Turkish Lies at “Anatolian Festival” Greeted by Worldwide Condemnation

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By Appo Jabarian
Executive Publisher / Managing Editor
USA Armenian Life Magazine

Friday,  April 10, 2009

Last week, this writer reported about the widespread misrepresentations made by Turkey, the main organizer of the so-called “Anatolian Cultures and Food Festival” which took place in Costa Mesa, California, April 2-5.
Soon after the publication in USA Armenian Life Magazine and the electronic dissemination of the article titled “An Orgy of Turkish Soup with Armenian Bones in Southern California,” the editorial offices were inundated with several phone calls, and letters via e-mail, fax and regular mail by angry readers. They were speaking out against Turkey’s lies about its history, culture and cuisine.

Several Southern California Armenian and non-Armenian activists rallied their resources and, in less then 24 hours, successfully produced life-size, full color giant posters of a live art presentation of the “Turkish Soup Made with Armenian Bones.” The “Turkish Soup” is created by well-known artist Zareh of Los Angeles (To see a live art presentation on Turkish Soup, please click on the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urWCGtI7XXc).

The “Turkish Soup” along with life-size posters of Pres. Ronald Reagan and Amb. John Evans (both acknowledging the genocide) and “Mustafa Kemal Ataturk” (Founder of modern Turkey strongly condemning Young Turk government’s crime against the Armenians) were carried by a contingent of Armenian activists to Orange County’s fairgrounds to post them at the entrance of the misleading Turkish festival.

Even the Consul General of the Republic of Armenia in Los Angeles declined to accept the official invitation extended by the Consul General of Turkey in Los Angeles.

According to various reliable reports, the Turkish Consul General had sent invitations to a number of consuls general, including Armenia’s top diplomatic representative in Los Angeles, Honorable Grigor Hovanessian.

USA Armenian Life learned that Mr. Hovanessian declined to participate in the opening ceremonies of the Turkish festival.

Responding to a question presented by USA Armenian Life as to why the Armenian Consul General refused to accept the Turkish invitation, he responded: “The reasons for Consul General’s non-participation in the festival: 1) The agenda throughout April is intense, as the Consulate General along with the entire Armenian community prepares for the Genocide commemorative events. The Consul General considered the timing for this festive event highly inappropriate from the Armenian point of view; 2) Members of the Armenian community across the widest spectrum were consulted on this matter and their positions were factored in while making the decision. In addition, the Consul General fully shares the disagreements voiced in the local Armenian media and professionals as to the distortion of historic facts by the organizers of the festival.”

French-Armenian journalist Gilbert Béguian, a regular contributor to France’s Nouvelles d’Armenie Magazine, wrote: “I prefer to think that the Armenians of Turkey undergo direct pressures that lead them to act as they do. … The case of Diaspora Armenians is different.”

Beguian added: “I have just completed the translation (into French-Ed.) of your article and truly I’d like to compliment you for the force and the spirit that it emanates. … The video and the idea of Zareh’s ‘Turkish Soup’ is genius. They transmit the message in a blink of an eye, in matter of few seconds. Let’s hope that many Turks see it.”

Janine A. Soukiasian, a well-known criminal defense attorney in Southern California wrote: “I was moved by your article on ‘An Orgy of ‘Turkish Soup with Armenian Bones’ in Southern California.’ …I strongly agree that the denialist Turks are trying to shove down our throat, literally, in a month of commemoration of the Armenian Genocide, their so-called Turkish culture and food. This is a definite slap in the face. I am not sure I can blame some Armenians if they truly feel the need to participate ‘under duress and fear of being subjected to all kinds of blackmail in Turkey,’ if this event was taking place in TURKEY. However, we live in America and we don’t face duress and should not make any excuses for supporting the denialists in our home turf of Southern California.”

She concluded: “The OIA [Organization of Istanbul Armenians] must be very careful in who they trust and the company they keep. I think all Armenians should ban future misleading Turkish Festivals altogether. It is a shame if a single Armenian attends the event, particularly in the month of April.”

Gary Bedian, an international entrepreneur-developer, and Southland activist, wrote: “While at first glance one may wonder what the whole fuss is about Turks holding an ‘Anatolian Cultures and Food Festival’ in the City of Costa Mesa, one must dig deeper to understand its true significance. The Turkish Ministry of Culture, along with the government of Turkey, denies the Armenian Genocide. The City of Costa Mesa, as part of The State of California that officially recognizes the Armenian Genocide, should not have issued a permit for a misleading event of this nature to take place on its soil.”

Bedian continued: “Adding insult to injury, the City of Costa Mesa has hosted this event in the month of April which is a sacred month for Armenians who have suffered genocide at the hands of Turkey.”
He concluded: “It remains to be seen if Turkey will now do the right thing and take up President Obama’s challenge to recognize the genocide and normalize relations with Armenia. After all, one must act European before he can become European.”

Reiterating Armenian demands for justice, Jean Eckian, a Paris-based French Armenian independent journalist, wrote: “Our ancestors sacrificed their lives for the soil of Turkish-occupied Western Armenia. They have built a treasure, a civilization of which we, the descendants, are the inheritors. In this context, it doesn’t matter as to how far and to which foreign ports we have navigated. Till the end of time, we will reclaim in their memory, and for our sake, the right to return so that the Armenian spirit continues to live.”

