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New book questions Israel’s survival

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Jerusalem-based journalist Aaron Klein releases new book titled, ‘The Late, Great State of Israel’, in which he asserts that Israel’s policy is leading the country to its demise

Josh Lichtenstein
Published: 04.27.09, 22:25 / Israel Culture

Israel’s current policy is leading toward the country’s demise, journalist and head of the WorldNetDaily Jerusalem bureau claims in his newly-released book, “The Late, Great State of Israel” and subtitled, “How enemies within and without threaten the Jewish nation’s survival” (WND Books).

Klein became motivated to begin this project following Israel’s 2005 disengagement of Gaza under Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s helm. He could not accept the International media’s portrayal of Jewish settlers in Gaza being fundamentalists living on stolen Arab land.

Klein is the author of the 2007 book, “Schmoozing with Terrorists”, and a regular guest on cable news networks Fox News and Al Jazeera English.
klein1 waKlein with Hamas’ number two in the West Bank, Muhammad Abu Tir (Photo: WND Books)

This book is the culmination of four years of reporting in former Jewish communities within the Gaza Strip and on the Israel-Lebanon-Syria border.

To write this book Klein conducted 100 hundred interviews with top leaders in Lebanon, Syria, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. Klein also sought the opinions of Israeli and US officials.

Klein analyzes the result of Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and determines that land-for-peace policies only increase attacks on Israeli citizens. The book takes place within the context of the 2005 withdrawal from Gaza, the war in Lebanon, and the most recent 22 day operation against Hamas in Gaza. In his book Klein places much of the blame on the government of Israel.

‘Israel legitimizing Hamas’

In an interview to Ynetnews, Klein said: “It was Israel that led the charge in legitimizing Yasser Arafat, bringing him out from exile in Tunis and providing him and his Fatah gang with a fiefdom in the West Bank and Gaza Strip from which to wage jihad against the Jews.

“Now, Israel’s policy is enhancing the same Fatah movement while also working to legitimize Hamas, by, among other things, negotiating with the Islamist group and failing to defeat Hamas militarily”.

Klein is also very critical of the United States funding and legitimizing Hamas in the International community. “Israel remains committed to negotiating a Palestinian state- in talks strongly urged on by the Obama administration- with a ‘peace partner’ whose official institutions indoctrinate its citizens with intense anti-Jewish hatred and violence” Klein told Ynetnews.

The book presents a very grim evaluation of the last four years of Israeli policy. “Unless these and other outlined perils are countered soon, the only remnant of the Jewish country may soon be an epitaph: ‘The Late, Great State of Israel’”.

Source:, 27.04.09

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