US Congresswoman: “1915 events are not genocide”

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Washington – APA. Member of US House of Representative from Ohio Jean Schmidt will make an official complaint against the Armenian, who libeled her for non-recognition of false “Armenian genocide”. Schmidt decided to complain to the Ohio election committee against her former rival in November 4 2008 elections David Grigorian, APA reports quoting Milliyet newspaper. Grigorian accused Schmidt in receiving of blood money from Turks to deny the “genocide”. Schmidt said it was not correct to call the 1915 events as genocide. “I never voted for the “Armenian genocide” resolutions at the Congress. I always consider that it is not a problem of the Congress. I support the idea of establishing the independent international commission of the experts to resolve this issue once for all”.

Schmidt reminded that US influential scientists also confirmed that it wouldn’t be correct to use “genocide” word for the tragic events of 1915. Famous historian Bernard Lewis and Norman Itzkowitz of Princeton University, Stanford Shaw of the University of California, Justin McCarthy from Louisville University, Guenter Lewy and Brian Williams from the University of Massachusetts, David Fromkin, Boston University, Avigdor Levy, Brandeis University, Michael Gunter of Tennessee Tech University, Pierre Oberling, Hunter College, Roderick Davidson, George Washington University, Michael Radu, Foreign Policy Research Institute and military historian Edward J. Erickson are among them.

Schmidt said supporters of her election campaign had no relations with the government of Turkey and she had the documents confirming that. She said Grigorian violated election laws deliberately and she demanded the election committee to take penal sanctions against him.

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On April 1st, 2009  the Rumi Forum visited Congresswoman Jean Schmidt (OH) .
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2 responses to “US Congresswoman: “1915 events are not genocide””

  1. Yasar Tapan Avatar
    Yasar Tapan

    This is yet to be the most sensible approach to the long standing so called Armenian claims..This has no
    place in the debates of the US Congress nor any governmental agency for that matter..I hope Gov.
    Schwartzenegger will see the light after this statement of Hon.Schmidt..Anyone making political gain-
    plans over this issue will only hurt the armenians in the end..No administration is in a position to pass
    a judgment on fictitious claims such as the armenian genocide claims..Let the historians work on it..

  2. Robert Avatar

    We need more people like Congresswoman Jean Schmidt! Thank you very much Congresswoman for being a voice of reason in a confused Congress! The Armenian diaspora is counting on the confussion and ignorance of the members of Congress to continue their century old agenda of mass propaganda and overt lies! Your decency and intestinal fortitude is acting like a major “wedgie” in thier organizations!! They are starting to feel it! Please stay the course of truth, honor & justice. Do not allow the Armenians to cause you to falter. Their favorite methods of attack on anyone to get their way are arrogance, intimidation, manipulation, threats, blackmail, bribery, assault, lies, defamation of character, fire bombing, running scams, attempted murder & finally murder! You are truly a couragous woman! You can always count on the support of all Turkish and Turkic people!! Keep up the great work. We are all very proud of you! Thank you once again.

    Yasar Tapan’s comments were exact and to the point! Well said! Once more, we need so many more like you! Thank you.

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