Southern California Armenian and non-Armenian activists who made timely contribution of valuable time, energy and material included Kalayjian Enterprises’ Krikor “Cigar Koko” Kalayjian and his sons Minas and Hagop, along with their assistant Raul Vizcaino, a Mexican-American activist opposing all genocides.

When Vizcaino was approached to pose like a genocidal Turk for the photography of life-size “Turkish Soup,” he adamantly refused saying that he strongly dislikes the Turks. He said: “Those Turks are bad. They are responsible for what they did to Armenians. Their genocidal act of 1915 has affected the rest of the world. Had the world punished those ‘Los Turcos’ and Turkey for their genocide against the Armenians, no other genocides would have been committed, such as the one in Darfur.”

Later Vizcaino agreed to dress up like a Turk to help the Armenian Cause, and in solemn respect to the memory of the innocent victims of the Armenian Genocide.

The additional contributors to the 11th hour Armenian efforts for protest actions also included United Shipping Group’s Gagik Tamrazyan and his assistants; Calprod giant size poster printing company’s Harout Hovsepyan; fellow activists Vasgen Zargarian, Ardavast M., Emelda M. and Diana Aslan, who have valiantly carried the life size and somewhat heavy pressedwood-enforced posters to the main entrance of the infamous festival; Karine Mkrtumyan who assisted in graphics, and Hagop Yedalian and his son Razmik along with their assistants who volunteered their time and energy in helping Hagop perform woodcarving to create life-size wood sculptured posters of the “Turkish Soup.” Yedalian’s assistants –Rigoberto, Reyes, David, Manuel, and Oswaldo, coming from various Latino-American backgrounds, explained the widespread Latino disdain of the genocidal Turks. Several of them explained that fellow Latinos when intending to insult a man they would label him as “Turco!”

All felt both a moral duty to help the cause of the one and a half million Armenian martyrs by joining the efforts and were also touched by the spiritual blessings that they were receiving as a result of their service to keeping the memory of the 1.5 million martyred saints alive.

Their spirit of solidarity and their determination now may serve as a forewarning of what’s to come in the form of future tsunami of Armenian-led protests against denialist Turkey and its Southland lackeys.

Several Armenian American community leaders representing various organizations privately expressed exasperation at the Organization of Istanbul Armenians Los Angeles chapter’s participation. They have vowed to react vociferously if they continue to side with the denialist Turkish government in the free world of the Armenian Diaspora.

The few fast-acting Armenian activists’ reactions should send a clear signal to Turkey, that as long as Ankara refuses to make amends to the Armenians, its public relations ploys on the world stage are doomed not only to fail but to be counter-productive.

(To see a live art presentation on Turkish Soup, please click on the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urWCGtI7XXc).

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12 responses to “Turkish Lies at “Anatolian Festival” Greeted by Worldwide Condemnation”

  1. KARAHAN METE Avatar

    Appo Jabarian is mentally ill. Nothing but racist person. This mental illness degenerative is he need immediate medical help.

  2. Unfortunately, Mr. Appo Jabarian is mearly one of many “court jesters” for the Armenian Dashnak Party, particularlly ANCA, who are so very brainwashed and ignorant of the TRUTH, that they will never pass muster of world opinion, so that all they can do is tow the line of a century of deciet upon the christian nations of the world! As everyone and his uncle know by this time, ever since the world’s major archives have been open to the public (with the usual exception of the archives in Yerevan, Armenia and the Armenian Revolutionary archives in Boston, MA, both of which still remain closed to this very day. WHY?), thousands of documents have been researched and analysed by some of the top historical scholars in the world. These archived documents repeatedly show that the claims of so many of these Dashnak Armenians regarding the alleged “genocide” are simply FALSE! I haven’t even began to discuss the numerous pathetic forgeries and fabrications of so many of thier “evidentary documentations” (done in obvious total desperation); or the shameless PC PhotoShop computer alterations of numerous photographs of what for many years, Dashnak Armenians have been parading around the globe as “actual photographic evidence” to support their now bogus claims (guess what Mr. Jabarian, we have ALL of the ORIGINAL “photographic evidence” that you and your Dashnak partners of perpetual global deception have tauted as being “proof” of a “genocidal event” which simply never occurred! Thank goodness for archives that are open to the public, eh Mr. Jabarian!)!

