Turkish genocide scholar applauds Obama

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James F. Smith April 6, 2009 03:51 PM From Boston

A prominent Turkish scholar says President Obama today gave a tactful but powerful push to the Turkish government to confront the question of whether the killings of Armenians in 1915 were the first genocide of the 20th century.

Taner Akcam is a longtime advocate for human rights for minorities in his native Turkey, as well as an academic authority on Turkey’s handling of the genocide issue. He is a professor in genocide studies at Clark University in Worcester, and author of the 2006 book, “Shameful Act: The Armenian Genocide and The Question of Turkish Responsibility.”

Akcam said of Obama’s speech to the Turkish Parliament in Ankara: “I think he really pushed the borders, in a very positive and very smart way.”

Obama stopped short of using the word genocide, but applauded the Turkish government for its willingness to improve relations with neighboring Armenia, which necessarily requires dealing with the sensitive genocide issue.

Akcam said Obama went as far as any president could go in addressing a foreign country’s legislature. During the presidential campaign in 2008, Obama said that the killings of the Armenians amounted to genocide. Before addressing the Turkish Parliament, Obama said that he had not changed his views, which were “on the record.”

In today’s address, he did not address the issue directly, but encouraged Turkey to to resolve its dispute and reopen the border with Armenia, adding: “Reckoning with the past can help us seize a better future.”

Obama went on to say: “I know there are strong views in this chamber about the terrible events of 1915. And the best way forward for the Turkish and Armenian people is a process that works through the past in a way that is honest, open and constructive.”

Akcam said that Obama had in effect said, “‘it is not important what I think — which is a clever way of saying I believe it was genocide — but I encourage you to talk to your neighbors, and am happy that you are developing your relationship with Armenia.’ More than that, one could not expect.”

Akcam said it was especially effective for Obama to note that the United States had also worked through contentious and vexing issues including slavery. “It was very clever because he put the United States in the center. He said, ‘look, I am coming from a country where even people like myself couldn’t vote. And we have our history of mistreatment of native Americans. But now I am speaking as a president.”

But Akcam said that words alone from the new US president won’t be enough to overcome years of mistrust of American administrations. He said Obama would need to take specific actions to encourage Turkey to treat its minorities with greater respect, including the Kurds — whose alphabet still cannot be used in Turkey. Akcam also said Turkey needs to repeal the law making it crime to insult “Turkishness.”

Akcam himself was investigated in 2007 under that provision of the Turkish penal code when he aligned himself with the late Hrant Dink, the assassinated Turkish activist who had recognized the Armenian genocide. No charges were filed then. But Akcam had been jailed in several times in the 1970s. He escaped from prison in 1977 after serving one year of a nine-year sentence, and received asylum in Germany. He taught in Minnesota before moving to Clark.

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7 responses to “Turkish genocide scholar applauds Obama”

  1. Sukru S. Aya Avatar
    Sukru S. Aya

    Mr. Akcam is “no advocate of human rights, nor any ACADEMIC authority”. He is an ex-convict on charges of leftist terror, who escaped from prison, went to Germany where he was taken under protection of Tessa Hoffman a notorious anti-Turk. She kept him for some time and then transferred him to Zorian Institute where he became “his master’s voice”, Vahakn Dadrian. His scholarship (if any) is in sociology but he wrote books on order for the “Armenian Genocide” which topic became his life saver and check sender.
    He is paid by Zorian institute for his anti-Turkish books, based on “personal interpretations and distortions” but no “documentary evidence” nor “logical explanation”. He is using his “Turkish identity” to make himself
    valuable to his masters and certainly deserves what he is paid for. Mr. Akcam works are all biased based on
    “selected sources”. I believe any NEUTRAL TRUE SCHOLAR, does not have any such liberty and must READ and USE other sources as well. This, Mr. Akcam never did, never does.

  2. ulku bassoy Avatar
    ulku bassoy

    Mr Aya is right: Taner Akcam, an anti-American ex-terrorist, has been brought up as an anti-Turkish Armenian genocide trader by his masters, first in Germany, then in the US, where he has been accorded pseudo academic titles, in the shortest time possible. He has no knowledge of the old Ottoman script in Arabic letters, publis books writes as if he studied the Ottoman Archives in Istanbul. He has become a stupid toy in the hands of Zoryan Institute that pays him in return for his slanderous conferences, articles, books, TV appearances etc.
    He is one of the unlucky creatures who sold his soul to the Turchophobe centers in Europe and in the US.

