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Recommendations for the Armenian Diaspora

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The forged picture that is being spread on the net with the caption: "Turkish official teases starving Armenian children by showing them a piece of bread during the Armenian Genocide in 1915."

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Bruce Fein

The Huffington Post Posted May 8, 2009

The ongoing high-level efforts between Turkey and Armenia to normalize relations, including establishing diplomatic relations and opening the land border between the two countries, have received President Obama’s imprimatur during his recent visit to Turkey.

While the negotiated resolution of any conflict is a desirable goal, the Turkish government would be wise to weigh the public’s expectations of this dialogue with existing realities, which will affect the immediate and long-term outcome of bilateral developments between the two countries and Turkey’s relations with the United States and Azerbaijan.

First, there is a dichotomy of interests among the Armenian stakeholders in this dialogue. The interests of the Armenian Diaspora, even different Diaspora organizations, the American political establishment and Armenia are divergent. The increasingly boisterous voices in the Armenian Diaspora which object to the Armenian government’s engagement with Turkey; the dismissal of the bilateral process by U.S. lawmakers who carry the Armenian lobby’s torch in Congress; as well as the full blown campaign by all Armenian advocacy and lobby groups in furthering their legislative, educational, political and public affairs agenda in the U.S.and elsewhere, are proof of this divergence.

On the other hand, the Turkish community abroad, particularly in the U.S., has by and large voiced support of the Turkish government’s dual approach that manifests itself in engaging in diplomatic efforts to normalize relations with Armenia on the one hand, and in committing to accept the findings of an impartial international commission that will address the contested period of Armenian-Ottoman history and the “genocide” question, on the other.

However, supporting the process does not mean turning a blind eye to competing Turkish interests and other realities. There are wide-spread concerns among Turks and others that Turkey will lose much and gain little from the entente it labors upon with Armenia. Without a doubt, the most significant loss Turkey may endure from this process, particularly from opening its land border with Armenia, could be estranging its natural strategic ally, Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan has shown significant reaction to Turkey’s perceived “de-linking” of the continuing Armenian occupation from its negotiations with Armenia.

Those in support of normalizing relations with Armenia frequently allude to the potential spillover effect this will have on a peaceful solution to the Karabakh conflict and also stem the “genocide” campaigns by the Armenian Diaspora. However, others argue that the economic effect of a closed land border with Turkey is the only incentive for Armenia to engage in a meaningful dialogue with Azerbaijan on lifting its occupation. Some Azeri analysts argue that removing this sanction may deprive Armenia of any incentive for peace and leave Azerbaijan with no option but a new war.

The Turkish-Armenian dialogue is known to have been advocated by successive U.S. administrations as a way to “pacify” the Armenian lobby and to weaken the incessant congressional efforts for U.S. recognition of the “Armenian genocide,” a development that would most certainly damage U.S.-Turkey relations.

However, pursuing this advice without addressing the underpinnings of the global Armenian campaign against Turkey will most certainly result in great disappointment for Turkey.

The “Armenian Genocide” narrative is an existential narrative for the Armenian Diaspora. It has become the glue that bonds the community across social, economic and political lines. Perpetuating this narrative and activating the community around legislative, educational, philanthropic and political endeavors has become the lifeline for Armenian Diaspora organizations, including the Armenian Church. Hatred against modern day Turks and Turkey has become an identity strengthening tool, particularly employed toward young Armenians, and examples of this hateful behavior against ordinary Turks abound.

It is in this area where Turkish analysis about the Armenian Diaspora’s state of mind, its wide-reaching agenda and impact seems to be most deficient. The benefits that Turkey expects from rapprochement with Armenia can not be achieved as long as the Armenian Diaspora’s realities are ignored. Unless Armenia and other interested parties can engage the Armenian Diaspora in this process and help bring about fundamental changes in the community, the “genocide” issue will remain at the center of their agenda. Consequently, Turkey’s outreach to Armenia will have no effect on the Armenian Diaspora and its international agenda against Turkey, including its lobbying of the U.S. Congress and the Administration.