    The utter arrogance and pure racisim of the Armenian diaspora! Just who the hell do they think they are that they can “own the month of April” all over the planet, and that anyone who tries to do something innoccuous and decent (such as the Anatolian festival), to share their culture with all of the people, is portrayed by some hate-mongering, Armenian-controlled marrianette BUFFOON (in this case, a Mexican-American by the name of Raul Vizcaino, who states that had the “purpetrators of the 1915 events been punished”, then there wouldn’t be any other genocides in the world, such as Darfur! REALLY?!!!) as “the Terrible Turk”! Who died and made Armenians GOD?!!! Oh, but this circus side show of mass global deception and arrogance (starting from the hate indoctronation of the young Armenian youth via their Hitler-like youth camps (the Armenian Youth Federation or AYF), complete with Zwastika-like armbands, flags and other Nazi paraphenalia) only gets better. Ladies and getlemen…for your viewing/reading pleasure, I present to you one of the many clowns in this Armenian circus…Rep. Paul Krekorian. Here is a hate-filled Nazi racist, who on YouTube, infers that the capitol building in Sacramento, CA is somehow the sole property of the poor, victimized Armenians (who are as pure as the driven snow could NEVER hurt anyone!), and that how dare any Turk go in there to give an opposing view point! This racist Dashnak is a REAL work of art (Satan sure worked overtime to create him!). Now, in the capitol building in Sacramento, CA (the very one that belongs soley to the Armenians!), he has introduced AB 961, which will punish any company/business that does any kind of business with either Turkey or Azerbaijan! WOW! Words just can not describe this individual, can they?!! Remember, this guy is just the tip of the iceberg of deception, hate and arrogance that has been perpetrated upon ignorant (not stupid!) Christian nations for the past 100 years the Dashnak Armenians! Mr. Jabarian quotes a Southern Californian attorney by the name of Janine Soukiasian as saying how the Armenians in living in Turkey are under continuos and total duress and are practically forced to engage and participate in Turkish festivals and other cultural events in Turkey! She goes on to say that this living under duress would never be allowed here on “our turff” in Southern California! Well Ms. Soukiasian, just exactly when did you hate-filled, brainwashed Dashnak Armenians purchase ALL of Southern California? Hey, it’s a good thing you don’t own all of the central portions of the state as well, huh! Because then, innocent people (TAXPAYERS and US CITIZENS), such as Turks, Azeris, Latinos, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, etc., would never be able to express their points of view in a PUBLIC ediface like the state capitol building! Oh, silly me, I completely forgot that YOU hate-filled, brainwashed Dashnak Armenians must indeed own this portion of real estate…Rep. Paul Krekorian has already alluded as such! Ms. Soukiasian, there are more than 70,000 Armenians living peacefully and in comfort in Turkey right this minute! They can choose to worship in several different churches. Many are quite affluent! Now, just exactly where is this duress of the Armenians living in Turkey that you repeatedly mention coming from? Also, would you be so kind as to provide the people of this planet the answer to this posed question, as well as to the following questions…In Armenia, how many Turks are living there right now (98% of Armenia’s population are Armenian!)? Of those that are living there, how many do so under duress? How many Mosques are there in Armenia right now? How much religious freedom do any of the Turkish people living in Armenia right now have exactly (assuming that there are any!)? Please explain to the rest of us why there is a mass exodus of Armenian citizens escaping that country on a continuous basis, and also why the vast majority of these Armenian citizens CHOOSE to come and settle in Turkey (you’ve already made the statement of how much duress the Armenians living in Turkey are under!)? Careful Ms. Soukiasian, for your hypocrasy is showing!! I don’t know, nor do I care, what Law School you went to, but you obviously weren’t paying attention when they explained that you should always get your facts straight prior to making the ridiculous statements that you’ve made!!

    Now your Dashnak Armenian arrogance has even affected you numbers game (of how many “victims” of the event of 1915 there were). The wanna be journalist, Mr. Peter Murlarian of Globilist Films (out of Glendale, CA), has claimed on a YouTube channel site that the number of Armenians who died in 1915 is now two million and not the previous figure of 1.5 million! You might all remember Mr. Murlarian from his tresspassing into the home of Rep. Cohen back East! After being rightfully thrown out of the Congressman’s home, he went whinning back to his studio and twisted the story to his advantage (portraying him as the TYPICAL poor, Dashnak Armenian victim)! These numbers regarding how many Armenians died fluctuates more than the New York Stock Exchange! The values range anywhere from 300,000 to almost four million! Dashnak Armenians love to lie!! Their foundation is literally based upon the lie! This is why they are so terrified to ever allow the truth to come out and must therefore do whatever it takes to prevent that from ever happening! Their actual, official motto is “By Any Means Necessary!”. They will disrupt any event that may pose even a hint of an opposing viewpoint; they will prevent anyone from speaking the truth by labeling him as a denialist; they will firebomb the home of an author who has written numerous books showing the mass Dashnak Armenian deception; their terrorist groups will assinate innocent people to cram their own lies down the throats of all the people on earth; they’ll fabricate any story and forge any document, while altering any photograph to get people to buy their bogus claims! This is typical behavior for the Dashnak Armenian. Integrity, honor, ethics, respect, humility, dignity and shame are just some of the many words that appear to be foreign and therefore absent from the Armenian lexicon! Nothing is beyond them. These include character assinations, arson, libel, slander, defamation of character, lying, bribery, racism, intimidation, manipulation, corruption, oppression, persecutory behavior complex, threats, assault, scams, forgery, murder! What more can one expect from such a morally bankrupt group! I haven’t even touched on the mass atrocities that they committed against 518,000 Turks during WWI, let alone being reponsible for the deaths of a total of 2.5 million Turks, Greeks, Persians, Azeris, Tartars, Georgians, Kurds, Arabs and Jews in places like Erzican, Ersurum, Kars, Van, etc.! I haven’t discussed the genocide that the Armenians committed against the Azeris in Kohajaly and other towns in Azerbaijan in 1992! Of course, let’s not forget the great contribution that the Dashnak Armenians provided to the Czar during WWI and then again to Hitler before and during WWII (Armenians literally being annoited as true Arriyans by Hitler himself; the many anti-semetic Armenian newspapers and magazines published in Berlin from 1935-1944, praising Hitler and his efforts to exterminate the Jews; the infamous 812th Nazi Battalion, comprised of over 20,000 volunteer Armenians, to hunt down and round up Jews living in the Northern Caucus and Crimean regions, in order to kill and/or deport to the concentration camps)! These shameless Dashnak Armenians have the audacity to then go to various Jewish groups, trying to equate what they supposedly went through with the real tragedy of the Jewish Holocaust, actually conning some of these Jewish survivors to unite with them! Volumes could literally be written about how dispicable Dashnak Armenians have, and can still be! When I was in Glendale, CA several years ago (around April 24th), I saw posters (especially in “Little Armenia”) that read “KILL A TURK FOR APRIL 24th!”. I’ve seen Armenian children holding placards which read “THE ONLY GOOD TURK IS A DEAD TURK!” during street protests in LA.