  3. The ferocious assault this publication always makes against Akcam is invariably directed to a [false and defamatory] statement of his background, and never to his evidence, reasonong or conclusions.

    That is a tacit admission none of you can deal with the man’s ideas.

  4. Mr Akcam distributed leaflets with which the fascists disagreed. That might be “terrorism” in Turkey, but its free speech here.

    Want to join Europe? Learn not to fear the expression of ideas with which you disagree.

    Think sociolotgists are not historians? Ok, but Guenter Lewy is also not a historian, who also does not read Ottoman script, yet you all prostrate yourself in abject worship at the drop of his name.

    Don’t likre his funding? Ok, but then discount all ITS scholars’ work, not to mention all work done at Turkish state schools.

  5. Berktay, Gocek, Akarli, Derengil, Turkyilmaz, Adanir, and Ungor.

    There are now more Turkish scholars who affirm the Genocide of Christian subjects than non Turkish scholars who deny or say it is an open question.

    Keep screaming Genocide denials in Genocidal language [Armenians of 1915 and today are “backstabbers, liars, falsifiers, traitors, willing to kill any Turk on sight” – Ergun Kirlikovali].

    Whether Congres or Obama does or does not say the Genocide word, you have lost. No wonder you want a Conmmission to debate a question already resolved by the world 9.4 decades ago.

  6. ulku bassoy Avatar
    ulku bassoy

    Armenian genocide industry and its traders should get themselves rid of that G obsession.
    This will help them improve their personality; pity that they are taken hostage by an industrialized and commercialized non-occurred G.

    G contenders should understand the futility of solving problems by submitting themselves to other nations’ and peoples’ imperialistic mercy-yokes(nowadays the parliaments, governments, regional governments etc.). Seeking persistently the paternal protection of colonial powers as such, left them, since the late 19th century, well prostrated. Hasn’t this been enough lesson?
    Careful reading of the books written by Armenian statesmen and historians like Lalayan, Boryan and Katchaznouni who have imparted realistic accounts of what happened particularly in the 1915s, would be highly instructive for learning what had really happened in Eastern Anatolia. They should see how their forefathers became virtual slaves of the then imperialist powers by volunteering in the warring and invading Russian-Tsarist armies in East Anatolia, by wearing occupying French legionnaires’ uniforms in Southern lands of the Ottoman lands.
    Consenting to conversion from the Gregorian to the Catholic, protestant; even orthodox confessions under the Latters’ religious inculcations and promises for an independent Armenia in the Ottoman lands where they had never formed a majority, has been, in fact, a tragedy for humanity and an unfortunate indignity for the Armenians themselves.
    I do not understand why Egoyan doesn’t really shoot a film about such doleful part of history.
    Please, I think it is high time now to find the real Armenian identity and, that cannot be achieved, through fawning a la Grecque, before the other nations legislative and executive bodies.

  7. Ergun Kirlikovali Avatar
    Ergun Kirlikovali

    Taner Akcam is a paid Armenian agent. Here is the proof from the legal counsel of the University of Minnesota, where he worked as a research associate but misrepresented himself as being employed as associate professor:

    Office of the General Counsel
    Re: Letter to University President Robert Bruininks

    Dear Mr. Kirlikovali:

    University of Minnesota President Robert Bruininks asked me to respond to your December 13, 2007, e-mail regarding Dr. Taner Akcam.

    …In your e-mail, you asked whether Dr. Akcam’s position is funded, in whole or in part, by an Armenian foundation.…It is my understanding that Dr. Taner’s current position is funded in large part by the Zoryan Institute, and the Cafesjian Family Foundation.

    …Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.

    Brent P. Benrud
    Associate General Counsel


    Taner Akcam was also involved in Marxis-Leninist terrorism in Turkey; caught in the act; tried; convicted; imprisoned; and escaped his jail cell; and made his way to Germany where Armenians befriended and used him as their propaganda tool. Now Armenians claim Akcam is a “prisoner of conscience” arrested for “hanging posters”. If you can believe the Armenian falsifiers, then you can believe the genocide.

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