something right.

    Expose of the Armenian falsifiers and Turk haters will continue…

    Thank you for reading my column. At least here, you will be faced with the truth that eluded you and many other Armenians due to censorship of the other side of the story in Armenian Diaspora schools.

    You may not like what you hear but you will have to learn to deal with it.


  14. Avatar

    Alla the-hate-poet above is JDA, too. All fake names … All blong to the same pinocchian: the RAT in araRAT !

    The only thing we taught this rat in ararat is the capital of Turkey. He “must” spell it correctky each time to post here… Ain’t that fun?

    (smiles all around)

  15. Avatar

    Posting answers to Armenian falsifiers such as jda (a.k.a. the rat in Ararat) is about as useful as speaking Yiddish at a Nazi rally.

    The Armenians who write hysterical anti Turkish stuff here make little sense, and cite propaganda and myth, not history.

    What they do show is unintentional; they show that Genocidal rage and hatred, the type which allowed Armenian revolutionaries gleefully to kill pregnant Turkish women with knives, ripping out the fetuses, to starve the children while feeding their own, to club old women to death, and to murder the men outright.

    Then, that rage belittled the few who survived, calling them “remnants of the sword”. Just as patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels, morons like JDA (a.k.a. Pinocchian) seek to prove they are true Armenians by the one thing that all Armenians either endorse or turn a blind eye towards [other than a few]: hating non Armenians, especially the Turks.

    If Armenians were free of their hatred, their tone would be one of sorrow for the loss of a millennium of Turkish-Armenian and Muslim-Christian harmonious cohabitation in Anatolia, a sense of bewilderment at such staggering losses to Armenians and the world. Instead it is hate all the time, a gift of Andonian and Dro.

    I used to carefully limit my remarks about the bogus Genocide to accusations against the leaders who planned the Armenian terrorism, rebellions, and treason. But we need to see that, in many instances, the common Armenian people went out and gleefully killed with staves, sticks and knives the unprotected and unarmed Muslim villagers, mostly Turkish women and children. The tradition of hating the Turks was in many instances communal, common, endorsed by Armenian priests.

    Armenian websites are such genocidal places, where the rage against Turks merely for living continues. It is a fine Armenian tradition to exterminate the unarmed Turks, Kurds, Circassian, Azeris, Georgians, and Jews.

  16. Sona Avatar

    Mr. Ergun,

    I am happy there are many Turks, who are quite unlike you…

    I consider they are the future of Turkey!!!

    Orhan Pamuk, Taner Akcam, a truly historic figure, the grandson of Jemal and many. many turks! I respect them! Their humanity will save Turkey, not your hatred.

    “Pathological hatred” in your soul first of all will kill yoyrself !!!


    P.S. Above I have read the wonderful poem of the famous, one of the best poets of Armenia, PARUYR SEVAK!

    Mr. Ergun, i would like to focus your attention on these words:

    We are few but we are called Armenians
    We do not put ourselves above anyone..

    As Gabriel Garcia Marquez said: “I have learned, that a man has the right to look down on somebody, only when he is helping him to get up” !!!

    Ms. Ergun,
    THINK ABOUT UNIVERSAL VALUES as you desire to be the full member of the European Union, which is high values, high culture and TOLERANCE!!!

  17. Ergun Kirlikovali Avatar
    Ergun Kirlikovali

    Sona (who is JDA or the rat in ararat)

    You think about
    Armenian terrorism,
    Armenian aggression,
    Armenian raids,
    Armenians rebellions,
    Armenian treason,
    Armenian deceptuion,
    Armenians lies,
    Armenian hatred
    Armenian vengeance
    Armenian bloodshed
    Armenian inhimanity to Turks and otjer Muslims
    Armenian ill will towards Azeris
    Armenian military oocupation
    Dro, Armen Garo, and other blood thirsty Armenian savages…

    and then discover the rat in araRAT…

  18. Robert Avatar


    Well said kardesim!!

    To the RAT, you speak of the EU as if Christian nations really weren’t racist against Moslem nations! From the Crusades to present day, look what the Christian nations have done as they play the religion card repeatedly (just like the dashnak Armenians and their diaspora have been doing for the past century)…The Greek-Cypriot genocide committed against the Turkish-Cypriots; The traitorous dashnak Armenians and the genocides they committed gleefully before, during and after WWI against 2.5 million Moslems and non-moslems alike; The genocidal ethnic cleansing of the Bosnian Moslems by the Serbian Christians; The atrocities committed against the Albanians by the Christians and Greeks; The mass atrocities committed against the Jews during WWII by 20,000+ Dashnak Armenians volunteering to serve in the infamous Nazi 812th Battalion (lead by the blood-thirsty General Dro)! Let’s not over-look the dashnaks refusal to ever debate us or open up their archives in Boston and Yerevan. All you “people” ever do is side-step and skirt the issues presented to you by defaming others, and by doing so, hoping to distract the public from the facts at hand!