    Given the extent of information and this article, MR. Jabarian, I say to you…WHO ARE TRULY THE ANIMALS HERE?

  3. Ironside Avatar

    Only a sick person can imagine and make the horrible display of the “Turkish Soup with Armenian Bones”. You are really crazy. You cannot even write a decent and proper critique without resorting to this type of 100 year old ploys.
    Shame on you!

  4. What hypocrisy!

    French-Armenian journalist Gilbert Béguian writes: “I prefer to think that the Armenians of Turkey undergo direct pressures that lead them to act as they do. … .”

    He “prefers to think”? Meaning he has not a scintilla a proof, but rather takes some sadistic pleasure in imagining that no Armenian could possibly have good relations with Turks.

    Then we have Janine A. Soukiasian, a “well-known” criminal defense attorney in Southern California who concludes: “The OIA [Organization of Istanbul Armenians] must be very careful in who they trust and the company they keep.

    What kind of an attorney, admitted to the state bar of California and who has sworn to uphold the laws and Constitution of the state, would make such an implied threat against people who dare to participate in a lawful food festival? Precisely what is meant by her statement? And, what if the Organization of Istanbul Armenians choose to continue to participate in festivals in which Armenians and Turks celebrate what they have in common and in honor of peaceful relations? What does this “attorney” intend to do to them?

    How ironic that Soukiassian claims that she is “not sure I can blame some Armenians if they truly feel the need to participate ‘under duress and fear of being subjected to all kinds of blackmail in Turkey,” and then resorts to same!

    Not only that, but “several Armenian American community leaders representing various organizations privately expressed exasperation at the Organization of Istanbul Armenians Los Angeles chapter’s participation. They have vowed to react vociferously if they continue to side with the denialist Turkish government in the free world of the Armenian Diaspora.”

    Really? And, what exactly are they threatening to do? We all know that during WWI, Dashnak terrorists brutally murdered Ottoman Armenians who refused to take up arms against their Ottoman government. Can we expect the same here? In our America? Has California really become an Armenian police state?

    Not only that, Kalayjian Enterprises’ Krikor “Cigar Koko” Kalayjian and his sons Minas and Hagop have proudly indoctrinated their assistant Raul Vizcaino, a “Mexican-American activist” who claims to strongly dislikes the Turks, saying “Those Turks are bad” and who these Armenians proposed to pose “like a genocidal Turk”.

    One can only imagine what kind of racism and primitive stereotypes drove the Kalayjians to believe it was appropriate for their Mexican employee to dress up like a “genocidal Turk.” You may be asking yourself just about now, “what does a “genocidal Turk” look like?” A Mexican, if you ask Armenians.

    Then there is Hagop Yedalian’s assistants Rigoberto, Reyes, David, Manuel, and Oswaldo, coming from various Latino-American backgrounds, who explained the widespread Latino disdain of the genocidal Turks. Several of them explained that fellow Latinos when intending to insult a man they would label him as “Turco!”

    Why would any peace loving Mexican-American or Latino activist who immigrated to America to live in a melting pot of ethnicities and to escape the poverty, hopelessness and discrimination of their own countries “strongly dislike Turks”? What history, relations with, or knowledge about Turks do these Mexican-Americans or Latinos have other than the racist propaganda implanted in their minds (i.e., brainwashing) by Armenian hate merchants?

    Gary Bedian, an “international entrepreneur-developer and Southland activist” proclaims “It remains to be seen if Turkey will … normalize relations with Armenia. After all, one must act European before he can become European.”

    Armenians like Bedian and others associated with this article need to be reminded that one must adopt the commonly accepted morals of modern civilization and nation states which embrace peace, rather than cling to primitive anti-social tribal allegiances promoting ethnic hatred, to have normal relations with anything or anyone.

    What is most telling about this article is its title: “Turkish Lies at Anatolian Festival” Greeted by Worldwide Condemnation”. What world and whose world? The article only makes reference to Armenians and a few Mexicans/Latinos employed by them. In what delusion does that constitute the whole world?

    Who perpetuates fanatical genocidal hatred, but these sado-masochistic Dashnak activists who are nothing more than ignorant puppets used to promote Russia’s interests in the Caucasus? Who behaves more like holocaust perpetrating Nazis, those who organize a peaceful festival to celebrate over a thousand years of commonality or these sado-masochistic genocide merchants who love to hate?

  5. Appo Jabarian Avatar
    Appo Jabarian

    Look who are talking about civilization: Flat out denialists like “KARAHAN METE,” “Robert,” “Ironside,” “Hally.”

    I hope you’re not taking yourselves seriously.

    Please remember that not even your bosses in Anakara taake you seriosuly.

    There is absolutely no value in your attacks.

    I hope you realize that at the end of the day only moderate and truth-seeking and righteous Turks will take constructive steps to courageously make amends to the victims of the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923.

