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Iran-Armenia pipeline expected online soon

Editor's Note: Shown here are the GE 2.5-megawatt turbines at the Sares wind farm in Turkey. The wind farm -- owned by a joint venture between GAMA Holding A.S. and GE Energy Financial Services -- has begun selling its power to the electric grid.

Editor's Note: Shown here are the GE 2.5-megawatt turbines at the Sares wind farm in Turkey. The wind farm -- owned by a joint venture between GAMA Holding A.S. and GE Energy Financial Services -- has begun selling its power to the electric grid.

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YEREVAN, Armenia, May 19 (UPI) — Iranian gas supplies to Armenia through a 70-mile pipeline are expected to commence Friday, Iranian gas officials said while en route to Yerevan.

Reza Kasaeizadeh, the managing director of the National Iranian Gas Exporting Co., headed to the Armenian capital Yerevan on Monday to finalize gas agreements, Iran’s Petroenergy Information Network reports.

Russian, Armenian and Iranian officials inaugurated a final stage of a natural gas pipeline from Iran in December. Armenian Energy Minister Armen Movsisyan said the pipeline also serves as an alternative supply source should Russia disrupt energy transports through other routes.

The pipeline will bring 81 billion cubic feet of natural gas from Iran per year, about the same amount Armenia imports from Russia via Georgia. In exchange, Armenia will convert natural gas to electricity for exports back to Iran.

Kasaeizadeh said exports through the $220 million pipeline could reach 141 million cubic feet per day in the next two years, with a final capacity reaching 222 million cfd.

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