The Gülen Movement

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fetullah1Muslims between Tradition and Modernity

The University of Potsdam’s Institute of Religion and FID BERLIN e.V.
(Forum for Intercultural Dialogue Berlin) in cooperation with the German
Orient-Insitute, the Abraham Geiger College at the University of
Potsdam and the Protestant Academy Berlin are organizing an international
conference entitled “Muslims between Tradition and Modernity – The Gülen Movement as a Bridge Between Cultures.”

The aim of the conference is to examine the activities of the Gulen
Movement objectively and rigorously. Therefore, national and international
scholars will present their opinions on various aspects of the movement during conference sessions.

Schedule of the conference:



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One response to “The Gülen Movement”

  1. MOVEMENT Avatar

    Gulen Movement in action. Biography of Fethullah Gulen.

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