  6. Hey Appo, I beg to differ!

    Truth be told dude, we don’t take YOU seriously! Who would take a hack who’s lost all credibility seriously? You mention values. Actually, there is quite a bit of value in our comments, for unlike your dribble, ours is based on FACTS, not BS emotional smoke & mirrors like that pathetic “Turkish Soup” side-show circus act (where were the dancing bears?)! All that did was to show how morally bankrupt and desperate all of you Dashnak Armenians have become! Also, as I have pointed out in my previous posts, you really aren’t qualified to give any kind of a “professional” opinion, since you’re not a credible jounalist! Unlike you Appo, I have no bosses in Ankara or anywhere else (you serve those at ANCA, among others).

    As for the truth-seeking and righteous, that is a two-way street. Armenia drew “first blood” when they banned (and is STILL banned to this day) the book written by Armenia’s first president/PM! I’ve read it and he does say some rather provacative and enlighting comments about what really transpired during this period. There are numerous non-Dashnak Armenians who know the truth, have told me and others what they witnessed (and it sure ain’t very flattering to you Dashnaks, that’s for damn sure!) and would love to speak their minds, however, the ones I have spoken with have received several death threats from “certain” Armenian groups! They are thus terrified into silence! Yet one more morally degenerative directive accomplished by the Dashnaks…Total PASSIFICATION of the Armenian population!! Sounds a lot like an old Nixon plan for Vietnam, doesn’t it? Yeah, let’s keep ’em ALL supressed!

    So, as long as your own authors who speak the truth are gagged, your own people in Armenia being continuously and systematicall oppressed (both by expression and religion), your accusations are invalid!

  7. Appo, there’s only one word to describe you and your “response”: IMPOTENT

  8. MexicanAmerican Avatar

    Hally & Karahan

    I totally agree with you both. The Anatolian Festival in Orange County was one of the biggest festivals in CA last year, with a wide array of displays showing the appreciation for, and value, of the various Anatolian cultures of modern day Turkey. This year, I’m looking forward to attending the 2nd Annual Anatolian Festival with my American fiance who is of Turkish descent.

    I enjoy the many cultural festivals and events that occur yearly in this great State of California, especially in Southern California where the population is so diverse, and many different languages are spoken.

    I am an educated and proud Mexican American, and I find that Appo Jabarian’s column and antics are in reality, insulting, demeaning, and condescending toward Mexican Americans and Turkish Americans. Appo’s comments are tainted with hate and racism. In fact, I do not appreciate Appo’s extreme radical hatred towards non-Armemians because he is simply being Un-American. And as for that licensed attorney, if she did in fact say it, I would suggest calling the Bar to complain because she appears to be biased and ready to deny the “rights” of particular groups since it would violate the 4th Amendment Equal Protection Clause of the US Constitution.

    Hally, as Mexican Americans, we were the ones who coined “equal is not separate” (see Mendez v. Westminister), President Obama borrowed our motto “Yes We Can” because we are the ones who fought against government sanctioned racial discrimination, & we have made many contributions to this great country the US in the military, academia, the arts, science, and we represent at various levels of government. Yes Hally, we are peace loving, but we are not the type of people to be manipulated, because we are leaders, and it is incompatible with our cultural values to hate others. Besides, like most Americans, I’m thankful to the Turkish government for allowing US Troops to use/transport equipment through their military bases.

    For you Turkish and Turkish Americans, whether you know it or not, we Mexican Americans share similar family and social values with you, we may have different faiths, but we both love our families, we love our culture, we love our faiths, and we are generally compassionate and warm people, like many of you. We do not hate you. Mexico has had diplomatic relations with Turkey since 1910.

    My handsome Turkish fiance often says “we come from a shared root in Central Asia, and its branches are many families, while your be ancestors (American Indians) went West to the American continent, ours (Turkic tribes) went East to Anatolia.”

  9. Mexican American,

    Like any other American, I encourage love, peace and happiness among all people. And while Turks as individuals may excel at warmth and hospitality [as do all of their neighbors], their state, culture and politics do not.

    Take for example the Orange Coast’s own Ergun Kirlikovali, of Coto de Caza, who hates not only Armenians of today and of 1915, but who also has displayed noteworthy racism against Mexican Americans. Google him to see what I mean.

    In the pages of the OC Weekly, on 11/2/08 at 3:10 pm, he posted this stunning and condescending insult to Mexicans, Mexican Americans, and the people of Tijuana to American-born, well known blogger and journo Gustavo Arellano, who is Mexican American:

    “Well hold just one minute, Speedy Gonzalez….This is not Tijuana, amigo, this is America. We investigate and discuss things first before we attack someone.”

    After the journalist and others protested the racist language, Kirlikovali kept on keeping on repeating it.

    If Kirlikovali was some random Turk, this would mean nothing, because racism is everywhere. But he was elected President Elect of the Assembly of Turkish American Associations just last year. His deep racism against Armenians, Greeks, Mexicans and Assyrians was already of record.

    And if you doubt the significant racism of the TR, check a news story from just last week in which the Health Ministry barred women from leaving Turkey for artificial insemination. No kidding. They did not want non Turkish blood in their nation.

    Which brings us to my last point.

    Turks, like pretty much everybody else. are a Mestizo group. The original invaders from central asia, few in number, imposed their language,but not their genes in any significant number. This is the standard story in the conquest of groups: the conqueror imposes its language and culture on the natives, obliterating the autochthonous language and customs.