Bringing about change in the attitudes of the Armenian Diaspora needs to focus on:
* Stopping hate: It is clear to everyone who follows the Armenian Diaspora that the pursuit of genocide recognition has turned into a campaign of hate against Turkey and modern day Turks. This hatred has been manifested in worldwide terrorism and the murder of 40 Turkish diplomats; the continuing adoration of these killers, as well as ongoing harassment and intimidation of Turkish Americans. More troubling, is the fact that hate against Turkey seems to grow among many young Armenian adults who hold more severely hateful perceptions of Turks.

* Defending academic freedom and stopping intimidation and harassment of scholars: The Armenian Diaspora has successfully created an aura of intimidation in academia through their consistent vilification of scholars, who do not agree with the Armenian narrative of history. By slandering any scholar who deviates from the Armenian narrative as a “genocide denier” and attempting to deny such scholars access to academic and public platforms, the Armenian lobby is effectively stifling more research and debate on this history.

* Exposing Armenian “buy-out” of scholars: Armenian foundations and wealthy Armenian Americans are pouring money into American universities to support scholars, including Turkish ones, whose positions corroborate the Armenian narrative. The existence of “Armenian Genocide” study centers at leading U.S. universities rests on the largesse of such Armenian donations. Research in this area has effectively been turned into an Armenian funded cottage industry.

* Advocating the opening of Armenian Archives: Opening all Armenian archives to independent scholarly review will unearth the complete narrative of Ottoman-Armenian history, including the Armenian independence movement and revolt.

* Stopping foul play: Armenian Diaspora groups must be held accountable to stick to the same rules that apply to all advocacy groups. Many of them have not. The best example of such foul play is the Armenian National Committee of America, which is currently under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice for possible violations of its legal status and other U.S. laws governing lobbying.
* Exposing the futility of political lobbying: The Armenian Diaspora lobbyists have invested much stock and capital in lobbying efforts to legislate history. Turkey must unequivocally state that it is an Armenian Diaspora illusion that such third country political pressures can force Turkey to accept their narrative and issue an “apology,” opening the way for other demands by the Armenian Diaspora such as reparations or territorial claims.

* Looking forward: The Armenian community can gain tremendously by looking forward and reaching out to Turkey as their heritage country. Turkey and Turkish civil society should extend a hand of friendship toward the Armenian Diaspora. Turks, by and large, hold no animosity toward Armenians and will embrace Diaspora Armenians warmly. The rich Armenian culture continues to be part of Turkey’s culture, its music, art, architecture, folklore and cuisine. These common bonds can be revived and the Armenian Diaspora, not Armenia, can herald this revival.

* Ending Armenia’s isolation: The Armenian Diaspora has played a significant role for Armenia. However, the Armenian Diaspora’s efforts cannot replace the economic and political benefits of normalizing Armenia’s relations with its neighbors, particularly Azerbaijan, and integrating the country into the economic and strategic regional framework. The Armenian Diaspora in the United States, in particular, should be the advocate of moving Armenia away from Russia and Iran and closer to Turkey and the U.S.

* Believing in dialogue: The current Turkish government has long extended a hand of friendship and reconciliation toward the Armenian Diaspora and Armenia in its invitation to form an international historical commission. Turkey’s invitation and willingness to support such a comprehensive effort and to accept its findings may not remain valid forever. The Armenian Diaspora should unclench its fist and take this hand, as it is the only way for peace and reconciliation.


View Comments:

– + Hally See Profile I’m a Fan of Hally I’m a fan of this user permalink

Ahhh Seto, good try.

“As a lawyer he should be able to differentiate an investigation from indictment. ”

As well he is and can. Exactly where does the word “indictment” appear in Fein’s piece? The only one who makes reference to an “indictiment” is you. Fein’s article talks of an investigation.

Perhaps you, Seto, should work on improving your reading comprehension or your old and tired propaganda technique of setting up a straw man to knock it down.

Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 10:23 AM on 05/10/2009

– + Hally See Profile I’m a Fan of Hally I’m a fan of this user permalink

“Armenian Americans are doing what Indian Americans, Jewish Americans or other Americans are doing ” nothing more, nothing less.”

