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BNP leader ‘barred’ from Royal event

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bnpBNP leader Nick Griffin has been effectively barred from attending a Buckingham Palace garden party.

The right-wing politician had been invited to the social event by British National Party colleague Richard Barnbrook who, as a London Assembly member, was nominated for two tickets by the Greater London Authority (GLA).

But Jeff Jacobs, the GLA’s deputy chief executive, has tonight written to Mr Barnbrook telling him to change his controversial guest and stop exploiting the situation for “publicity”, or his nomination would be “reviewed”.

Mr Jacobs wrote: “The event is a social occasion hosted by Her Majesty and it is inappropriate to exploit this privilege for party political purposes.”

“The authority may need to review its position in relation to your nomination unless you revisit the selection of your guest with a view to avoiding further controversy and desist from any further publicity.”

The BNP campaigns for the “voluntary resettlement” of immigrants back to their countries of origin, claims white Britons have become “second-class citizens” and wants to bring back corporal and capital punishment for criminals.

A BNP spokesman said Mr Barnbrook would make a statement on Tuesday about his decision.

The organisation said yesterday: “You can’t withdraw the invitation because you don’t agree with someone’s views.

“How is it going to look if the three main political parties conspire to deny us our rights – and the people that voted for Richard? They are seeking to subvert the democratic process.”

The garden party will come after the June local and Euro elections, which could see the BNP gaining more local council seats and their first MEPs.

Disillusionment with mainstream politicians over the MPs’ expenses scandal and fears over jobs and immigration could lead to a surge in support for the party, according to political experts.


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