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Vote to keep the BNP out

DISTURBING leaflets sent out by the British National Party

By Suzan Nuri

stopbnpDISTURBING leaflets sent out by the British National Party ahead of the 4 June Euro elections, has warned that the UK will be ‘swamped’ by Muslim Turks.

The offensive leaflet, sent out to people in the north of the country and the Midlands, says the BNP “Oppose the dangerous drive to give 80 million low-wage, Muslim Turks the right to swamp Britain”.

The BNP, already under fire for using foreign models in the pictures on campaign leaflets, now seem to be targeting the Muslim communities in what can only be described as racist rants.

Fevzi Hussein who works for trade union CWU, was told of the offensive leaflets this week.


He said “A UNISON member alerted us to the latest BNP leaflet which amongst other things, makes reference to a pledge to ‘oppose the dangerous drive to give 80 million low-wage Muslim Turks the right to swamp Britain’.

“The tone of the leaflet is disgusting and no-one should be fooled by the smart suits and nice hair-cuts of these far-right fascists. Their rhetoric is the same – they are just targeting Muslims more now than Blacks and Asians, which used to be their more traditional targets back in the 70’s and 80’s.

“The BNP will do everything in their power to de-stabilise Turkey’s efforts to get into the EU – messages like this are also deliberately pumped out to instil a negative perception of Turkish people.

“It is essential everyone gets out and uses their vote – vote for anyone BUT the BNP. Wouldn’t it be nice if the Equality & Human Rights Commission made it their business to investigate this lot and at the very least demand an explanation as to why they seek to demonise Turks as part of their electioneering campaign?”

Nilgun Canver, who is a Labour London candidate in the Euro elections strongly condemned the BNP, saying they should be banned.

“It would be a disaster if the BNP were able to send an MEP to the European Parliament as they would be able to link up with facists from France and Italy, with all the resources that is available to them in Parliament.

“People must realise that the EU is entirely relevant to us here in the UK and is a way of us supporting increased dialogue regarding Cyprus and also Turkey’s EU accession.

“Voting is extremely important and with the voting system of PR, every vote does count. A low turn out will benefit the far right parties and we must oppose the idea of fascists legitimising themselves through election to the EU Parliament.”

Sener Saglam, chairman of the Turkish Federation told London Turkish Gazette that as a community we must take a stand against racist comments.

“We strongly criticise these comments by the BNP and will always challenge their right to spread such comments. This is why it is important that people do go out and vote in the Euro elections on 4 June. Some in our community say we should boycott the elections as a way of protesting against the EU’s reluctance in accepting Turkey. However, I say if we fail to turn up and vote, it opens the way for parties such as the BNP to get elected.”

Mr Saglam added that the Turkish community should be more united and also put forward candidates for elections.

“We need to get more involved politically and put forward people we can support in elections, no matter which mainstream party they are from and this is an idea the Federation fully supports.”

In another twist, some postal workers have protested at having to distribute election leaflets they find offensive or which customers might find offensive.

Their union, the CWU, has an agreement with Royal Mail which protects postal workers’ right to refuse to deliver such election.

Bob Gibson, CWU national official, said: “We have a national agreement with Royal Mail with a conscience clause which allows individuals to exercise their right to not deliver material which they find offensive or believe their customers may find offensive.

“It is not specific to any political party. We are protecting the rights of our members to be safe at work. Royal Mail has a responsibility to ensure the safety of their employees.

“We have had instances of delivery workers being threatened, chased and spat at for delivering some election leaflets. We will support individuals who feel strongly about delivering these items.

“Postal workers are well within their rights to refuse to deliver offensive material.”

Source:, 21 May 2009


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