    Just as the Indo-European language group is merely that, and not a race, so too the Turks of Anatolia and elsewhere are merely a linguistic and cultural group. Your boyfriend needs to look at genetic distance studies, which establish no statistically significant relationship between Anatolian Turks and central Asians.

    Finally, no reputable study, genetic, linguistic, or otherwise, finds significant relationships between any Turkic speakers and Native Americans. You might be interested to know that these ideas of an ur-Turkic proto-human language come from the 1930’s, when the world was awash with racist and hitlerian ideas.

  10. mok10501 Avatar

    You don’t look happy Appo, you need to try a little bit harder. Look at your picture first for God sake! it looks like have an incurable disease. It shows that there are some scars deep in your heart. You hate too much that is why you don’t look good, I guess. Can’t you read, at least some of the comments which here were not made by the Turks? BTW, why your name is Appo ? Are you implying something here?

  11. Moderate, hahahaha, Appo. You are like the Armenian version of Adolf Hitler. I have seen your articles on the web which are vilifying Turkish Nationalism and Turkish Rights to protect not only their borders, but their people from bigotry. I have heard story about how AYF Hitler Youth extremeists terrorized a Turkish Independence Event at the Long Beach Hilton in California. I also know about how Armenians in So Cal (particularly in Glendale and LA area) attacked Kobe Bryant viciously attacked him for signing a deal with Turkish airlines (and justifying it). Why didn’t Armenians in Fresno, Watertown, Boston or Pawtucket throw a hissy fit about it either. What are Armenian Supremacists, with AYF Hitler Youth Extremeist and Rabiz Big Nosed Track Suit Wearing Goons going to do, bring their cousins Ara, Nareg, Vahe, Shant, Levon, Armen, Harout, Aram, Bedros, Haig, and their whole gang (maybe even with 10-20 people) to viciously attack one guy for seeing a Turkish originated doctor or eating at a Turkish restaurant like a bunch of bloodthristy pack of wolves. What about how Armenian fanatics who distrupted a Turkish event in USC and made excuses for their fanatical behavior saying the event occured in April. I am sure if the event happened in July or December, you guys would make a humongous hissy fit like a bunch of babies about it and terrorize everyone there. You Armenian supremacist fanatical “Genocide Peddlers” don’t care if there are people like Taner Akcam, Orhan Pamuk, Ragip Zarakolu, hell, even Ayse Gunaysu won’t even cure your hatred for everything Turkish. You guys are going to make a sorry ass excuse saying “oh you kept on killing us for many centuries, you are all evil and more bloodthristy then a beast.” Excuse me, last time I checked, in the Ottoman Empire, Ottoman Emperors reffered to Armenians as the Honorable Nation and let Armenians grow to the top ranks of the empire, even higher then many Anatolian Moslem Nations like the Laz, Cherkez and Kurds. Oh you guys are going to pull the card “oh the reason the Ottoman Empire collapsed because of human rights issues.” LOL False, it collapsed because the emperors borrowed money from European Banksters and defaulted on loans from European Banks and the empire went totally bankrupt leading to poverty, hence Balkan and Middle Eastern nations breaking from the empire. Then in the 1800s/1900s, Russians and other European Imperalists provoked Armenians to create an ethnically pure Christian state spanning from the Meditterenean to Baku. Armenians planned this supremacist holy war on Anatolian Moslems and started torching villages, stabbing pregnant women, babies, little children and so on. When Turkish and non Turkish people say “ok Armenians I understand you lost of your people in tragic war, but lets not forget that there were butchered Muslims/Turks as well, hence civil war, rather then Genocide.” Armenian supremacists will throw the “Shoah Revisionism” card, viciously attack the person who is presenting the facts, and call him a denier and demonizing him. Armenian “Genocide Peddlers” and “Supremacists” will try to throw angry temper and try to agressively silence people who try to expose the facts. It is also ironic how Armenian Supremacist Bigots squirm about lack of Free Speech, when Gocek, Zarakolu, and etc. had a conference, as well as how Armenian Supremacist Bigots cry about Article 301, yet at the same time they go to other countries to pass laws to supress FREE SPEECH to talk about the truth about the Armenian Issue which includes : VILIFYING EVERYTHING TURKISH, TRYING TO PORTRAY EVERY TURK AS A BLOODTHIRSTY BEAST (EVEN TANER AKCAM, ORHAN PAMUK AND EVEN AYSE GUNAYSU), PLOTS TO DIVIDE TURKEY, WIPE IT OFF THE MAP, KILL EVERY ANATOLIAN MUSLIM MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD, AS WELL AS KILLING ALL TURKISH JEWS EVEN, DRAIN THE TURKISH ECONOMY, AS WELL AS THE EQUAL OR EVEN SLIGHTLY LARGER MUSLIM SUFFERING IN TURKEY, AS WELL AS THE AGRESSION AND FUNDAMENTALISM AGAINST TURKISH COMMUNITIES WORLDWIDE. Also, when you guys hear the word “Historical Commision” Armenian Supremacists literally poop in their pants and turn purple when they hear that word, because they know it will expose the schemes against everything Turkish, agression and terrorism against everything Turkish/Muslim from the 1870s-1920s and in the 1970s-present as well. As well as continous land demands which halted after Turkey drove Armenian troops out of Anatolia. Plus plots to demonize everything Turkish as well in the most disgusting ways too. They fear being exposed for their fanaticism and hate too. If someone brings up the word “Historical Commision”, Armenian Supremacists will bring up the Shoah card, at the same time denying the fact that Armenian Dashnak Hero Andranik Ozanyan joined Hitler in killing 6 million Jews, as well as how Armenians on sites like Stormfront claiming that they love Hitler and praise Hitler, as well as blaiming Donmeh Jews for the so-called Genocide (even though Armenians claim that Hitler was inspired by the so-called Genocide to kill Jews). I hope when I finish college, not only will I dedicate my time to my career, I will expose Armenian schemes, plots, genocide peddlings and holy wars against everything Turkish and Armenian Diasporas will have to KNEEL AND BEND DOWN FOR MERCY FOR THE TURKISH COMMUNITIES WORLDWIDE! I am not talking about Armenians in general, but Armenian Supremacists. Btw, I even have friends of Greek and Armenian origin and even though we may disagree on some issues, I still am their friends!