    Face it RAT, you’re way out of your league here. Everyone out there sees you as an idiot and a clown! You have this unique habit of always proving them RIGHT!!

  19. Sona Avatar

    Robert and Ergun,

    What a pity!

    You will come to a bad end……. You are horrible men.

    P.S. Ergun, talking about occupation, just remember about North Cyprus!!! I strongly recommend.
    Armenia cannot occupy its own and ancestral land Karabakh-ARTSAKH!!! Remember forever!!! 🙂

  20. jda Avatar

    Robert et Ergun,

    I saw on the news some of the crazed internet writings by the elderly man who invaded the Holocaust Museum. His description of Jews is exactly like your writings about Armenians. One of the big clues that you are racist is your – and his – essentialist views e.g. Armenians are “liars, terrorists, traitors, etc

    No number of Robert’s make-believe Armenian ‘friends’ detracts from his Nazi views. Enen Goering had a Jewish doctor.

    Robert, you have inheirited the same bloodlust and hatred Sakir and Nazim had in 1913-1915. Its nice you own something: genocidal rage. Maybe you should volunteer for the frontline at Marduni, although you will need to speak Lesghi or Laz to communicte with your fellow troops, assuming they are no longer using Mujaihaideen,in which case you will need to learn Pashto.

  21. Ergun Kirlikovali Avatar
    Ergun Kirlikovali


    If you feel sorry for me, that means I must have done something right!

    Thank you, another hate-filled, vengeful, Armenian racist contributor, for your unsolicited tirade.

  22. Ergun Kirlikovali Avatar
    Ergun Kirlikovali

    JDA, or shall I use your other name, the rat in araRAT,

    The Dashnak racists are the Armenian terrorists who killed 70+ innocent Turks around the world, JUST BECAUSE THE VICTIMS WERE OF TURKISH ETHNICITY!

    And you still show your ugly face here spewing Armenian haterd for all things Turkish?

    That man who raided the Holocaust museum got his inspiration from Armenian haters and terrorists like you. He saw the Armenian terrorists bombed and killed their way into fame and celebrations in Armenia. He thought maybe white supremacists would give him the same celebrity status as Armenians give terrorists like Topalian, Sassoonian, Dro, Armen Garo, etc. What a shamelss rat you are praising Armenian terrorism here!!

  23. Fahrettin Altay Pasha Avatar
    Fahrettin Altay Pasha

    When will Armenians wake up and not allow themselves to be used as peons by other nations? When will they take responsibility for their actions and decisions?
    Armenians have been used by the Russians, English, French and US for many, many years…
    Its now happening again.

    With the fall of the Iron Curtain, much of the Caucusus has now been openned to world markets. As we all know these areas are rich in natural resources. This is why the US and Europe is interested in the Caucuses again. Its not about the Turks or the Armenians, its how do we get to the natural resources…
    Another thing common with this territory is its mostly TURKIC lands! If I were a Dashnak, I would be shit scared right now… Armenia offers the world nothing, except for… no nothing!!! Armenia has no resources, no skilled workers, no industy, nothing. All Armenia does to other nations is suck them dry of their hard earned currencies.
    Why on earth would governments in their right mind side with the Armenian line. They wont! And its time for the curtain to drop.

    Having said this, I beleive its totally political and dependant on financial gain for all other countries. Armenia (and Turkey I am afraid) may be left watching other economies propser again… I wonder how many politicians have this in mind when they either accept or reject the “Genocide” Claims… No other country gives a rats arse about was there a “genocide”. They are all towing the line for their own benefits. If countries of this world actually cared, the debate would have been over along time agao!

    One must consider, who benefits from the long never ending dispute? and How???

    Why are there meany wealthy Armenian Lobbyists living a prosperous life while their countrymen dont even know what they will be eating for dinner tonight, let alone financial freedom. All they aim to do is prolong the dispute so their own pockets can get lined with currency. The entire issue is just an export for the Armenian Diaspora, nothing else… otherwise they would push it to international courts or UN.

    Food for thought!

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