Please tell us how many Jewish Americans, Indian Americans and other Americans have formed terrorist groups to murder Turkish diplomats and bomb Turkish businesses/economic interests in the U.S.?

And those are just a few tidbits to expose how greatly altered your view of reality is.

Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 10:18 AM on 05/10/2009

– + Hally See Profile I’m a Fan of Hally I’m a fan of this user permalink


Your disinformation campaign is rather amusing.

First, the Republic of Turkey was one of the first nations to recognize the newly independent Armenia, but closed the border to protest Armenia’s invasion and occupation of the sovereign nation of Azerbaycan, as well as the Armenian military’s vicious slaughter of innocent unarmed civilian Azeris (ethnic Turks) who were trying to flee in the advancing Armenian army. The border closure has devastated Armenia’s economy, not Turkey’s. Turkey and Turks have virtually nothing to gain from opening the border. However, US and western European interests will be greatly served by an open border.

The US interest in opening the border between Armenia and Turkey is motivated by the US’s desire to wrest Armenia away from “Mother Russia” so that vital pipelines conveying natural gas and oil from the central Asian plateau (former Soviet block countries with Turkic populations) can pass more cheaply and easily through Armenia and Turkey to shipping ports in the Mediterranean. Currently, planned pipelines all snake around Armenia through Georgia towards Turkey. This costs the US and western European nations who buy that gas and oil, more money.

If Armenia is pulled away from Mother Russia and the border opened, the “hope” is not only to make it cheaper and easier to transport those natural resources west, but also to diminish Russia’s influence and power over Armenia (did you know that Russian military personnel in Armenia currently outnumber Armenia’s own military? how interesting is that?).

Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 10:18 AM on 05/10/2009

– + denica See Profile I’m a Fan of denica I’m a fan of this user permalink

Mr Fein is attempting to explore a rational dialogue between the Turkish and Armenian communities. What he gets in return is the same shop-worn comments and attitudes from the Armenian side. I believe Diaspora has so much invested in their side of the issue that any attempt by Turkish side will be viewed as weakness. Despite what we always hear, this isn’t simply Turkey apologizing for the events of 1915. Armenians (at least a large percentage) are making claims to a large section of Eastern Anatolia as theirs as well as other implied cash payments. Of course, societies have moved and no one today automatically has claims to a piece of land because their ancestors had it. Armenians are making a big mistake if they think they can take this to its limit (We need to immediately return this country to Native Americans). I congratulate Mr Fein for making an attempt to reach out with a well rounded argument.

Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:02 AM on 05/10/2009

– + LMPE See Profile I’m a Fan of LMPE I’m a fan of this user permalink

I can’t understand why, after Ataturk set out to divorce Turkey from its Ottoman past, he didn’t recognize the Armenian Genocide. That would have done more than anything to move Turkey forward.

Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 07:17 AM on 05/09/2009

– + BadgerinNJ See Profile I’m a Fan of BadgerinNJ I’m a fan of this user permalink

Shouldn’t Mr. Fein identify himself: Bruce Fein is the Resident Scholar for the Turkish Coalition of America. Prior to this position, Mr. Fein was also resident scholar at the Assembly of Turkish American Associations and a columnist for the Turkish Times. He has served as a consultant to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, evaluated the terms of the Annan Plan, and has appeared regularly on VOA and Turkish television to discuss current political events and their implications for Turkish-American relations.

Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 11:33 PM on 05/08/2009

– + Seto See Profile I’m a Fan of Seto I’m a fan of this user permalink

Fourth, Mr. Fein comes forth with the misrepresentation that Armenian Diaspora groups are engaged in foul play in violation of U.S. laws and regulations. His lone substantiation in this respect is his claim that the Armenian National Committee of America is under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice. Now, Mr. Fein is a lawyer. As a lawyer he should be able to differentiate an investigation from indictment. The deliberate lack of knowledge is the source of his misrepresentation in the instant case. He is well advised to check the status of said investigation.

