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We Have Conveyed Our Concern on Racist Attacks to Turks Living in Germany to German Authorities, Mercan

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The chairman of Turkish Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee, Murat Mercan, said Tuesday his committee conveyed to German authorities Turkey’s concern on racist attacks against Turks living in Germany.
Speaking to reporters in a press conference held at the Turkish Embassy in Berlin on Tuesday, Mercan said that his committee told German authorities the uneasiness felt by Turkey regarding the immigration law of Germany.
Mercan said that they held meetings with various German officials and discussed regional problems as well as issues pertaining to the EU.
“We talked with German officials topics such as the Caucasus, Middle East, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Cyprus,” Mercan said.
“We exchanged viewpoints on recent relations between Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia,” Mercan also said.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009




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