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Novruz Mammadov on opening of borders

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Baku. Lachin Sultanova – APA. “There is principally no problem in holding of negotiations for the opening of borders between Turkey and Armenia.

We expressed our position. I think turkey also understands our position. These processes concern us because it is going on in the South Caucasus”, Chief of the International Relations Department of the President’s Office Novruz Mammadov exclusively told APA.

Mammadov noted that it would be better if the process was carried out by other means. “It would be within the interests of both Turkey and Azerbaijan and would assist the establishing of peace, stability and cooperation in the South Caucasus. The last statements of Turkish authorities showed that they also understand the issue and are taking the Azerbaijan’s position into consideration. They are stating, and we are also considering that Turkey and Armenia have to establish relationship. We are not against the opening of borders, but we demand the issue to be solved more correctly, within the conditions postulated by the Turkish authorities in the early days of our independence. These conditions were made by Turgut Ozal, Suleyman Demirel, Ahmet Necdet Sezer and the Turkey’s present leadership. The issue must be solved within these conditions (Armenia must leave its territorial and “genocide” claims against Turkey and must withdraw its forces from the occupied Azerbaijani lands- editor’s comment). The question is about that”.

The department chief said no one could damage the friendship, brotherhood and strategic partnership relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan.
“These peoples are brothers, fraternal states. The relations between our countries were formed for centuries,” he said.
Asked whether the issue would be discussed during President Ilham Aliyev’s visit to Moscow on April 16, Novruz Mammadov said as it was a working visit, it was impossible to express concrete opinion.
“Azerbaijan and Russia will exchange views on the issues of mutual interest, prospects of bilateral cooperation,” he said.

Novruz Mammadov said Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev had not made up his mind yet to accept the offer of OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs to meet with Armenian president Serzh Sarkisian in Prague.

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