    Btw, Appo, what is your definition of a moderate Turk, someone who goes around and lies about his heritage saying his Russian, Greek, Arab or Persian, and is digusted by his own race and even goes watching Midnight Express and after seeing a movie which demonizes his own race in the most disgusting ways and says “all Turks are pigs and lowlife dogs and they should all die.”
    Is your definition of a Moderate Turk someone walks to the streets of Glendale, Fresno, Watertown and Pawtucket, and says “I am so sorry to all Armenians, we shouldn’t have killed all Armenian 1st Christian Angels, we Turks are Demonic Muslim beasts that like to Drink Blood. We are sooo sorry, I want to change my name from Ahmet Yilmaz to Armen Manukyan and convert to Christian, start growing lots of body hair, including a unibrow, move to Glendale, wear a Holy Cross Chain, get a cheap button up shirt from an LA swap meet to show my excessive body hairs and smoke cigars all day and say, Barev, Ara Ara Ara Kunem Inch Ka Kunem Kunem.”

    What is a Good Turk: 1) A Turk who stand strong, tall and proud of his culture, who exposes the TRUE facts about the Armenian issue, where it was not a Genocide but a Civil War where both Muslim And Christian people suffered, as well as exposing the facts where Turkey protected T/C’s from annihilation, and exposing the facts that Dashnaks are TERRORISTS, and how Dashnaks killed moderate Armenians who wanted to live in peace with their Anatolian Muslim brothers, as well as how PKK is a Marxist/Leninst terror group, and even has a communist sign on their symbol, as well as killing many people, both Turkish and Kurdish alike, as well as how the “Hai Tahd” movement is no different then Al-Qaidas war on America and everything American, as well as exposing the myth of “the only Turkish contributions to mankind is death and destruction” and fighting and exposing every myth of Turkey, Turkish people, Turkish cutlure, the Turkish nation and of Armenian, Greek and PKK fanatics.

    2) Or the Turk who is a coward, that is scared to admit his heritage, that is ashamed of his heritage and existance, that hates and loathes his people, that hides his heritage like a coward, that kneels and begs for mercy to Armenian fanatics like a clown, even when the Armenian supremacist still hates, who commits leftist terrorism in his motherland (like Taner Akcam when he joined the DEV-YOL group where he bombed American politicians including Ambassdor Komer, Plots to Bomb NATO bases, and even killed his own people who were against leftism, then fled to Germany to get a PHD in Sociology, and started to work as a researcher at Univ Of Minnesota, when he LIES LIKE A LITTLE COWARD ABOUT BEING A HISTORY PROFESSOR)

    Which one is a righteous Turk: the one who stands strong and brave and proud of his heritage and defends his heritage bravely rather then being “Politicially Correct”, like patriots like Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Kemal Kerinciz, Alparslan Turkes, Devlet Bahceli, Ilyas Botas, Gunay Evinch, Ergun Kirlikovali, Ferruh Demirmen, and others.

    Or: Terrorist cowards like Taner Akcam who tried to start a civil war in his homeland, then fled to to Germany to get a PhD in Sociology and went to US to work at Univ of Minnesota as a researcher and lies about being a Historian, Professor and Human Rights Activist, rather then being the true phony he is (Only Research Scientist, NOT a Historian, but Sociologist by Training, and a Former Terrorist of the DEV-YOL group, which Akcam is pretty much the Turkish version of Timothy Mc Veigh and the Norweigan Bomber).

    Number 1.

    Appo, you are like the Armenian version of Adolf Hitler or David Duke, just as David Duke disgustingly vilifies Blacks and Adolf Hitler disgustingly demonizes Jews, you disgustingly demonize Turks. You are even more vile and racist then Hitler and Satan put together. I have read all your articles on the web and they are so racist, it is even more digusting then what Hitler and Goebbels said about the Jews. You, Appo Jabarian, will one day rot in the depths of hell with Hitler, Goebbels, Bin Laden and the Devil Himself, where you belong, for your evil racist faschist articles.