Mr. Fein”s so-called “recommendations” boil down to a single directive to the Armenian Diaspora. He is effectively telling the Armenians to stop exercising their rights as citizens of their respective countries. This directive is more alarming in case of the Armenian Americans. He is telling American citizens of Armenian descent to halt exercising their rights under the U.S. Constitution.

Mr. Fein should learn to accept that Armenian Americans are doing what Indian Americans, Jewish Americans or other Americans are doing ” nothing more, nothing less.


Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 10:07 PM on 05/08/2009

– + Seto See Profile I’m a Fan of Seto I’m a fan of this user permalink

Third, Mr. Fein develops an artistic penchant to spread falsehood. He blatantly claims that the Armenian Diaspora intimidates and harasses the academia, and vilifies the scholars who do not agree with the fact of Genocide. What”s worse, he claims that the Armenian Diaspora engages in the “buy-out” of scholars to corroborate the fact of Genocide. These claims against the Armenian Diaspora are immersed in utter falsehood. Yet the same claims verily apply to the Republic of Turkey and the Turkish “associations” operating in the U.S., who have become experts in the claimed business and notoriously earned the reputation of doing their regular harassments of the academia, vilification of the scholars and “buying-out” of professors and department chairs to distort history and deny the Armenian Genocide.

[Part 5 to be followed]

Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 10:06 PM on 05/08/2009

– + Seto See Profile I’m a Fan of Seto I’m a fan of this user permalink

Next, Mr. Fein lodges false accusations against the Armenian Diaspora claiming that it has turned the Genocide recognition into a campaign of hate against Turkey and Turks. This gentleman in the service of Turkish “associations” should familiarize himself with Armenian traditions and culture that inspire and teach the Armenian individual ” whether in Armenia or Diaspora ” love, friendship, brotherhood and peace. Not a single Armenian person sees an enemy in a Turkish person. As for Genocide recognition, it is only anchored on one principle, objective and feeling ” Justice. When in 1944 jurist Raphael Lemkin, in an effort to bring justice for the Jewish holocaust by the Nazis, coined the word “Genocide” based on the precedent of Armenian massacres, he was not motivated by hate against the Germans ” Lemkin sought justice and defined the annihilation of Armenians at the hands of the Ottomans and of European Jews at the hands of Nazis as Genocide.

[Part 4 to be followed]

Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 10:06 PM on 05/08/2009

– + Seto See Profile I’m a Fan of Seto I’m a fan of this user permalink

First, Mr. Fein threatens that the “boisterous” Diaspora will cause the eventual failure of Turkey”s efforts to normalize relations with Armenia. According to Mr. Fein, Turkey, at the cost of damaging its strategic interests, is doing Armenia a favor by opening its borders that would save Armenia economically. Should Diaspora resume its untamed conduct, the borders will remain sealed and Armenia will be the loser. Mr. Fein, of course, unabashedly overlooks the geopolitical fact that Turkey is the one that is in dire need of Armenia in order to have access to the Southern Caucasus and beyond. This is the old Pan-Turanic strategic thinking once employed by the Ottoman Young Turks that led to the extermination of the Armenians. Now this strategic thinking is employed by the current government of Turkey under the guidance of Ahmet Davutoglu, the former foreign policy adviser and current foreign minister of Turkey.

[Part 3 to be followed]

Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 10:05 PM on 05/08/2009

– + ustn See Profile I’m a Fan of ustn I’m a fan of this user permalink

There is a better idea – why don’t US, and all the other countries, states, legislatures, etc., that have recognized the Armenian suffering as genocide, do the same about the Turko-Muslim suffering in the same area at the same time? They should recognize the Turkic and Muslim Genocide of well over 1 million people in the same area from the Armenian invasions and massacres. Then probably the Turkish side will not object to a one-sided pro-Armenian bias by US Congress or any state legislature.

Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 05:33 PM on 05/08/2009

– + lightningbolt See Profile I’m a Fan of lightningbolt I’m a fan of this user permalink

All genocide should be recognized and the guilty countries should stop trying to sweep it under the rug. The U.S. should recognize the Armenian genocide, and Turkey should recognize the Native American genocide. Maybe if both countries do this, their relations will not suffer.

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