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Poland repeats support for Turkey’s EU membership

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Polish PM Donald Tusk played host to Turkey’s Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan

Turkish PMTayyip Erdogan visited Poland on Thursday
Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk reiterated support for Turkey’s bid to join the European Union after meeting with his Turkish counterpart Tayyip Erdogan.

“The EU set certain conditions [for membership] and when they are met the positive decision should be automatic… I believe that by steady and calm work we will be able to reach a point in a few years when we can say all conditions are met,” Tusk told reporters at a joint press conference in Warsaw.

Poland, which joined the EU in 2004, is a strong supporter of further enlarging the bloc to include Turkey, Balkan countries and Ukraine.

But Turkey faces stiff opposition to its EU bid from French and German leaders, who say the country is too large, too poor and too culturally different to fit into an EU already struggling to accommodate 27 member states. (RG)

Source: Thomson Reuters

Source:, 14th May 2009

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