  12. Btw, Appo, you think you can vilify everything Turkish with your racist Dashnak faschist butt-buddies, like Harout Sassounian, who had a brother named Hampig, where Mark Geragos was trying to free via parole and when before Sassounian tried to get freed, Hampig threw a hissy fit and moaned “When I am free, I will kill every Turk i see.” Or what about that Dashnak Neo-Nazi Artist named Zareh who pressured people to wear Ottoman Sultan Costumes and put up racist exhibits called “Turkish Soup Made With Armenian Bones.” Appo, how would you like it if some random dude put on a tracksuit or Armani/Versace clothes (dressing in “Rabiz” fashion), smoking a Fake Cigar, opened their chest and put a lot of fake chest hair on his body, as well as a fake unibrow, and put a bowl with money in it, and the exhibit was called “Armenian Soup made with American Money Stolen Via Medicare Fraud Money.” Cuz, after all didn’t your people just get busted for a 150 million dollar medicare fraud scheme and tried to cover it up. Didn’t the Armenian foreign minister make a big hissy fit about it to USA Authorities. What about how a fellow named Emil Israfilbek written about how WIKILEAKS REPORTS showed that Armenia gave guns to Iran, and then those guns ended up in Iraqi Shiite Militants to kill our USA TROOPS. Your people think you can get away forming AYF groups, which are no different than the Hitler Youth Movement, where kids as young as age 4 or 5 where costumes, do marches at camps (just like the Hitler Youth Movement did), and are indocrinated with fanatical nationalism/extremeism. Or your people think they can get away with terrorising Turkish events like the Republic Day Ball in 2008 @ the Long Beach Hilton, via AYF Hitler Youth Extremeists, and an AYF Hitler Youth extremeists, by the name of Vatche Thomassian said, we wanted to people the know the Historical Truths of the Turkish Republic. Yes, we know some Christians died, but what about the Millions of Moslem Anatolians (Turks, Kurds, Lazs, Cherkezs) killed by Greek Megali Faschists and Armenian Dashnak and Hincak Faschists. You guys will try to hide it, as well as Turkish “Genocide Peddlers” like Taner Akcam, who claims there were no unarmed innocent civilians, which is not only insulting and racist. You think you guys can dictate foreign policy and implement Armenia-firsters like Pallone or Menendez, who try to make USA a vassal state of Armenia, just as Dashnak Hate lobbiests made many states in Europe, Latin America and Australia vassal states of Armenia, for it’s schemes to kill every single Muslim woman, man and child in Anatolia. We all know you would like to kill every single Turk, Azeri, and Georgian. We all know how many Azeri even young children get killed by snipers near the Armenian border and Armenian Supremacists think they can fool the world with the “1st Christians” card. I am starting to doubt the validity of the “1st Christians” idea, I think it is a lie of Armenian Supremacists to further Armenian Supremacist ideaology and the vicious holy war against everything Turkish. What about how Turkish Night at USC got cancelled because of some Armenian Supremacist Goons started to viciously scream “Recognize The Armenian Genocide” and “Eastern Turkey Is Western Armenia” and viciously attacked patrons of the events, both Turkish and non-Turkish alike. Can’t you just give peace a chance, give it up and move on. Oh you are going to justify it and say, oh until we get our land and justice is served, we will keep on disturbing your event. I bet once you get land, you will ask for more until you get rid of every Muslim in Anatolia. It is funny how we ask you guys to do the HISTORICAL COMMISION, and how we as well as non-Turks bring up the Muslm suffering in Anatolia, but you guys literally poo your pants when you hear the word “HISTORICAL COMMISION.” Because it will expose Armenian terrorism, agression, agitation and agressive holy war tactics towards everything Turkish from 1870s-1920s and 1970s-present, how equal or even more Muslims suffered, how Armenians are terrorizing and attacking everything Turkish, or how Armenians try to supress free speech and hypocritically squeal about Article 301, or how Armenians attacked Kobe Bryant in LA (and tried to justify it). What next for Armenian Supremacists, to viciously attack someone just because he eats at a Turkish restaurant or sees a Turkish-originated doctor, and say that the Turkish doctor or restaurant are spies of the Turkish government. What next, are you going to say all international students from Turkey work as spies for the Turkish government, LMFAOOOOOOOO.
    Right now I am getting my community college education and once I go to a 4 year college, I will expose the fanaticism and hate and bigotry and how hateful Armenian Supremacists are towards each and every single thing that is Turkish out there. As well as the Armenian Supremacist territorial demands, which where Armenian Supremacist fanatical racist bigots failed at the land grab in 1915-1923 and how Turkish troops crushed Armenian Fedayis at the Battle of Sarkiamish under the command of Kazim Karabekir.

    Btw, I don’t hate all Armenians, I had classmates in K-12 years named Nareg, and two siblings by the name of Shant and Taline. There are Armenians who detest the vile behavior of Armenian Supremacists, like Artin Penik, an Armenian from Turkey who protested the terrorism of ASALA, or Edward Tashji, a Turkish fellow (with 1/2 ARMENIAN 1/2 ASSYRIAN) background who even exposed these 1 sided genocide allegations. I am just a person who wants to see his motherland defend his borders and his people thrive and fight against bias, bigotry and one-sded “Genocide Peddling.”

    Whenever you guys try to bring up the Shoah card or the Hitler quote whenever you have FACTS thrown into your face, I will say that, I see Armenians on Stormfront bragging about how they love Hitler or how Armenians brag that Hitler was going to attack Turkey (pretty ironic that they claim this and say Ataturk inspired Hitler, and at the same time Armenians claim Ataturk was a Crypto-Jew), I also saw an Armenan guy who was proud that “Armenian Aryans” goons defaced a Holocaust Monument. This is PROOF that you cannot compare debunking the False Genocide to Shoah Revisionism. I have evidence to debunk every single myth and counter allegation and If any supremacist “Genocide Peddler” whether Turkish, Armenian, or none of the above throws an argument to me, I will defeat every single argument, because I have SOLID EVIDENCE to back up my statement.

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